Releases: unity-idm/unity
Releases · unity-idm/unity
Release 4.0.5
New features:
Bugs fixed:
- UY-1497 No login context for 40d25e56-0b2b-436d-92b8-65569d1c0f24?redirectToIdP
- UY-1501 Invalid formatting of Trusted applications screen in User Home
- UY-1502 Auto proxy login does not work
- UY-1504 Missing refresh of attributes in UpMan
- UY-1505 User home not initialized properly after policy document acceptance
- UY-1506 Missing error reason when deleting a form used in upman
- UY-1507 Trying to edit the authentication flow using the edit button causes error
- UY-1508 Attribute combobox shows incorrectly attributes with empty displayed name
- UY-1509 Incorrect drag and drop behavior on attribute statement grid
- UY-1517 NPE when SAML federation entries are presented in authentication screen in grid mode
Release 4.0.4
New features:
Bugs fixed:
- UY-1490 Wrong sign-in grid logo icon scaling
- UY-1491 Wrong logo icon scaling - User Home
- UY-1492 Can't edit a group when groups tree have a scrollbar
- UY-1493 Remote authentication is not proceeding after 2nd factor authN
- UY-1494 Wrong label associated with "Remove from group" action in UpMan
- UY-1495 Oauth client credentials grant is not setting iss and aud claims when access token format is JWT
- UY-1496 Invalid error handling, when adding invitations in upman, when registration form is broken
- UY-1498 Application with access denied are not shown on HomeUI
- UY-1499 AuthenticationFlowPolicyConfigMVELContextBuilder does not log the entire created context on debug level
- UY-1500 Incorrect title for confirmation button on edit translation profile subview
Release 4.0.3
Release 4.0.2
New features:
Bugs fixed:
- UY-1462 Unable to fully determine correct flow-build-info
- UY-1477 HTML tooltip in components outside the console module not working
- UY-1478 Improve image attribute editor and presenter
- UY-1479 Mysql DB initialization fails
- UY-1486 Performance issue when entering or sending invitations
- UY-1487 Mail channel not working (take 2)
Release 4.0.1
New features:
Bugs fixed:
- UY-1463 Configured defaultWebPath is not respected
- UY-1464 HTML elements in the console tool tips are not rendered
- UY-1465 NPE after save HomeUI service editor with opened exposed attribute editor
- UY-1466 Policy document editor saves optional documents as mandatory and vice versa
- UY-1467 HomeUI profile view error when email or mobile attribute should be displayed
- UY-1468 Mail channel not working
- UY-1469 Sizing of attribute editors in HomeUI
- UY-1470 Wrong handling of unapplicable enquiry
- UY-1472 Enquiry logout does not work
- UY-1473 Fix enquiry buttons layout when enforced after login
- UY-1474 Enquiries are not enforced after logging to home ui or console (they are after login via IdP through)
- UY-1475 Improve attribute editors
- UY-1476 Fix authenticators dryrun - add missing label
Release 4.0.0
New features:
- UY-1295 Drop UNICORE endpoint
- UY-1296 Upgrade SAML Web IdP to Vaadin 23
- UY-1297 Upgrade OAuth AS to Vaadin 23
- UY-1298 Upgrade HomeUI to Vaadin 23 w/ major refresh
- UY-1299 Upgrade email confirmation UI to Vaadin 23
- UY-1300 Upgrade Attribute introspection UI to Vaadin 23
- UY-1304 Upgrade standalone enquiry & registration
- UY-1305 Update public navigation view and policy documents view
- UY-1306 Upgrade standalone secured views container to Vaadin 23
- UY-1307 Standalone connect id on V23
- UY-1308 Upgrade AuthenticationUI to Vaadin 23
- UY-1309 Upgrade standalone secured enquiry to Vaadin 23
- UY-1311 Upgrade Unity min Java version to 17
- UY-1331 Remote registration support in standalone forms
- UY-1347 Remove types-api module
- UY-1351 Major update of mariadb RDBMS driver
- UY-1352 Update Junit to 5
- UY-1356 Rewrite admin console to Vaadin 23
- UY-1384 Drop Vaadin 8 support
- UY-1402 Upgrade Unity to use Jetty 12
- UY-1405 Update Vaadin to 24
- UY-1406 Single styling theme for all Unity endpoints & faster build
- UY-1407 Update CXF to 4.x
- UY-1426 Update Vaadin 24 to the newest version
- UY-1432 Duplicated "required" field popups
- UY-1440 SCIM endpoint properties not included CORS config
- UY-1442 Cyclic dependency updates for 4.0.0
- UY-1446 UI frames for customized branding
Bugs fixed:
- UY-1355 Not working console configuration of active value selection
- UY-1390 "Navigation Error" after authN via Unity as oauth IdP
- UY-1391 There was an exception while trying to navigate to 'oauth2-authz-web-ui' with the root cause 'java.lang.IllegalStateException: No sign in context after authentication'
- UY-1411 It is not possible to import the eduPerson attribute type predefined package
- UY-1443 Template not found for name "error-app.ftl"
- UY-1447 Misc U4 bugs
- UY-1454 IllegalArgumentException: No location
- UY-1455 Navigation error when "switch to another account" option is used
- UY-1456 No sign in context after authentication
- UY-1457 Authz code flow request with prompt=none cause Invalid State error
- UY-1458 HTTP ERROR 403 Access is blocked for 29s more, due to sending too many invalid session cookies.
- UY-1459 Invalid state error after second OAuth authentication with prompt none
- UY-1460 Distribution doesn't contain demo unity ca cert in truststore
- UY-1461 NPE after authentication with invalid HTTP basic authorization header
Release 3.16.1
Release 3.16.0
New features:
- UY-1434 Store and expose Authn Context Class received from upstream IdP
- UY-1438 Dynamic 2nd factor activation policy
- UY-1444 Support "notBefore" constraint in issued SAML assertions
- UY-1448 Flexible filtering of trusted IdPs of SAML federation
- UY-1449 Slow loading of enquiry responses in console
- UY-1450 Do not select default root group in directory browser when entering console
Bugs fixed:
Release 3.15.1
New features:
- UY-1423 Cover OAuth authN requirements in SCIM REST API docs
- UY-1425 Support import of the mapped SCIM schema from console
- UY-1437 Support for Java 21 runtime
Bugs fixed:
- UY-1427 Policies not shown if are the only element to be collected after remote registration
- UY-1428 Set default transaction isolation level to prevent from dirty and non-repeatable reads.
- UY-1435 Separators and headers are being mixed when added in Console together
- UY-1439 Optional credential validation for OAuth token exchange
Release 3.15.0
New features:
- UY-1413 Improvements in UpManREST API documentation
- UY-1414 Fix UpmanRestAuthorizationManager attribute mapping
- UY-1415 Policy documents support in UpMan
- UY-1416 Enquiry forms management
- UY-1417 Projects forms management over UpMan REST API
- UY-1421 Cyclic dependency updates for 3.15.0
Bugs fixed:
- UY-1420 Project management REST API does not validate that the group is a project group