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This project has been created to manage the WebRTC MCU

Peers need a signaling server to exchange some informations like SDP / Candidate Exchange before initializing a P2P / STUN / TURN connection. It's written in GoLang.

Coding styles & philosophy

we embrace the overly defensive programming paradigm
we treat "preventable errors" (developers errors) like nil pointer / wrong library calls / ... as full errors.

we try to have minimalistic dependencies requirements, to keep control & lower the exec footprint.

the coding style respects goimports (standard gofmt variant)

context ctx:

  • the context ctx should flow through the program
  • the context ctx should "inform", not "control". A function receiving the context should be able to read it's content to alter it's behavior, but you shouldn't pass context param as function parameters to control the function behavior.

Object initialization:

  • every "objects" should have builder func : New ; this func should init maps & other fields.
  • if the object is used with parameters (external maps, ...), you should implement another NewWith func


we use a Dockerfile to build the app
the build is multi-stage : builder & release
builder <=> contains a debian image with the dev tools, go source, libraries sources, packages sources, ...
base <=> contains a debian image with a copy of "builder" image libraries release <=> base + a copy of "builder" image go live-webrtcsignaling binary

For dev env, you should use

Dev using infra-dockercompose

git clone [email protected]:heytribe/infra-dockercompose.git
git submodule update --init --recursive
docker-compose build live-webrtcsignaling
docker-compose up live-webrtcsignaling rabbitmq

open your favorite IDE in infra-dockercompose/vol-gopath-versioned/src/

Dev inspection

you can also build the image outside docker compose, using the Makefile

create the builder image, containing source code, dev tools, libraries sources, packages, ...

make builder

to create the base image

make base

to create a release image

make release

push the release image to GCE dev

make pushReleaseToDev

you can launch the image or spawn a shell against the image using script

./ builder # launch the mcu:builder
./         # launch the mcu:release
./ builder bash # launch a bash shell inside mcu:builder
./ bash         # launch a bash shell inside mcu:release

GCE dev

create release image

make release

push the release image to GCE dev

make pushReleaseToDev

restart service

/data/coreos/ beta
/data/coreos/ beta

follow what's happening

fleetctl journal -follow -lines=1000 [email protected]

Network testing on your local env

install pumba

git clone [email protected]:gaia-adm/pumba.git && cd pumba && docker build -t pumba -f Dockerfile .

play with pumba netem (wrapper around linux Trafic Control: tc) to add 2sec delay

docker run -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -ti pumba pumba --debug netem --duration 1m delay --time 2000 infradockercompose_live-webrtcsignaling_1



Rooms: group of Room
Room: single conversation room composed of "websocket connections objects" Hub: simple index object map of websocketId => "websocket connection object" FIXME

High level overview

simplest mode: 2 peers communicating

first peer connects

[----- Publisher ----] [----- Listener -----]
Client 1 <---------> MCU <---------> Client 2

[==========================================>] [----- Publisher ----] [----- Listener -----] Client 1 <---------> MCU <---------> Client 2

// opening websocket webrtcsignaling main() func is :

  • loading config
  • initializing global objects
  • start listening on http path "/" and "/api"

when client X is hitting "/api" using websocket => open WebSocket WS.

  • register WS in hub object.
  • start goroutines readPump & writePump on the WS.

WS.readPump will pop messages on the websocket and send them to connection.processMessage() -> connection.handleApi()

// signaling part // client & mcu will exchange their SDP using the websocket exchangeSdp()

  • if client is client 1 <=> publisher side:
    • parsing SDP given by client 1
    • create a webRTCSession
    • answer SDP
    • create a stunContext
    • start webRTCSession: webRTCSession.serveWebRTC()
  • if client is client 2 <=> listener side: start webRTCSession: webRTCSession.serveWebRTC()

// connection d'un peer aux autres webRTCSession.connectListeners() si on est "client 1", pour tous les peers de la room autre que sois meme on cree un SDP (sdpCtx.createSdpOffer()) on echange un SDP on crée une NewWebRTCSession

// serveWebRTC

  • ouvre socket UDP
  • start goroutines readPump & writePump sur la socket UDP. readPump call connudp.processPacket() -> si packet stun => stun.handleStunMessage() => ChState
  • lance stateManager
    • si un packet passe le ctx stun en StunStateCompleted
      • session webRTCSession est publisher
        • create GST decoder
        • create dtls session (dtlsclientconnect)
        • create srtp session
        • => event webRTCSession is UP
      • session webRTCSession est listener
        • create dtls session (dtlsServerAccept)
        • create GST encoder
        • create srtp session
        • => event webRTCSession is UP


  • rename connection object into ws
  • remove webRTCSession create & stunContext create from exchangeSdp()

Just type 'make'. It will build a linux image ready to be dockerized. 'make docker' push the image on the private registry on CoreOS cluster



Memory profiling

@see /memstats http func handler in webrtcsignaling.go


start a trace in the code :

f, err = os.Create(time.Now().Format("trace.pprof"))
if err != nil {
if err := trace.Start(f); err != nil {

terminate the trace


full example

var f *os.File

f, err = os.Create(time.Now().Format("trace.pprof"))
if err != nil {
if err := trace.Start(f); err != nil {

http.HandleFunc("/tracestop", func (w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {

launch the trace analysis :

go tool trace tmp/runner-build trace.pprof

How it works

webrtcsignaling open a secured websocket service with wildcard. All the exchange negociation will be made with this API Websocket. A hearthbeat is sent via a ping to test the link.

Server message formats

RPC Methods

An RPC method can be call sending a json message beginning with

  "a"        :  "<action name>",
  "d"        :  "<data>

All the RPC methods return a json block beginning with

  "a"  :  "<action name>R",
  "s"  :  true,
  "d"  :  {

in case of success, where:

"a" means action (string with a R concatenated at the end)

"s" means success (boolean)

"d" is the data associated, if any returned

In case of errors, the RPC methods return a json block beginning with

  "a" : "<action name>R",
  "s" : false,
  "e" : <error code number>

"a" mean action (string with R concatened at the end)

"s" mean success (boolean)

"e" is an error code encountered (integer), described in the section errors


A received event is represented as a json block beginning with

  "a"        :  "<event name>",
  "d"        :  "<data>




    1. join
    1. reconnect
    1. exchangeCandidate
    1. exchangeSdp
    1. orientationChange


    1. eventExchangeCandidate
    1. eventExchangeSdp
    1. eventUserMediaConfiguration
    1. eventLeave
    1. eventOrientationChange
    1. eventFreeze
    1. eventCpu

RPC calls

1. 'join'


Request for joining a roomId



  "a"        :  "join",
  "d"        : {
                 "roomId"      :  "<roomId>",
                 "bearer"      :  "<bearer>",
                 "platform"    :  "<platform>",
                 "deviceName"  :  "<deviceName>",
                 "networkType" :  "<networkType>",
                 "version"     :  "<version>",
                 "appVersion"  :  "<appVersion>",
                 "orientation" :  <orientation>,
                 "camera"      :  "<camera>"
Name Type Description
roomId String Room Identifier
bearer String OAuth Bearer Token
platform String Platform used to join ("Android","iOS","Web")
deviceName String Device name (eg: iPhone 7, OnePlus 3 etc...)
networkType String Network type (two values: "wifi" or "mobile")
version String Version of the OS (eg: iOS 10.0.3 etc...) or browser (eg: chrome v57)
appVersion String Application version (tribe version. eg: 110)
orientation Integer Initial orientation of the device in degrees (0 == titled left, 90 == normal, 180 == titled right, 270 == upside down)
camera String Orientation of the camera ("front" or "back")


  "a"   : "joinR",
  "s"   :  true,
  "d"   :  {
             "socketId" :  "<socketId>",
             "roomSize" :  <roomSize>,
             "userMediaConfiguration": {
             "sessions" :  [
                 "socketId": "<socketId>",
                 "userId"  : "<userId>"
Name Type Description
socketId String Socket Identifier (32 bytes in hexadecimal string) of your publisher/connection used for reconnect
roomSize Integer Number of peers connected to the room (updated)
userMediaConfiguration JSON Object complete JSON configuration object for getUserMedia() eg: { "audio": true, "video": { "width": { "max": "" }, "height": { "max": "" }, "frameRate": { "min": ""}}}
sessions Object Array an array of sessions attached to the roomId
socketId String Socket Identifier (32 bytes in hexadecimal string)
userId String backend userId (short id) associated to the socketId

2. 'reconnect'


Request for reconnecting an existing socketId



  "a"        :  "reconnect",
  "d"        : {
                 "socketId"      :  "<socketId>"
Name Type Description
socketId String Socket Identifier


  "a"   : "reconnectR",
  "s"   :  true
Name Type Description
roomSize Integer Number of peers connected to the room (updated)

3. 'exchangeCandidate'


Request for sending an ICE candidate



  "a"         :  "exchangeCandidate",
  "d"         : {
                  "to"        :  "<socketId>",
                  "candidate" :  "<jsonICECandidate>"
Name Type Description
socketId String Socket Identifier where the ICE candidate must be sent
jsonICECandidate Json ICE candidate WebRTC ICE candidate (eg: {"candidate":"candidate:1321500371 2 udp 1685987070 35188 typ srflx raddr rport 35188 generation 0 ufrag fhni network-id 2 network-cost 10","sdpMid":"audio","sdpMLineIndex":0})


  "a" :  "exchangeCandidateR",
  "s" :  true

4. 'exchangeSdp'


Request for sending a SDP (Session Description)



  "a"    :  "exchangeSdp",
  "d"    :  {
              "to"   :  "<socketId>",
              "sdp"  :  "<jsonSdp>"
Name Type Description
socketId String Socket Identifier where the SDP must be sent
jsonSdp JSON SDP WebRTC Session description


  "a" :  "exchangeSdpR",
  "s" :  true

5. 'orientationChange'


Request for sending an orientation mobile change. This request will generate a broadcast eventOrientationChange message to all peers connected on the same roomId



  "a"    :  "orientationChange",
  "d"    :  {
              "orientation"  :  <orientation>,
              "camera"       :  "<camera>"
Name Type Description
orientation Integer New orientation of the device (0, 90, 180, 270)
camera String Orientation of the camera ("front" or "back")


  "a" :  "orientationChangeR",
  "s" :  true

Events calls

6. 'eventExchangeCandidate'


This is an event to receive an ICE Candidate from another peer on the joined RoomId



  "a"         :  "eventExchangeCandidate",
  "d"         :  {
                   "from"      :  {
                     "socketId": "<socketId>",
                     "userId"  : "<userId>"
                   "candidate" :  "<jsonICECandidate>"
Name Type Description
from JSON Object From which peer event came
socketId String Socket Identifier (32 bytes in hexadecimal string)
userId String backend userId (short id) associated to the socketId
candidate Json ICE candidate WebRTC ICE candidate

7. 'eventExchangeSdp'


This is an event to receive a SDP (Session description) from another peer on the joined RoomId



  "a"     :  "eventExchangeSdp",
  "d"     :  {
               "from"      :  {
                 "socketId": "<socketId>",
                 "userId"  : "<userId>"
               "sdp"   :  "<jsonSdp>"
Name Type Description
from JSON Object From which peer event came
socketId String Socket Identifier (32 bytes in hexadecimal string)
userId String backend userId (short id) associated to the socketId
jsonSdp JSON SDP WebRTC Session description

8. 'eventUserMediaConfiguration'


Event sent when new audio/video configuration changes (e.g, when a user joins or leaves the room). You should set the new audio/video constraints detailed in the userMediaConfiguration field with getUserMedia() then removeStream / addStream the new stream returned by getUserMedia on all peerConnections with RTCPeerConnection.removeStream() and RTCPeerConnection.addStream(). Then an onnegotiationneeded event will be trigered.

Be careful, because you should call again a createOffer after replacing streams for all RTCPeerConnection answered with createOffer. The onnegotiationneeded call check if this is an offer or not (isOffer on the web poc) and call createOffer() only in this case. You should only call createOffer() manually after removeStream() / addStream() if the RTCPeerConnection has answered with a createAnswer() at init. Other RTCPeerConnection will call it through the method onnegotiationneeded() theorically, it depends of your implementation.



  "a"  :  "eventUserMediaConfiguration",
  "d"  :  <userMediaConfiguration>
Name Type Description
userMediaConfiguration JSON Object complete JSON configuration object for getUserMedia() eg: { "audio": true, "video": { "width": { "max": "" }, "height": { "max": "" }, "frameRate": { "min": ""}}}

9. 'eventLeave'


Event received when a user quits the roomId.



  "a"  :  "eventLeave",
  "d"  :  {
            "roomSize"   :  <roomSize>,
            "socketId"   :  "<socketId>",
            "userId"     :  "<userId>"
Name Type Description
roomId String Room identifier
roomSize Integer Number of peers connected to the room (updated)
socketId String Socket Identifier that quit the roomId
userId String backend userId associated to this socketId

10. 'eventOrientationChange'


event sent when a peer has changed is orientation and send orientationChange API message. this event will be received by all other peers connected to the same roomId. Then some actions could be taken on views if something is wrong.



  "a"  :  "eventOrientationChange",
  "d"  :  {
            "from"          :  {
               "socketId" : "<socketId>",
               "userId"   : "<userId>"
            "platform"      :  "<platform>",
            "orientation"   :  <orientation>,
            "camera"        :  "<camera>"
Name Type Description
from JSON Object From which peer event came
socketId String Socket Identifier (32 bytes in hexadecimal string)
userId String backend userId (short id) associated to the socketId
platform String Platform used to join ("Android","iOS","Web")
orientation Integer New orientation of the device (0, 90, 180, 270)
camera String Orientation of the camera ("front" or "back")

11. 'eventFreeze'


event sent when a video freeze occured (eg fps to 0 / bad connection)



  "a"  :  "eventFreeze"
Name Type Description
No data fields

12. 'eventCpu'


event sent by the client app every 60 seconds with the instant CPU used (%)



  "a"  :  "eventCpu",
  "d"  :  {
            "cpuUsed": <cpu>        
Name Type Description
cpuUsed Integer CPU consumption in %


This micro service send events on an exchange named live_events. If you would like to receive these events, you should create a queue bound to this exchange name. Routing keys represent the event name.

Events name (Routing Keys)

  • room.join
  • room.leave



A user has joined the roomId


  "roomId"     :  "<roomId>",
  "roomSize"   :  <roomSize>,
  "socketId"   :  "<socketId>",
  "userId"     :  "<userId>",
  "platform"   :  "<platform>",
  "appVersion" : "<appVersion>",
  "version"    :  "<version>",
  "ip"         :  "<ip>",
  "bitrate"    :  <bitrate>
Name Type Description
roomId String Room identifier
roomSize Integer Number of peers connected to the room (updated)
socketId String Socket Identifier that joined the roomId
userId String backend userId associated to this socketId
platform String type of platform (eg: "Web", "iOS", "Android")
appVersion String version of the client app
version String version of the browser or OS mobile device



A user has left the roomId


  "roomId"   :  "<roomId>",
  "roomSize" :  <roomSize>,
  "socketId" :  "<socketId>",
   "userId"  :  "<userId>"
Name Type Description
roomId String Room identifier
roomSize Integer Number of peers connected to the room (updated)
socketId String Socket Identifier that quit the roomId
userId String backend userId associated to this socketId


This event is sent every 60 seconds and rebroadcasts all Sessions running on a specified roomId.


  "roomId"   :  "<roomId>",
  "roomSize" :  <roomSize>,
  "sessions" :  [
      "socketId": "<socketId>",
      "userId"  : "<userId>"
Name Type Description
roomId String Room identifier
roomSize Integer Number of peers connected to the room (updated)
sessions Object Array an array of sessions attached to the roomId
socketId String Socket Identifier (32 bytes in hexadecimal string)
userId String backend userId (short id) associated to the socketId


WebRTC MCU & Signaling server






No releases published


No packages published


  • Go 94.3%
  • C 3.5%
  • Dockerfile 1.4%
  • Other 0.8%