Team 8 will be in charge of creating a Menstrual Cycle App in which the user will be able to track down their menstrual patterns. With this data, the app will make estimations for the user's menstrual cycle and notify an approximated important dates. The user will also be able to link the app with other users to show their personal data.
Please view other readmes in scala-api, flovver-app, and documents
Based on:
Application figma mock up design prototype :
Application expo demo link :
Application video demo link :
- Download the expo app in your phone for testing app
- Install nodejs and npm
- Install expo client globally:
npm install -g expo-cli
- Install Docker and Docker Compose
- To start developing native app first install dependancies:
cd ./flovver-app
npm install
- Now your ready to start dev server run the following command in the flovver-app directory:
expo start
- run the following command from project root directory (first run takes some time to install all dependancies) cntl + c to stop:
docker-compose up
- delete all docker containers and volumes that are related to project run:
docker-compose down
- after installing the heroku cli tool, log in
heroku login
- build rest api
- push docker image
cd ./scala-api
heroku container:push web -a flovver-api
- release
heroku container:release web -a flovver-api
- check logs to check deployment status
heroku logs -a flovver-api
- Log in to heroku cli
heroku login
- connect to db with heroku cli
heroku pg:psql
- Visual Studio Code with Docker plugin. It is great for developing typescript apps and has plugins for scala
- Any text editor and a terminal
- Any Scala IDE for developing scala applications
- Add functionality for view only user types.
- Add push notifications in server with the expo service
- Add offline capabilities with expo's SecureStore