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FITS Docker Configuration

Docker Compose file for deploying FITS and dependent services


1. FITS Web Application (fits-webapp)

Image: nist775hit/fits-webapp
Container running FITS web application on a tomcat server on port 8080
Port 8080 is exposed from this container to port 8080

Depends On

  • FHIR Adapter (fits-fhir-adapter)
  • MongoDB (fits-mongodb)

Environment Variables

FITS Web App reads environment variables to configure the instance, when using the provided docker-compose files, the environment variables are read from file "fits-webapp-config.env" in the same folder as the docker compose file.

Variable Name Description
FITS_MONGO_HOST The host of the mongodb instance Required (has default in docker compose file) - Default value is set to "fits-mongodb" when using this docker compose file
FITS_MONGO_PORT The port of the mongodb instance Required (has default in docker compose file) - Default value is set to "27017" when using this docker compose file
FITS_MONGO_DB_NAME The database name Required (has default in docker compose file) - Default value is set to "cdsi-db" when using this docker compose file
FITS_CREATE_ADMIN_IF_NOT_EXIST true/false if set to true, an admin user (username "admin") will be created on startup if it doesn't exist
FITS_ADMIN_PASSWORD admin user password when creating a new admin on startup (FITS_CREATE_ADMIN_IF_NOT_EXIST) Required when FITS_CREATE_ADMIN_IF_NOT_EXIST=true
FITS_ADMIN_EMAIL admin user email when creating a new admin on startup (FITS_CREATE_ADMIN_IF_NOT_EXIST) Required when FITS_CREATE_ADMIN_IF_NOT_EXIST=true
FITS_WEB_ADMIN_EMAIL Email address for users to contact - shown in the footer of the web application as "mailto:...."
FITS_EMAIL_HOST Host of the email server to use when sending notifications If not specified email notifications and email dependent user management features will not be supported
FITS_EMAIL_PORT Port of the email server Required (has default in web app) default value is set to 25
FITS_EMAIL_PROTOCOL Email protocol (e.g. smtp)
FITS_EMAIL_SMTP_AUTH true/false - if email server requires authentication NOTE: only false is supported as of now
FITS_EMAIL_FROM The "from" email address when sending notifications
FITS_EMAIL_SUBJECT The "subject" in email notifications sent from FITS Default is set to "FITS Notification"
FITS_ADAPTER_URL URL of the FHIR Adapter Required (has default in docker compose file) Default value is set to 'http://fits-fhir-adapter:8080/fhirAdapter/fhir/Parameters/$cds-forecast'
FITS_APACHE_HTTP_LOG_LEVEL The log level for the apache HTTP client

2. FHIR Adapter (fits-fhir-adapter)

Image: nist775hit/fits-fhir-adapter
Container running FITS FHIR Adapter on a tomcat server on port 8080

3. Mongo DB (fits-mongodb)

Image: mongodb/mongodb-community-server:4.4.29-ubuntu2004
Container running the mongodb instance hosting the database for FITS on port 27017

Data persistence between instances
MongoDB persists data to folder /data/db/ in this container, to persist data to the host environment you can mount the /data/db/ folder to a local folder in the host (local_path)

    image: mongodb/mongodb-community-server:4.4.29-ubuntu2004
      - local_path:/data/db/

Getting Started

  1. Set up the environment by modifying the fits-webapp-config.env file
    1. Configure admin user (Recommended for first use - discard the variables after admin user is created after first use)
    2. Configure email server (Optional)
  2. Mount a volumn to "fits-mongodb" service to persist the database outside the container (see above service fits-mongodb)
  3. Make sure port 8080 is available on host machine
  4. Run docker compose up
  5. Open [HOST]:8080/fits in the browser
  6. You can run docker compose down to shutdown the services


Deployment Configuration for FITS






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