vChewing Project
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- vChewing-macOS Public
威注音輸入法 macOS 版,恐怕是截至目前為止在功能多樣性方面最強的第三方免費 macOS 系統專用輸入法,採純 Swift 語言寫就。威注音的著力點是盡可能在力所能及的範圍內將整個產品的功能做得更好用,搭配特製的簡體中文與繁體中文專用辭庫。是純粹的簡體中文注音輸入法(也內贈原生繁體中文輸入模式),更具諸多威注音特色功能。目前研發管理工作均在 CSDN GitCode 進行。
vChewing/vChewing-macOS’s past year of commit activity - vChewing-OSX-Legacy Public
威注音輸入法的針對 macOS 10.9 Mavericks 至 macOS 12 Monterey 的特供版本。僅針對 macOS 10.9 做過可用性測試。如非這幾個版本的 macOS 的使用者,請改用主流版本的威注音:
vChewing/vChewing-OSX-Legacy’s past year of commit activity - libvchewing-data Public
先锋语料库。拿给威注音的仓库编译的话,会编译 mac 版威注音简体中文词库;拿给 libChewing / libvChewing 引擎编译的话,会编译新酷音输入法与 Windows 版威注音的词库。
vChewing/libvchewing-data’s past year of commit activity - MegrezNT Public
天權星引擎是用來處理輸入法語彙庫的一個模組。該倉庫承載其 C# 版本。 Megrez Engine is a module made for processing lingual data of an input method. This repository holds the C# version of it. For Swift version:
vChewing/MegrezNT’s past year of commit activity - TekkonCC Public
鐵恨引擎是用來處理注音輸入法並擊行為的一個模組。Tekkon Engine is a module made for processing combo-composition of stroke-based Mandarin Chinese phonetics (i.e. Zhuyin / Bopomofo / Phonabet). For Swift ver.:
vChewing/TekkonCC’s past year of commit activity - Tekkon Public
鐵恨引擎是用來處理注音輸入法並擊行為的一個模組。該倉庫乃威注音專案的弒神行動(Operation Longinus)的一部分。Tekkon Engine is a module made for processing combo-composition of stroke-based Mandarin Chinese phonetics (i.e. Zhuyin / Bopomofo). This repository is part of Operation Longinus of The vChewing Project. For C# ver.:
vChewing/Tekkon’s past year of commit activity - Megrez Public
天權星引擎是用來處理輸入法語彙庫的一個模組。該倉庫承載其 Swift 版本。 Megrez Engine is a module made for processing lingual data of an input method. This repository holds the Swift version of it. For C# version:
vChewing/Megrez’s past year of commit activity - TekkonNT Public
鐵恨引擎是用來處理注音輸入法並擊行為的一個模組。該倉庫乃威注音專案的弒神行動(Operation Longinus)的一部分。Tekkon Engine is a module made for processing combo-composition of stroke-based Mandarin Chinese phonetics (i.e. Zhuyin / Bopomofo). This repository is part of Operation Longinus of The vChewing Project. For Swift ver.:
vChewing/TekkonNT’s past year of commit activity
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