Map your domain name to the server IP address on the domain provider's site.
Update nginx config
git clone https://github.com/vdx-vn/nginx-certbot
cd nginx-certbot
# replace <your domain name> to your real domain name
sed -i 's/demo.vdx.vn/<your domain name>/g' conf/default.conf
- Run a stand alone nginx container to retrieve a ssl certificate
docker run -d \
--name nginx-certbot \
--volume ./ssl:/etc/letsencrypt \
--volume ./conf:/etc/nginx/conf.d \
# Execute the command and provide the required prompt data.
docker exec -it nginx-certbot certbot --nginx
- If you request ssl certificate for an Odoo site
- Use docker compose to start Odoo and nginx containers, check config file sample in conf/odoo.conf.template
- Retrieve ssl certficate after those services are running
- Update retrieved ssl certificates to nginx config