is a testing framework for the Neut programming language.
neut get noa
// Represents a set of testing utilities.
data trope {
| Trope(
// For property-based testing.
check: <a>(name: &text, g: gen(a), property: (a) -> bool) -> unit,
// For plain testing.
test: (label: &text, property: () -> bool) -> unit,
// Represents a configuration of testing utilities.
data config {
| Config(
num-of-tests: int, // specifies the number of tests executed by `check`.
max-size: int, // specifies the max size of input generated in `check`.
verbose: bool, // specifies whether to enable verbose output.
// Creates a new test utilities.
inline new-suite(!c: config): trope
// A set of testing utilities.
inline noa: trope
// A set of testing utilities.
inline noa-verbose: trope
// Represents a value generator for property-based testing.
data gen(a) {
| Gen(
generate: (size-upper-bound) -> a, // creates a value of type `a`, no larger than the given size.
shrink: (a) -> list(a), // creates a list of values that are "smaller" than the input value.
viewer: show(a), // provides a way to convert values of type `a` into texts.
inline bools: gen(bool)
inline floats: gen(float)
inline ints: gen(int)
inline positive-ints: gen(int)
inline negative-ints: gen(int)
inline runes: gen(rune)
inline ascii-runes: gen(rune)
inline texts: gen(text)
inline ascii-texts: gen(text)
inline lists<a>(!g: gen(a)): gen(list(a))
inline pairs<a, b>(!g1: gen(a), !g2: gen(b)): gen(pair(a, b))
inline eithers<a, b>(g1: gen(a), g2: gen(b)): gen(either(a, b))
// Chooses a value from `xs` randomly.
define one-of<a>(g: gen(a), xs: &list(a)): gen(a)
// Generates a value of type `a` or generates `none`
define optional<a>(!g: gen(a)): gen(?a)
In most cases you import noa
and use it as follows:
define zen(): unit {
// A property-based test
"reverse(ys) ++ reverse(xs) == reverse(xs ++ ys)",
pairs(lists(ints), lists(ints)),
function (p) {
let Pair(!xs, !ys) = p in
let left = append(reverse(!ys), reverse(!xs)) in
let right = reverse(append(!xs, !ys)) in
let eq = in
eq::equal(left, right)
// A plain test
"the list `[1, 2, 3]` contains 2",
function () {
pin xs = [1, 2, 3] in
let result =
core.list.find(xs, function (y) {
eq-int(*y, 2)
match result {
| Left(_) =>
| Right(_) =>
You can quickly try noa
on your machine as follows:
git clone
cd noa
neut build test --execute
This should result in something like the following:
✔ Pass: unpack then pack is identity
✔ Pass: (length as text) == (length as list of chars)
✔ Pass: reverse(ys) ++ reverse(xs) == reverse(xs ++ ys)
✘ Fail: one-of (should fail)
→ 2
✘ Fail: shrinking texts (should fail)
✘ Fail: there is no list that contains 15 (should fail and report [15])
→ [15]
// ...
Verbose mode is also available:
? Check: there is no list that contains 15 (should fail and report [15])
✔ []
✔ [0]
✔ [-1, 0]
✔ [0, 1, 0]
✔ [-8, 7, 10, -5, -1, 0, 0, 2, -7, -1, 7, -4, -11, -11, -1, 0, 0, 5, 8, -1]
✔ [10, 0, 2, 3, 0, 7, -13, -5, -1, 3, 3, 2, -2, -3, 0, -7, 0, -11, 0, 1, 4]
✘ [-5, -12, 3, 7, 4, -12, 0, 1, -5, 1, 15, 7, -1, 0, 1, -6, 10, 14, -3, 0, 6, -8]
↻ Shrink:
✔ []
✔ [7, -1, 0, 1, -6, 10, 14, -3, 0, 6, -8]
✘ [-5, -12, 3, 7, 4, -12, 0, 1, -5, 1, 15]
✔ []
✘ [-12, 0, 1, -5, 1, 15]
✔ []
✘ [-5, 1, 15]
✔ []
✘ [1, 15]
✔ []
✘ [15]
✔ []
✔ [0]
✔ [8]
✔ [12]
✔ [14]
✔ Stop
✘ Fail: there is no list that contains 15 (should fail and report [15])
→ [15]