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Reactive meta tags, JavaScript links and CSS for meteor within flow-router-extra


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Reactive meta, link, and script tags

Change meta tags on the fly in Meteor.js apps via flow-router-extra API. This package manages meta tags, script and link via simple router object definitions.


  • 👷‍♂️ 100% tests coverage;
  • 🎛 Per route, per group, and default (all routes) meta tags;
  • 🎛 Per route, per group, and default (all routes) scripts;
  • 🎛 Per route, per group, and default (all routes) link, like CSS files.

Various ways to set meta, script and link tags, ordered by priority:

  • FlowRouter.route() [overrides all below]
  • FlowRouter.globals
  • Head template <meta/>, <link/>, <script/> tags [superseded by any above]



meteor add ostrio:flow-router-meta


This package implies ostrio:flow-router-title package.


ES6 Import

import { FlowRouterMeta } from 'meteor/ostrio:flow-router-meta';
// This library implies ostrio:flow-router-title package, and both can be imported in single line:
import { FlowRouterMeta, FlowRouterTitle } from 'meteor/ostrio:flow-router-meta';

Related Packages

flow-router-meta performs the best when used with the next packages:


  • new FlowRouterMeta(FlowRouter) — The main FlowRouterMeta constructor that accepts FlowRouter as the only argument

After new FlowRouterMeta(FlowRouter) instance is initiated it extends FlowRouter.router() and methods and FlowRouter.globals with support of:

  • meta: Object — Object with meta-tags
  • meta: function(params, qs, data) => object — Method returning object with meta-tags
  • link: Object — Object with link-tags
  • link: function(params, qs, data) => object — Method returning object with link-tags
  • script: Object — Object with script-tags
  • script: function(params, qs, data) => object — Method returning object with script-tags


You need to initialize FlowRouterMeta and FlowRouterTitle classes by passing FlowRouter object. Right after creating all your routes:

import { FlowRouter } from 'meteor/ostrio:flow-router-extra';
import { FlowRouterMeta, FlowRouterTitle } from 'meteor/ostrio:flow-router-meta';

FlowRouter.route('/', {
  action() { /* ... */ },
  title: 'Title'
  /* ... */

new FlowRouterMeta(FlowRouter);
new FlowRouterTitle(FlowRouter);

Basic examples

Set only name and content attributes on meta tag:

FlowRouter.route('/routePath', {
  name: 'routeName',
  meta: {
    name: 'content'
// Will generate
// <meta name="name" content="content">

FlowRouter.route('/routePath', {
  name: 'routeName',
  meta: {
    'og:title': 'Page title'
// Will generate
// <meta name="og:title" content="Page-title">

Set only rel and href attributes on link tag:

FlowRouter.route('/routePath', {
  name: 'routeName',
  link: {
    canonical: ''
// Will generate
// <link rel="canonical" href="">

FlowRouter.route('/routePath', {
  name: 'routeName',
  link: {
    rel: 'canonical',
    href: ''
// Will generate
// <link rel="canonical" href="">

Set multiple attributes on meta tag:

FlowRouter.route('/routePath', {
  name: 'routeName',
  meta: {
    uniqueName: {
      name: 'name',
      content: 'value',
      property: 'og:name',
      itemprop: 'name'
// Will generate
// <meta name="name" content="value" property="og:name" itemprop="name">

Set multiple attributes on link tag:

FlowRouter.route('/routePath', {
  name: 'routeName',
  link: {
    uniqueName: {
      rel: 'name',
      sizes: 'value',
      href: 'http://value',
      type: 'value-type'
// Will generate
// <link rel="name" sizes="value" href="http://value" type="value-type">


This method uses special property named innerHTML which set script's content instead of attribute. This method and property can be used in the any other case when you need to set script's contents.

import { FlowRouter } from 'meteor/ostrio:flow-router-extra';

FlowRouter.route('/fourthPage', {
  name: 'fourthPage',
  title: 'Fourth Page title',
  script: {
    ldjson: {
      type: 'application/ld+json',
      innerHTML: JSON.stringify({
        '@context': '',
        '@type': 'Recipe',
        name: 'Grandma\'s Holiday Apple Pie',
        author: 'Elaine Smith',
        image: '',
        description: 'A classic apple pie.',
        aggregateRating: {
          '@type': 'AggregateRating',
          ratingValue: '4',
          reviewCount: '276',
          bestRating: '5',
          worstRating: '1'
  action() { /*...*/ }

Use function as value

Properties of meta, link, and script tags can be a function that will execute upon navigation

import { FlowRouter } from 'meteor/ostrio:flow-router-extra';

FlowRouter.route('/routePath', {
  name: 'routeName',
  meta: {
    url: {
      property: 'og:url',
      itemprop: 'url',
      content() {
        return document.location.href;
  link: {
    canonical() {
      return document.location.href;

Use function context

data can get passed from data() hook. Read about data hook.

import { FlowRouter } from 'meteor/ostrio:flow-router-extra';

FlowRouter.route('/post/:_id', {
  name: 'post',
  waitOn(params) {
    return [Meteor.subscribe('post', params._id)];
  async data(params) {
    return await Collection.Posts.findOneAsync(params._id);
  meta: {
    keywords: {
      name: 'keywords',
      itemprop: 'keywords',
      content(params, query, data) {
        return data?.keywords || 'default, key, words';
  title(params, query, data) {
    if (data) {
      return data.title;
    return '404: Page not found';

Set CSS and JS per route

Load CSS and JS files on per route and per group basis.


Once CSS or JS is loaded there's no way to "unload" its code. This package will remove tags from head when navigated to other routes, but contents of loaded JS and CSS files will remain in browser's memory

import { FlowRouter } from 'meteor/ostrio:flow-router-extra';

// Set default JS and CSS for all routes
  link: {
    twbs: {
      rel: 'stylesheet',
      href: ''
  script: {
    twbs: ''

// Rewrite default JS and CSS, for second route, via controller:
FlowRouter.route('/secondPage', {
  name: 'secondPage',
  action() {
    return this.render('layout', 'secondPage');
  link: {
    twbs: {
      rel: 'stylesheet',
      href: ''
  script: {
    twbs: ''

// Unset defaults, via controller:
FlowRouter.route('/secondPage', {
  name: 'secondPage',
  action() {
    return this.render('layout', 'secondPage');
  link: {
    twbs: null
  script: {
    twbs: null

// Rewrite default JS and CSS, for route group:
const group ={
  link: {
    twbs: {
      rel: 'stylesheet',
      href: ''
  script: {
    twbs: ''

group.route('/groupPage1', {
  name: 'groupPage1',
  action() {
    return this.render('layout', 'groupPage1');

Bootstrap configuration

Push default meta, link, or script tags to FlowRouter.globals

import { FlowRouter } from 'meteor/ostrio:flow-router-extra';

  name: 'routeName',
  meta: {
    // <meta charset="UTF-8">
    charset: {
      charset: 'UTF-8'

    // <meta name="keywords" content="Awes..">
    keywords: {
      name: 'keywords',
      itemprop: 'keywords',
      content: 'Awesome, Meteor, based, app'

    // <meta name="description" itemprop="description" property="og:description" content="Default desc..">
    description: {
      name: 'description',
      itemprop: 'description',
      property: 'og:description',
      content: 'Default description'
    image: {
      name: 'twitter:image',
      itemprop: 'image',
      property: 'og:image',
      content: ''
    'og:type': 'website',
    'og:title'() {
      return document.title;
    'og:site_name': 'My Awesome Site',
    url: {
      property: 'og:url',
      itemprop: 'url',
      content() {
        return window.location.href;
    'twitter:card': 'summary',
    'twitter:title'() {
      return document.title;
    'twitter:description': 'Default description',
    'twitter:site': {
      name: 'twitter:site',
      value: '@twitterAccountName'
    'twitter:creator': {
      name: 'twitter:creator',
      value: '@twitterAccountName'
    'http-equiv': {
      'http-equiv': 'X-UA-Compatible',
      content: 'IE=edge,chrome=1'
    robots: 'index, follow',
    google: 'notranslate'
  link: {
    // <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
    stylesheet: '',

    // <link rel="canonical" href="">
    canonical() {
      return document.location.href;

    // <link rel="image" sizes="500x500" href="">
    image: {
      rel: 'image',
      sizes: '500x500',
      href: ''
    publisher: '',
    'shortcut icon': {
      rel: 'shortcut icon',
      type: 'image/x-icon',
      href: ''
    'icon': {
      rel: 'icon',
      type: 'image/png',
      href: ''
    'apple-touch-icon-144': {
      rel: 'apple-touch-icon',
      sizes: '144x144',
      href: ''
    'apple-touch-icon-114': {
      rel: 'apple-touch-icon',
      sizes: '114x114',
      href: ''
    'apple-touch-icon-72': {
      rel: 'apple-touch-icon',
      sizes: '72x72',
      href: ''
    'apple-touch-icon-57': {
      rel: 'apple-touch-icon',
      sizes: '57x57',
      href: ''
  script: {
    twbs: '',
    d3: {
      src: '',
      charset: 'utf-8'

Running Tests

  1. Clone this package
  2. In Terminal (Console) go to directory where package is cloned
  3. Then run:


# Default
meteor test-packages ./

# With custom port
meteor test-packages ./ --port 8888

# With local MongoDB and custom port
MONGO_URL="mongodb://" meteor test-packages ./ --port 8888

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