This project automates the process of docking ligands to proteins using various docking methods and scoring techniques provided by GNINA. It reads input data from a CSV file, converts necessary files, performs docking, and filters the results based on specified criteria, as explained below.
Upload the input CSV file (pairs.csv
) containing protein, ligand, and site information to the csv/ directory. The CSV file should have the following columns:
: Path to the protein PDB file.ligand
: Path to the ligand PDB
: Path to the site PDB file.
Upload the required protein, ligand, and site PDB files to the proteins/ , ligands/ , and sites/ directories, respectively.
To run the docking automation script, use the following command:
singularity exec containers/openbabel-3.1.0.sif ./ convert csv/pairs.csv
- CSV Parsing and File Conversion: The script reads the protein, ligand, and site information from the specified CSV file. It then converts PDB files to SDF format using Open Babel.
singularity exec containers/gnina-1.0.sif ./ gnina <docking_method> csv/pairs.csv
- Docking: Performs docking using the specified CNN scoring method using GNINA.
: No CNN scoring is used. (fastest, traditional) -rescore
: Rescoring using CNN. (fastest with CNN) -refinement
: Refinement using CNN. (moderate speed. 10x slower than rescore) -metrorescore
: Metropolis Monte Carlo sampling followed by rescoring using CNN. -metrorefine
: Metropolis Monte Carlo sampling followed by refinement using CNN. -all
: Ensemble of all CNN scoring methods are used. (slowest, extremely computationally intensive)
singularity exec containers/python-3.12.sif ./ unzip
- Unzipping: Unzips the docked results and stores them in the same directory.
singularity exec containers/python-3.12.sif python --mode filter --filter_type <filter_type>
- Filtering: Filters the docked results based on the specified filter type.
: Retains all docked poses. -best
: Retains the best docked pose based on the CNN score.
singularity exec containers/openbabel-3.1.0.sif ./ sdftopdb
- SDF to PDB Conversion: Converts the filtered SDF files to PDB format using Open Babel.
singularity exec containers/python-3.12.sif python --mode combine --filter_type <filter_type> --csv_file csv/pairs.csv
- Combining Ligand and Protein: Combines the best ligand conformation and given protein PDB files to generate a single PDB file.
singularity exec containers/plip-1.0.sif ./ plip
- PLIP Processing: Processes the combined PDB file using PLIP to identify interactions between the protein and ligand.
singularity exec containers/python-3.12.sif python --mode report
- XML Processing: Extracts the interactions from the PLIP XML file and generates a CSV file containing the interactions.
- Python 3.11
- RDKit
- Singularity
- Open Babel
Run the shell script located in the link below
singularity pull containers/python-3.12.sif library://scientiflow/bioinformatics/python:3.12
singularity pull containers/openbabel-3.1.0.sif library://scientiflow/bioinformatics/openbabel:3.1.0
singularity pull containers/gnina-1.0.sif docker://gnina/gnina:latest
singularity pull plip.sif library://scientiflow/bioinformatics/plip:1.0
This project is licensed under the MIT License.