Releases: viktorchernev/DescribeCompiler
v 1.0.1-beta (auto)
Only one simple but useful feature has been added in this release - the Command line flag 'auto' - used to disable interactive mode for the CLI app, which is needed for usage in tools and scripts.
v 1.0-beta (ANTLR4)
First official release - version one - A major milestone. Still in beta.
The Describe Parser is now based on ANTLR.
The Compiler/Transpiler in version 1 has been largely rewritten or refactored.
Exciting new features have been added.
v 0.9.3 (Describe Official)
Describe language version 1.0 (codenamed "Describe Official") has been developed and tested and implemented in the current version.
With this new version of describe we have a significantly more complex preprocessor, which allow for intuitive handling of special characters.
For more information, see the specification on Describe Official v 1.0 -
Preprocessor for Describe v1.0 has been developed
Specific preprocessor for Describe v0.8 has been developed
Specific preprocessor for Describe v0.7 has been developed
Specific preprocessor for Describe v0.6 has been developed
Optimizer for Describe v0.8 has been developed
Specific optimizer for Describe v0.8 has been developed
Specific optimizer for Describe v0.7 has been developed
Specific optimizer for Describe v0.6 has been developed
External templating functionality has been removed
As there is no great interest in using the describe compiler with customized templates,
this feature only hinders the development of the tool. Users are easily able to derive and
code their own translators if needed. -
Refactoring has been done
- A bug with the implementation of custom decorators in the JSON translator have been removed
- CLI Showing proper "Press any key to exit" message, after parsing a folder
- CLI Changing console color on exit to what it was before execution
v 0.9.2 (more features)
Added functionality. Improved translation process. Refactoring. Bug fixes
Feature - Translator classes are now separate from the compiler class, and in different namespace
Feature - The powerful ability to define custom decorators has been added to the JSON translator and templates
Feature - {nlcomment} decorator has been added to the inbuilt translators and templates. It combines the {empty} and {comment} decorators
Feature - "TIME_STAMP", "VERSION", "SHORT_TIME_STAMP" and "SHORT_VERSION" sockets have been added to the "JSON_COMMONER" template set and support for the sockets have been added to the inbuilt Json translator
Feature - CLI argument and CLI and API functionality for specifying a behavior when an error is encountered - namely "stop" and "ignore"
Feature - CLI argument and functionality for outputting logs to a file has been implemented
Feature - Support for artifacts have been added to the CLI app, but is not yet implemented in the API (some consideration is needed)
Refactored - CLI app has been fully documented
Refactored - API has some refactoring done
bugfix - timestamp produced by inbuilt translators had single digits "2:1:42.270 (UTC)" is now fixed e.g. "02:01:42.270 (UTC)"
bugfix - serious bug in "JSON_COMMONER" template set affecting empty items have been removed
bugfix - a bug has appeared during refactoring, where CLI app erroneously reports "Parser red 0 tokens in 0 reductions.", that has been fixed
v 0.9.1 (Improved templating)
Improved and user friendly templating. bug fixes
Feature - templates are now accessible to the users without having to download the source code and recompile the project - in a folder named "Templates", in the same folder as the executing exe. Only if said folder is not present, will the compiler use its inbuilt templates
Feature - command "ext" can be used to produce that "Templates" folder with all the inbuilt templates in it, so that the user can edit it
Feature - command "template=" can be used to select template
Feature - we can now use "color" decorator on productions
Refactored - there is now a tidy class for outputting messages in DescribeCompilerCLI
Refactored - there are now separate methods that handle CLI arguments in DescribeCompilerCLI
bugfix - delimited comments are working properly
bugfix - links on productions, in the default theme - "HTML_PARACORD" are now working as expected - without the need to right click -> open in new tab
bugfix - corrected line and column numbers in error messages (as those were 0 based)
bugfix - correct and timely error handling when user provides invalid output path
v 0.9 (open beta)
First public release.