Baidu YY
- GuangZhou China
aSQLitePlus-android Public
A library bring numerous handy classes and methods to help us concatenating and performing those CURD SQLs in Android SQLite.
GifskiAndroid Public
gifski[high performance & rich color gif encoder] in android demo
ApkInfoExtractor Public
a JavaFX2.2 based tool that provide GUI to export android application(apk) files information by aapt tool
ellipsize-textview-android Public
An widget of ellipsize textview let us know&switch the ellipsize mode easier
glide370android Public
a glide 3.7.0 forked version that added decodeByOriginalIns option to resolve bitmap not fully load's problem
Netroid Public
Netroid is a Http Framework for Android that based on Volley
GradleDependenciesGather Public
practice of gather gradle project's provided dependencies and attach into application module's dependencies configuration dynamically
Java UpdatedFeb 19, 2017 -
ViewPager setCurrentItem and dataSetChanged sequentially cause upcoming fragment won't display demonstration
Java UpdatedDec 18, 2016 -
khaleesi Public
A blog-aware or documentation-aware static site generator write in Ruby
contacts-iOSmode-android Public
An iOS contacts list effect implementation in Android, practicing for ViewPager scrolling simultaneously
Java UpdatedNov 19, 2014 -
An android effect that achieved expanding the ListView's selector to multiple rows
Java UpdatedOct 14, 2014 -
An enhance ViewPager that make the scroll animation don't traversal too much
android-open-project Public
Forked from Trinea/android-open-projectCollect and classify android open source projects, 交流 QQ 群:377723625 (入群必须填写群介绍问题答案)
An android ImageView show as circle and two optional strokes surrounded it