I have developed this Android application back in 2014. I had no Git experience yet, so unfortunately no commit history is available. However, you can look at the code I wrote as an undergraduate.
Check this out: https://github.com/vlmaier/tic-tac-toe/blob/main/app/src/main/java/com/vladas/tictactoe/Game.java#L269
What the hell is that?
if((s2 == b && s3 == b && s1 == "") || (s4 == b && s7 == b && s1 == "") || (s5 == b && s9 == b && s1 == "") ||
(s2 == p && s3 == p && s1 != b) || (s4 == p && s7 == p && s1 != b) || (s5 == p && s9 == p && s1 != b))
id = R.id.feld1;
else if((s1 == b && s3 == b && s2 == "") || (s5 == b && s8 == b && s2 == "") ||
(s1 == p && s3 == p && s2 != b) || (s5 == p && s8 == p && s2 != b))
id = R.id.feld2;
else if((s1 == b && s2 == b && s3 == "") || (s6 == b && s9 == b && s3 == "") || (s5 == b && s7 == b && s3 == "") ||
(s1 == p && s2 == p && s3 != b) || (s6 == p && s9 == p && s3 != b) || (s5 == p && s7 == p && s3 != b))
id = R.id.feld3;
Today I am pretty sure that tic tac toe game algorithm can be written waaaay shorter and more readable (or readable at all).
It kind of works... and I would say that at least back then I understood boolean algebra and conditions.