Full stack web application - Blog website for people who love to travel
- People can share their 'journeys', which are essentially travel experiences
- You may share general information about your experiences: your general thoughts, costs / expenses, a favorite picture (memory), and the locations
- You may 'like' journeys added by anyone
- You may comment on journeys of others, allowing discussion
- You may 'follow' people and can choose to view only journeys from followed people in the home feed
- Advanced search feature where you can filter by keywords, costs, and locations
- Everything made in Angular
- Bootstrap was used for styling
- Maps: Leaflet with OpenStreetMaps
- A REST API made in Spring, using the programming language Kotlin
- PostgreSQL for the database and Flyway for database migrations
- Spring Security using JWTs (JSON Web Tokens) for authentication and authorization (user registration, logging in, etc.)
The source code can be found here.