Tshirts, notebooks, and other items with the #maptimeDavis penny farthing logo are now available to order on Redbubble.
Workshops on Wednesdays from 10:00-12:00 in the DSI Classroom (360 Shields Library) on the UC Davis Campus, unless otherwise noted. Please register for the workshops you plan to attend. All #maptimeDavis workshops are free of cost and open to the public.
Date | Topic | Speaker |
16 Jan | Mapathon | Sierra Mabanta |
23-Jan | 1 Hour Map Challenge! | Center for Spatial Sciences |
30-Jan | Interactive Maps with R | Alex Mandel, Nistara Randhawa, Ryan Peek, Mahesh Maskey |
6-Feb | TBA | Beatriz Martinez-Lopez’s Lab |
13-Feb | Python for Field Calculations in QGIS and ArcGIS | Nick Santos |
20-Feb | Lightning Talks | Geospatial Community |
22-Feb | Geospatial Data Visualization | Michele Tobias |
27-Feb | Field Data Collection | Derek Young, Sierra Mabanta, Huck Rees, Ofuhre Igbinedion |
6-Mar | Fire Mapping | Yufang Jin’s Lab |
Give #maptimeDavis feedback about a session you attended.
What are these Challenge sessions? We'll suggest a project that you can work on in teams or solo. At the end of the session, we'll share the results (or how far we got) with the group. Low pressure, come and play!
#maptimeDavis events are listed on the UC Davis Center for Spatial Sciences Events List
Maptime is literally time for maps. Take a couple of hours to learn something new or hone a skill you already have. Everyone is welcome, from brand new learners through seasoned veterans.
Maptime is a community. It works when everyone contributes. Contributions take the form of not only presenting, but attending events and sharing those events with others, making new connections, discussing what topics you want, and helping to make sure they happen. Maptime isn't a intended to be a list of topics served up for you to consume provided by some campus entity, but rather a discussion you participate in.
Follow us on Twitter at @maptimeDavis
Join the UC Davis Geospatial Email list
Nominate yourself or someone else as a speaker!
#maptimeDavis is proving to be a welcome opportunity for the Davis geospatial community to share and develop mapping skills. The organizers at the UC Davis Library's Data Management Program and Center for Spatial Sciences welcome volunteers to present workshops and suggestions for who to contact about specific topics.
Is it ok if the topic has been covered in previous workshops? YES! New people find #maptimeDavis each week and no two instructors will teach any given concept in the same way.
Can I present in a team? YES!
How long are workshops typically? We tend to schedule 2 hours, but it's adjustable.
I'm not an expert. Can I still present? YES! Experts are not always the best people to explain. Dedicated and proficient users of a tool are often better at teaching tools than the experts.
Have more questions? Contact Michele Tobias at [email protected]
Date | Topic | Speaker |
25-Sep-2017 | Intro to QGIS | Michele Tobias |
2-Oct-2017 | Custom Cartographic Symbols | Michele Tobias |
9-Oct-2017 | Google Earth Engine | Pepe Ochoa & Kate Tiedeman |
16-Oct-2017 | Intro to Spatial R with RSpatial.org | Alex Mandel |
23-Oct-2017 | UAV/Drone Show & Tell | UAV Club |
30-Oct-2017 | Viewing Data in ArcGIS | Mapping Club |
6-Nov-2017 | Cartography Panel & Clinic | Amber Manfree, Sahoko Yui, Michele Tobias |
13-Nov-2017 | Open Street Map Map-a-Thon | Mapping Club |
27-Nov-2017 | Making Maps in R | Ryan Peek |
4-Dec-2017 | Using Open Street Map Data | Ani Ghosh |
17-Jan-2018 | ArcGIS Resources on Campus | Karen Beardsley |
24-Jan-2018 | Python for Geospatial | Travis O’Brien |
31-Jan-2018 | Data Visualization with QGIS | Michele Tobias |
7-Feb-2018 | Drone Image Stitching | Taylor Nelsen & Travis Parker |
14-Feb-2018 | Open Street Map Mapathon | Geospatial Community |
21-Feb-2018 | Open Mic: many short presentations | Geospatial Community |
28-Feb-2018 | Finding Remote Sensing Data | Ani Ghosh |
7-Mar-2018 | Spatial Databases | Michele Tobias |
10-Apr-2018 | Is My Research Mappable? Intro to map-making & GIS for researchers | Michele Tobias & Matt Conner |
17-Apr-2018 | Field Work Prep: Craft Center Tour + GPS Demonstration + Discussion * meet at the Craft Center | Jared Tolla (UCD Craft Center) & Scott Herbert (California Survey & Drafting Supply) |
24-Apr-2018 | Mapping Surface Water Change with Earth Engine * 1:00-4:00 | Ani Ghosh |
1-May-2018 | Learn to High Performance Compute: Geo style | Alex Mandel |
8-May-2018 | Open Street Map Mapathon | Emily Hurry |
15-May-2018 | Collecting Location Data with Phones and Tablets | Alex Mandel |
22-May-2018 | Remote Sensing with Planet | Orestis Herodotou (Planet) |
29-May-2018 | RSpatial.org Species Distributions (Big Foot Example) | Elise Hellwig |
1-Oct-2018 | Humanitarian Open Street Map Mapathon | The Geospatial Community |
8-Oct-2018 | Intro to QGIS | Sierra Mabanta |
12-Oct-2018 | Special Event: Install Fest 9:00-12:00 | DSI & Center for Spatial Sciences |
15-Oct-2018 | Into to R Spatial | Robert Hijmans |
22-Oct-2018 | Analyzing Drone Data | Taylor Nelsen |
29-Oct-2018 | Spatial SQL | Michele Tobias |
5-Nov-2018 | Finishing touches: how to create polished and professional-looking maps in ArcGIS (meet in 1014 Wickson, Computer Lab) | Amber Manfree |
12-Nov-2018 | Holiday: Veterans' Day | No Workshop |
14-Nov-2018 | Special GIS Day Event: Women in GIS Meetup (Location: TBA) | Shannon DeArmond |
19-Nov-2018 | Data Visualization Challenge | Center for Spatial Sciences |
26-Nov-2018 | Data Fusion in Remote Sensing | Yufang Jin's Lab |
3-Dec-2018 | Remote Sensing Challenge | Center for Spatial Sciences |