Given one or more methods annotated with the Spring's @Cacheable annotation. Allow the cached data to be refreshed behind the scene, while maintaining the already cached data. A use could be to shield your system against an unstable remote, using a scheduler to get any updates if the remote is available any time.
Requirements: Already configured Spring cache abstraction, with or without any actual provider.
To use: Create a pointcut to intercept the cacheable packages/classes/methods with This class register the invocations, keeping a copy of all arguments used for the invocation. CacheOperations class provides the refresh cache method that causes all cached invocations to be re-triggered, resulting in update of the cached values.
Since the utility uses AOP, to run the Test case, please add a javaagent entry to your command line like -javaagent:${user.home}/.m2/repository/org/springframework/spring-agent/2.5.6/spring-agent-2.5.6.jar or simply -javaagent:spring-agent-2.5.6.jar if you have the jar in the same directory.
Extra files: General purpose LoggingAspect and ProfilingAspect