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A Next.js Web3 app template.


pnpm i


Create a .env file:

cp .env.template .env

Add your own keys in the .env file (you can get it in your Reown dashboard), then:

pnpm dev

Customize Your App

Change the app name and details in these files:

package.json                    # name, version, description
src/app/metadata.ts             # title, description
src/context/index.tsx           #, metadata.description
src/components/Header.tsx       # Heading text

Configure SEO

Default SEO (src/app/metadata.ts):

export const metadata: Metadata = {
  title: 'Your App Name',
  description: 'Your app description',
  openGraph: {
    title: 'Your App Name',
    description: 'Your app description',
    images: ['/huangshan.png'], // Replace with your image
  twitter: {
    card: 'summary_large_image',
    title: 'Your App Name',
    description: 'Your app description',

Page-specific SEO:

Create a layout.tsx in your page directory:

// src/app/your-page/layout.tsx
export const metadata: Metadata = {
  title: 'Page Title | Your App Name',
  description: 'Page specific description',
  // ... openGraph and Twitter cards

Configure Networks

Edit supported networks in src/context/index.tsx:

networks: [
  sepolia, // Default testnet
  // Add or remove networks as needed

Set Up Reown

  1. Create an account at Reown Dashboard
  2. Create a new project
  3. Copy your Project ID
  4. Add to .env:

Domain Verification

  1. Create .well-known/walletconnect.txt in your public folder
  2. Add your verification details from Reown dashboard
  3. Ensure it's accessible at: your-domain/.well-known/walletconnect.txt

Documentation References


Feel free to reach out to Julien on Farcaster, Element, Status, Telegram, Twitter, Discord, or LinkedIn.
