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139 lines (103 loc) · 4.31 KB

File metadata and controls

139 lines (103 loc) · 4.31 KB

注意: 该仓库已迁移到这儿 win32-api


Definitions of Windows Date Types for node-ffi, node-ffi-napi

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通过 node-ffi 或者 node-ffi-napi 调用系统 win32 接口方法时提供 TypeScript 类型支持


npm install win32-def



import * as ffi from 'ffi'
import { DModel as M, DTypes as W, FModel as FM } from 'win32-def'

export interface Win32Fns extends FM.DllFuncsModel {
  ClientToScreen(hWnd: M.HWND, lpPoint: M.LPPOINT): M.BOOL
  GetAncestor(hwnd: M.HWND, gaFlags: M.UINT): M.HWND

export const user32: Win32Fns = ffi.Library('user32.dll', {
  ClientToScreen: [W.BOOL, [W.HWND, W.LPPOINT] ],
  GetAncestor: [W.HWND, [W.HWND, W.UINT] ],
import * as ffi from 'ffi'
import { DModel as M, DTypes as W, FModel as FM } from 'win32-def'

export interface Win32Fns extends FM.DllFuncsModel {
  ClientToScreen(hWnd: M.HWND, lpPoint: M.LPPOINT): M.BOOL
  GetAncestor(hwnd: M.HWND, gaFlags: M.UINT): M.HWND

export const user32: FM.ExpandFnModel<Win32Fns> = ffi.Library('user32.dll', {
  ClientToScreen: [W.BOOL, [W.HWND, W.LPPOINT] ],
  GetAncestor: [W.HWND, [W.HWND, W.UINT] ],

// You can calling with BOTH sync and async method
const hWnd = user32.GetAncestor(hWnd, uint)
user32.GetAncestor.async(handle, uint, (err, hWnd) => {
  // typeof hWnd will be the same of ReturnType of sync method
  if (err) {
    throw err
  if (hWnd && !ref.isNull(hWnd) && ref.address(hWnd)) {
    // ...
  else {
    throw new Error('hWnd invalid')
// struct usage by ref-struct
import * as Struct from 'ref-struct'
import { DModel as M, DStruct as DS } from 'win32-api'

const point = new Struct(DS.POINT)()
const point: M.POINT_Struct = new Struct(DS.POINT)()
point.x = 100
point.y = 200

// struct usage by ref-struct-di
import * as ref from 'ref-napi'
import * as StructDi from 'ref-struct-di'
import { DModel as M, DStruct as DS } from 'win32-api'

const Struct = StructDi(ref)
const point: M.POINT_Struct = new Struct(DS.POINT)()
point.x = 100
point.y = 200

// Should output like below:
// { x: 100,
//   y: 200,
//   'ref.buffer': <Buffer@0x048BB9F8 64 00 00 00 c8 00 00 00>
// }
import * as ref from 'ref'
import { K } from 'win32-api'
import { FModel as FM, DTypes as W } from 'win32-def'

const knl32 = K.load()
const buf  = <FM.Buffer> Buffer.alloc(4)   // ← here the types

buf.writeInt32LE(12345, 0)

// const hInstance =<FM.Buffer> Buffer.alloc(process.arch === 'x64' ? 8 : 4);
const hInstance = <FM.Buffer> ref.alloc(W.HINSTANCE)    // W.HINSTANCE is 'int64*' under x64, 'int32*' under ia32
knl32.GetModuleHandleExW(0, null, hInstance)



