#Elasticsearch Puppet module
####Table of Contents
- Overview
- Module description - What the module does and why it is useful
- Setup - The basics of getting started with Elasticsearch
- Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
- Advanced features - Extra information on advanced usage
- Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
- Development - Guide for contributing to the module
- Support - When you need help with this module
This module manages Elasticsearch (http://www.elasticsearch.org/overview/elasticsearch/)
##Module description
The elasticsearch module sets up Elasticsearch instances and can manage plugins and templates.
This module has been tested against all versions of ES 1.x (ES 1.0 - 1.7). The module is not yet ready for ES 2.x, but it should be soon!
###The module manages the following
- Elasticsearch repository files.
- Elasticsearch package.
- Elasticsearch configuration file.
- Elasticsearch service.
- Elasticsearch plugins.
- Elasticsearch templates.
- The stdlib Puppet library.
- ceritsc/yum For yum version lock.
- richardc/datacat
- Augeas
When using the repository management you will need the following dependency modules:
- Debian/Ubuntu: Puppetlabs/apt Version 1.8.x or lower.
- OpenSuSE: Darin/zypprepo
###Main class
####Install a specific version
class { 'elasticsearch':
version => '1.4.2'
Note: This will only work when using the repository.
####Automatic upgrade of the software ( default set to false )
class { 'elasticsearch':
autoupgrade => true
class { 'elasticsearch':
ensure => 'absent'
####Install everything but disable service(s) afterwards
class { 'elasticsearch':
status => 'disabled'
This module works with the concept of instances. For service to start you need to specify at least one instance.
####Quick setup
elasticsearch::instance { 'es-01': }
This will set up its own data directory and set the node name to $hostname-$instance_name
####Advanced options
Instance specific options can be given:
elasticsearch::instance { 'es-01':
config => { }, # Configuration hash
init_defaults => { }, # Init defaults hash
datadir => [ ], # Data directory
See Advanced features for more information
Install a variety of plugins. Note that module_dir
is where the plugin will install itself to and must match that published by the plugin author; it is not where you would like to install it yourself.
####From official repository
instances => 'instance_name'
####From custom url
elasticsearch::plugin{ 'jetty':
url => 'https://oss-es-plugins.s3.amazonaws.com/elasticsearch-jetty/elasticsearch-jetty-1.2.1.zip',
instances => 'instance_name'
####Using a proxy
You can also use a proxy if required by setting the proxy_host
and proxy_port
elasticsearch::plugin { 'lmenezes/elasticsearch-kopf',
instances => 'instance_name',
proxy_host => 'proxy.host.com',
proxy_port => 3128
#####Plugin name could be:
for official elasticsearch plugins (download from download.elasticsearch.org)groupId/artifactId/version
for community plugins (download from maven central or oss sonatype)username/repository
for site plugins (download from github master)
####Upgrading plugins When you specify a certain plugin version, you can upgrade that plugin by specifying the new version.
elasticsearch::plugin { 'elasticsearch/elasticsearch-cloud-aws/2.1.1':
And to upgrade, you would simply change it to
elasticsearch::plugin { 'elasticsearch/elasticsearch-cloud-aws/2.4.1':
Please note that this does not work when you specify 'latest' as a version number.
Install scripts to be used by Elasticsearch. These scripts are shared across all defined instances on the same host.
elasticsearch::script { 'myscript':
ensure => 'present',
source => 'puppet:///path/to/my/script.groovy'
This will install and/or replace the template in Elasticsearch:
elasticsearch::template { 'templatename':
file => 'puppet:///path/to/template.json'
This will install and/or replace the template in Elasticsearch:
elasticsearch::template { 'templatename':
content => '{"template":"*","settings":{"number_of_replicas":0}}'
elasticsearch::template { 'templatename':
ensure => 'absent'
By default it uses localhost:9200 as host. you can change this with the host
and port
elasticsearch::template { 'templatename':
host => $::ipaddress,
port => 9200
###Bindings / Clients
Install a variety of clients/bindings:
elasticsearch::python { 'rawes': }
elasticsearch::ruby { 'elasticsearch': }
###Connection Validator
This module offers a way to make sure an instance has been started and is up and running before
doing a next action. This is done via the use of the es_instance_conn_validator
es_instance_conn_validator { 'myinstance' :
server => 'es.example.com',
port => '9200',
A common use would be for example :
class { 'kibana4' :
require => Es_Instance_Conn_Validator['myinstance'],
###Package installation
There are 2 different ways of installing the software
This option allows you to use an existing repository for package installation.
The repo_version
corresponds with the major version of Elasticsearch.
class { 'elasticsearch':
manage_repo => true,
repo_version => '1.4',
####Remote package source
When a repository is not available or preferred you can install the packages from a remote source:
class { 'elasticsearch':
package_url => 'https://download.elasticsearch.org/elasticsearch/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-1.4.2.deb',
proxy_url => 'http://proxy.example.com:8080/',
Setting proxy_url to a location will enable download using the provided proxy server. This parameter is also used by elasticsearch::plugin. Setting the port in the proxy_url is mandatory. proxy_url defaults to undef (proxy disabled).
class { 'elasticsearch':
package_url => 'puppet:///path/to/elasticsearch-1.4.2.deb'
#####Local file
class { 'elasticsearch':
package_url => 'file:/path/to/elasticsearch-1.4.2.deb'
###Java installation
Most sites will manage Java separately; however, this module can attempt to install Java as well. This is done by using the puppetlabs-java module.
class { 'elasticsearch':
java_install => true
Specify a particular Java package/version to be installed:
class { 'elasticsearch':
java_install => true,
java_package => 'packagename'
###Service management
Currently only the basic SysV-style init and Systemd service providers are supported, but other systems could be implemented as necessary (pull requests welcome).
####Defaults File
The defaults file (/etc/defaults/elasticsearch
or /etc/sysconfig/elasticsearch
) for the Elasticsearch service can be populated as necessary. This can either be a static file resource or a simple key value-style hash object, the latter being particularly well-suited to pulling out of a data source such as Hiera.
#####file source
class { 'elasticsearch':
init_defaults_file => 'puppet:///path/to/defaults'
#####hash representation
$config_hash = {
'ES_USER' => 'elasticsearch',
'ES_GROUP' => 'elasticsearch',
class { 'elasticsearch':
init_defaults => $config_hash
Note: init_defaults
hash can be passed to the main class and to the instance.
##Advanced features
###Package version pinning
The module supports pinning the package version to avoid accidental upgrades that are not done by Puppet. To enable this feature:
class { 'elasticsearch':
package_pin => true,
version => '1.5.2',
In this example we pin the package version to 1.5.2.
###Data directories
There are 4 different ways of setting data directories for Elasticsearch.
In every case the required configuration options are placed in the elasticsearch.yml
####Default By default we use:
Which provides a data directory per instance.
####Single global data directory
class { 'elasticsearch':
datadir => '/var/lib/elasticsearch-data'
Creates the following for each instance:
####Multiple Global data directories
class { 'elasticsearch':
datadir => [ '/var/lib/es-data1', '/var/lib/es-data2']
Creates the following for each instance:
####Single instance data directory
class { 'elasticsearch': }
elasticsearch::instance { 'es-01':
datadir => '/var/lib/es-data-es01'
Creates the following for this instance:
####Multiple instance data directories
class { 'elasticsearch': }
elasticsearch::instance { 'es-01':
datadir => ['/var/lib/es-data1-es01', '/var/lib/es-data2-es01']
Creates the following for this instance:
###Main and instance configurations
The config
option in both the main class and the instances can be configured to work together.
The options in the instance
config hash will merged with the ones from the main class and override any duplicates.
class { 'elasticsearch':
config => { 'cluster.name' => 'clustername' }
elasticsearch::instance { 'es-01':
config => { 'node.name' => 'nodename' }
elasticsearch::instance { 'es-02':
config => { 'node.name' => 'nodename2' }
This example merges the cluster.name
together with the node.name
When duplicate options are provided, the option in the instance config overrides the ones from the main class.
class { 'elasticsearch':
config => { 'cluster.name' => 'clustername' }
elasticsearch::instance { 'es-01':
config => { 'node.name' => 'nodename', 'cluster.name' => 'otherclustername' }
elasticsearch::instance { 'es-02':
config => { 'node.name' => 'nodename2' }
This will set the cluster name to otherclustername
for the instance es-01
but will keep it to clustername
for instance es-02
####Configuration writeup
The config
hash can be written in 2 different ways:
Instead of writing the full hash representation:
class { 'elasticsearch':
config => {
'cluster' => {
'name' => 'ClusterName',
'routing' => {
'allocation' => {
'awareness' => {
'attributes' => 'rack'
class { 'elasticsearch':
config => {
'cluster' => {
'name' => 'ClusterName',
'routing.allocation.awareness.attributes' => 'rack'
This module has been built on and tested against Puppet 3.2 and higher.
The module has been tested on:
- Debian 6/7/8
- CentOS 6/7
- Ubuntu 12.04, 14.04
- OpenSuSE 13.x
Other distro's that have been reported to work:
- RHEL 6
- OracleLinux 6
- Scientific 6
Testing on other platforms has been light and cannot be guaranteed.
Need help? Join us in #elasticsearch on Freenode IRC or on the discussion forum.