MATLAB / Python (U/C) code for mechanical design, sizing & capex/opex calculations
The intention is to use these quickly as "black-box" functions for the purposes for TAC optimization in the second half of the detail design of the main equipment (e.g. PFR length, selection of pumps/compressors etc.)
Download the required .m files under
directly to your project path; or -
Download the entire
to path, then right click \lib > Add to Path > Selected Folders in MATLAB
To use, download the required .m files into the same folder as your existing code, and call the following functions depending on your situation:
Quick tip: Always use help
to check the required units to avoid unit conversion errors!
help dsg
- retrieves help documentation on functions, inputs and arguments
dsg.designhorzpres - perform entire mechanical design for horizontal pressure vessels
dsg.designvertpres - perform entire mechanical design for vertical pressure vessels
dsg.designvac - perform entire mechanical design for vacuum vessels
dsg.sizecompressor - conducts compressor sizing
dsg.sizepump - conducts pump sizing
dsg.sizeHE_heater - conducts heat exchanger sizing for heating stream
dsg.sizeHE_cooler - conducts heat exchanger sizing for cooling stream
To call intermediate functions (e.g. calculate shell thickness, calculate max. allowable stress, calculate wind allowance etc.), refer to documentation (call help dsg
help capex
- retrieves help documentation on functions, inputs and arguments
capex.CEPCIyy - retrieves annual CEPCI index for 20yy (where yy = 01, 18 or 19)
capex.USSGyy - retrieves USD:SGD forex rate for 20yy year-average
capex.CPIzzyy - retrieves country zz's consumer price index (CPI) for 20yy year-average (where zz = 'SG' or 'US')
Reference year for CAPCOST = 2001 (as of Turton et al. 5th Ed.)
Reference year for utilities cost = 2018 (as of Turton et al. 5th Ed.)
capex.eqptpurcost - calculates purchased equipment cost
capex.pressurefacves - calculates pressure factor for vessels
capex.pressurefacanc - calculates pressure factor for anciliary equipment
capex.baremodfac - calculates bare module factor
capex.baremodcost - calculates bare module cost
capex.totmodcost - calculates total module cost
capex.grasscost - calculates grassroots cost
To do: Import relevant data on constants for MOC and pressure factors as needed, only if there are significant benefits of doing so.
help opex
- retrieves help documentation on functions, inputs and arguments
opex.CEPCIyy - retrieves annual CEPCI index for 20yy (where yy = 01, 18 or 19)
opex.USSGyy - retrieves USD:SGD forex rate for 20yy year-average
opex.CPIzzyy - retrieves country zz's consumer price index (CPI) for 20yy year-average (where zz = 'SG' or 'US')
Reference year for CAPCOST = 2001 (as of Turton et al. 5th Ed.)
Reference year for utilities cost = 2018 (as of Turton et al. 5th Ed.)
opex.SF - retrieves stream factor for plant operation
opex.runtime - retrieves operational runtime per annum
opex.shiftdur - retrieves duration of one workshift
opex.shiftperweek - retrieves number of shifts per year
opex.yearww - retrieves number of work weeks per year after leave entitlements
opex.utilxxx - utility cost for xxx (USD/GJ basis), where xxx =
"HPS" for high-pressure steam (41 barg, 254 degC)
"MPS" for medium-pressure steam (10 barg, 184 degC)
"LPS" for low-pressure steam (5 barg, 160 degC)
"CW" for cooling water (30-45 degC)
"ChW" for chilled water (5 degC)
"LTR" for low temperature refrigerant (-20 degC)
"VLTR" for very low temperature refrigerant (-50 degC)
"elec" for electricity (110-440 V)
opex.operatorspershift - calculates # operators per shift
opex.labourcost - calculates annualised labour cost
opex.costofutil - calculates cost of utilities
opex.costofmanfc - calculates all components of annualised total cost of manufacture (COM)