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@wenlzhang wenlzhang released this 07 Dec 16:12
· 8 commits to main since this release

Why You Need Link Maintainer

Have you ever found yourself in this situation? You're working with a long note in Obsidian, and you realize that a particular section would be more valuable as its own note. This is a common scenario when:

  • You want to make certain information more discoverable
  • You need to link the same content in multiple contexts
  • You're reorganizing your knowledge base for better structure

Obsidian provides ways to extract text into a new note, either through its native features or various community plugins. However, there's a catch: what happens to all the block references pointing to that text?

The Block Reference Challenge

Let's say you have:

A long note with many sections...
Some important text here ^important-block
More content...

References to the important text [[original-long-note#^important-block]]

When you extract the section with ^important-block into a new note:

  1. The block ID moves to the new note
  2. All existing references in other notes still point to the original note
  3. These references are now broken because the block ID no longer exists there

The Manual Fix

Without this plugin, you would need to:

  1. Find every note that references the block ID
  2. Manually update each reference to point to the new note
  3. Repeat this process for canvas files
  4. Hope you didn't miss any references

This is tedious, error-prone, and time-consuming - especially if the block is referenced in multiple places or canvas files.

The Solution

This is exactly why Link Maintainer exists. With this plugin, you can:

  1. Select the line containing the block ID
  2. Run a single command
  3. Let the plugin automatically update all references - both in markdown notes and canvas files

No more manual searching and replacing. No more broken references. Just smooth, reliable link maintenance that lets you focus on organizing your knowledge the way you want.