Bust Out Solutions
- philly
Heroku buildpack for pdftk on cedar-14, heroku-16, heroku-18 & script to re-compile for newer versions.
Debounce Sidekiq jobs that have the same worker class and params.
Fix the Rails 4 asset pipeline to generate non-digest along with digest assets
Heroku buildpack for uploading source map files to Rollbar
💫 A collection of loading spinner components for Vuejs
afomera / trix
Forked from maclover7/trixEasily drop the Trix WYSIWYG editor into your Ruby on Rails application.
No Longer Maintained - A lightning fast JSON:API serializer for Ruby Objects.
Extra rules for logcheck that clean up your inbox by adding some opinionated/sensible rules
A Component React for Facebook Login
Redux action creators for displaying flash messages
Workaround for logrotate issues introduced with mysql cookbook v6.0.0
Format function plugin for the Moment Duration object.
A gem to add PhotoSwipe to Rails asset pipeline
Ruby project for pulling the SMS convo records off of iPhone. Implemented using ActiveRecord
eostrom / colorbox-rails
Forked from stevo/colorbox-railsMake links open in lightbox a breeze
whatcould / ruby.tmbundle
Forked from textmate/ruby.tmbundleTextMate support for Ruby
whatcould / curb-fu
Forked from gdi/curb-fuSimple, yet powerful wrapper for taf2's curb (libcurl) library
whatcould / lunchy
Forked from eddiezane/lunchyA friendly wrapper for launchctl
whatcould / ar_fixtures
Forked from tolsen/ar_fixturesDumps YAML fixtures from existing data using ActiveRecord
whatcould / refinerycms
Forked from refinery/refinerycmsA Ruby on Rails CMS that supports Rails 3
A Capybara driver for headless WebKit to test JavaScript web apps
tolsen / ar_fixtures
Forked from topfunky/ar_fixturesDumps YAML fixtures from existing data using ActiveRecord
whatcould / liquid
Forked from Shopify/liquidLiquid markup language. Safe, customer facing template language for flexible web apps.