- Use Brightspace API and user credentials to get course contents
- Identify relevant API endpoints
- List of courses user is enrolled in
- Content structure of a specific course
- Details about a specific topic and its contents
- Address security concerns
- Use secure authentication methods like OAuth 2.0
- Identify relevant API endpoints
- Identify topics and subtopics based on course contents
- Processing
- spaCy for text pre-processing
- Gensim API for topic modeling tools
- Content type
- link to website
- Code (primarily java for now)
- Processing
- Create topic and subtopic nodes
- Generate tests relevant to each topic node
- Quiz
- True or false
- Multiple choice
- Fill in the blanks
- Short answer
- Coding challenges
- Quiz
- Set forgetting curve timer
- Exponential increase
- Prompt user to take test again once timer approaches zero
- Notification System
- Interactive 3D graph
- Think Machine
- Identify and create relationships between nodes