235 commits
to develop
since this release
Our 3rd release candidate for 4.1!
This release is a development preview and should not be used in production. This release should be used for testing only.
The following items have been fixed in this release:
- Android: Correct the coordinates for Android player window size in Display Settings Profile
- Android: fix an issue with elements not rendering
- 3463: Dataset Advanced Filter: Text based display tag is not replaced at runtime on the player
- 3404: DataSet: Value discrepancy when storing large integers in number values
- DataSet: do not render HTML content in the data view
- 3476: Developer: cannot change the datatype of a module template
- 3472: Developer : Template XML import is broken
- Layout Preview: fix background colour
- 3475: Layout Preview: Text element "fit to selection" doesn't work
- Library: do not allow previewing of generic files
- Logs: Fix the log processor so that logs are recorded with page/method
- Schedule Criteria: add a CMS API to send criteria updates to the player
- Theme: Fix an issue with the login page not being positioned correctly
The look, feel and main functionality of 4.1 is finalised. This is one of a series of release candidates over the coming weeks which will fix any issues found in 4.1. New features will be developed in 4.2.