This repository provides general library of tools to build, run, and analyze cellular automata simulations.
Cellular automata refers to a class of simulations based on a system of cells that maintain state and change state over time based on environment variables, influences from neighbhoring cells and a cells previous state. The system of cells forms an N-dimensional grid where for each time step a simultaneous update is applied to each cell of the grid using what is called a state transition function. A state transition function takes into consideration a cells neighborhood and a rule for how update a cells state. A neighborhood simply refers to the adjcent cells which should be considered when applying a rule to update a cells state. Two common neighborhood definitions are the VonNeumann and Moore neighborhood pictured below, left and right respectively.
CA simulations have finitie size which means there needs to be boundary conditions. Boundary conditins simply define what is the iteractive behavior of cells at the permiter grid. One common boundary condition type is periodic boundary conditions where cells interact with cells on the opposing side essentailly formnig a torus shape pictured below.
The rule applied to each cell in a state transition function contains the domain specific knowledge of how a cells state should be updated given the states of the cells in its neighborhood. For example, one common rule is the majority rule which is a rule where a cell will change its state to the mode of its neighboring cell states.
CA provide a powerful tool for modeling complex systems because it allows the modeling of nonlinear spatio-temporal dynamics as well as the ability to solve problemns in a wide range of domains as you can codify specific behaviors into rule functions for a particular application, like molecular dynamics.
This repository offers a C++ class, CellularAutomaton
(located in lib/cellular_automaton.h
) for constructing cellular automata simulations provided input data structures and simulation parameters. There are methods for writing simulation data and metadata to file and a python module for visualzing the simulation. The source code definitions of the functionilty is broken up into three services: input services, computational services, and output services. Below is a brief serice:
- input services (located in
): contains constructors for initializingCellularAutomaton
objects as well as setter methods for key class attributes and a helper method to validate user inputs. - computationl services (located in
): contains the core methods for running a simulation. The two main methods in this file are thestate_transition_function
a method for comptuing the valid neighboring cells depending on the neighborhood type and boundary conditions. - output services (located in
): contains methods for printing the grid to standard output as two methods for writing data to fil. The two methods for writing to file are a method for writing each snap shot of the simulation to a CSV capturing the state information of grid in one dimensional form and a complementary method for writing simulation metadata to a JSON file. Users can put CSV files into our visualization program (located inexamples/
), then the user can see the detailed simulation processing results interactive. The class offers the following list of base functionality: - Rules:
- Majority rule
- Parity rule
- Boundary conditions:
- Periodic
- Fixed
- Cutoff
- None
To add more general functionlaity to this class feel free to open a pull request to introduce new features with relevant unit tests placed test in the tests
directory. Another option for increasing functionality of the CellularAutomaton
class, is to use class ihertiance as demonstrated in the examples section below. This is particularly useful if you want to build a class of CA simulations unique to a domain like molecular dyanmics (classical mechanics applied to molecular systems).
For an example of how to extend the base functionality of the CellularAutomaton
class, please see examples/solute_dispersion.cxx
. In this example we create a SoluteDipsersion
class to model the brownian motion of solutes in a grid. This custom class introduces new a rule for update a cells state based on brownian motion for each of the solutes in that cell (the number of the solutes is equal to the integer state value of a cell).
- C++11
- Makefile
This repository is structure using a standard Makefile structure.
- Root directory: cellular-automata-molecular-dynamics
- Subdirectories:
- this file, documentation on library functionality and a conceptual introduction to cellular automata
- Makefile: makefile to generate all executables and libraries also commands clean all the subdirectories. See Makefile for possible 'make commands'.
- src: this directory contains the source code with the functionality.
- include: this directory contains the APIs in the form of .h include files
- lib: object file produced from making the src direcotry
- tests: this directory contains test programs used to test the functionalities of the Cellular Atomaton.
- bin: this directory contains all the executable program
- Subdirectories:
- Kevin Fong
- Xavier Linn
- Xiange Wang