This Django project provides a web-based reporting capability utilizing the FlyScript python package.
Along with a working python installation, the following packages will need to be installed:
- Django>=1.4.5
- django-model-utils==1.2.0
- djangorestframework==2.3.8
- django-extensions==1.1.1
- flyscript>=0.5.6
- jsonfield==0.9.5
- numpy>=1.7.0
- pandas>=0.10.1
- pygeoip>=0.2.6
- python-dateutil>=2.1
- pytz>=2013b
- six>=1.3.0
- wsgiref>=0.1.2
After cloning this repository to a local directory, these dependencies can be installed/checked by using the included requirements.txt file. For example:
$ cd /tmp
$ git clone [email protected]:riverbed/flyscript-portal.git
$ cd flyscript-portal
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
After reading up on the configuration, see the sections below for initializing the database and starting up the development server.
The steps for Windows are a bit different due to the need for pre-compiled packages. Assuming you have Python 2.7 installed successfully, follow the steps below:
Install git if you haven't already
Download installer from
Open installer
- Click next until you get to "Select Components"
- Check "Windows Explorer integration" and "Simple context menu"
- Check the two Git Here options
- Leave other options as default and click through until Finish
Clone the flyscript-portal repository from github using "Git Bash" (Start --> All Programs --> Git --> Git Bash)
Create a directory to store the project (you will start in "~" which is the same as C:\Users\your_username). For example:
$ cd ~ $ mkdir flyscript $ cd flyscript
Clone the project:
$ git clone
This will create a directory called
Go into this directory and check things out
$ cd flyscript-portal $ ls
Leave this window open for the next step.
Get pre-compiled python packages
In the Git Bash window from step 2, determine which python you have by running the "python" command.
Above the ">>>" you should see text including "[MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)]"
Download and install the correct numpy package from ( Pick the correct 32 or 64 bit version based on what you see from starting python above.
Download and install the correct pandas from ( Pick the correct 32 or 64 bit version as above.
In the Git Bash window, install the remaining requirements
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
After reading up on the configuration, see the sections below for initializing the database and starting up the development server.
All device and report configuration configuration is done by a set of configuration files in the config directory:
- config/
- the set of devices that will be queried for data
- config/
- location defintions by CIDR for custom geo-ip mapping
- config/reports/*.py
- reports, data tables and widgets
The config directory defines a set of 4 reports based on two devices named "profiler" and "shark1" defined in config/
To get started, edit the file config/
and fill appropriate
values for the PROFILER device and the SHARK device. At a minimum,
set the host
, username
, and password
fields for each device. For
the SHARK, a live view named 'flyscript-portal' is created on the
first available capture interface.
(If you only have a SHARK device, you can ignore the PROFILER settings, it just means you won't be able to render any of the sample PROFILER widgets. Similarly if you just have a PROFILER, ignore the SHARK settings.)
Customize the config/
file to setup the IP address for
addresses spaces in your network (those addresses that are in the private
non-routable IP space such as 10/8 or 192.168/16). This should typically
match your ByLocation host group configuration on Cascade Profiler.
The clean
script at the root of the project will perform the following:
- initialize the database, if it doesn't exist
- clean out any temporary files (log files, cache files, etc.)
- reload configurations from the config directory
- setup a default admin user with the login/password combo of 'admin'/'admin' (if the user already exists, the password will be reset to 'admin')
Run this script to reset everything. This is useful if you experience oddities when trying to access pages. Given that all configuration is stored in config files, this operation is safe to run at just about any time.
Note that the clean
script is a bash shell script and will work on unix-like
systems. If you are running this on Windows, you'll need to manually execute
each command or run this from the Git-Bash or Cygwin shell.
On unix-like systems:
$ ./clean
To force the database to its original state, and really reset everything to ground-zero, pass the '--reset' command to the script as follows:
$ ./clean --reset
The Django web server is started up using the script:
$ python runserver
This starts up a development server running on port 8000 by default.
Now, navigate to http://localhost:8000 and you should
see a page with a criteria box open. Just click "Run" and you should see some
This project utilizes file storage caching of the data results, and these files are
stored in the datacache
directory. Eventually these files will be automatically
cleaned, but in the interim, there are no ill effects if they are manually deleted
periodically to reclaim storage space.
After logging into the server for the first time, there will be an option under the
upper-right Configure
button called Preferences
. From there, follow the link
titled Change User Password
and a typical password change page will be shown.
Google Maps/Google Earth API
Use of the Google Maps/Google Earth API may require login credentials from Google such as an API Key or Client ID. Please see Google’s website at and for more information. Please also see the LICENSE file available at for information regarding licensing.
Please see the LICENSE file available at for information regarding licensing of OpenStreetMap and MapQuest-OSM tiles.
The maps widget can identify public IP address using the GeoLite database. To enable this integration, download the GeoLite City database from MaxMind GeoLite Free Downloadable Databases.
Install the unpacked database at the file location: /tmp/GeoLiteCity.dat
Currently, each report has the same criteria:
End Time - the end time/date of the reporting interval that will be used
Duration - the duration the reporting interval. If left at 'Default', each widget in the report will use the duration configured for that widget's associated data table, which may be different for each table.
Filter Expression - an arbitrary filter expression to be passed to the data source that will execute the query for a table. The syntax of the expression is dependent on the datasource.
Note that since there may be a mix of different data sources in the same report, the filter expression generally will not work in such mixed reports because the filter expression syntax differs for each data source. This will will be addressed in a future release.
A data table is the root of data for a widget. It defines the data source (one of the modules in the apps/datasource/modules directory) and general table attributes such as the default duration.
Columns are associated with the table and define the keys and values of interest. Each data table may have any number of columns.
A column has the following common attributes:
- a simple name for referring to this column in the widgetlabel
- string label to used for displayiskey
- boolean indicating if this is a key columndatatype
- null, or one of 'metric', 'bytes', or 'time'- use 'metric' to automatically format the value with with metric unites
- use 'bytes' to format as metric, but with Bytes attached
- use 'time' for time based columns
- optional units for display purposesmodule
- defines the module to use to query for data
In addition, each column supports an options
attribute with defines additional
configuration options relevant to the the data source that will be performing
the query for this column.
A new data source may be defined by adding a new module to the apps/datasource/modules directory. See the existing modules as an example.
Widgets are the UI representations of a data table. Multiple widgets may be associated with the same table, for example to show both a bar chart and a pie chart of the same data.
Each widget simply binds a table to a particular widget type. The possible widget types are defined by the modules in apps/report/modules.
Widgets have the following attributes:
- the display titlewidth
- the column width for the widget, each page is 12 columns wide, defaults to 6 for half widthheight
- the height in pixels, defaults to 300module
- defines the module to use to render this widgetuiwidget
- defines the specific widget within the module
Widget specific options are specified in the options
A new widget may be defined by adding appropriate code to an existing
module or create new module in the apps/datasource/modules
directory. See the existing modules and widgets as an example.
Note that each module and uiwidget has associated JavaScript code
in the apps/report/static/js directory that handles turning the
data and options into rendered widget.
Copyright (c) 2013 Riverbed Technology, Inc.
FlyScript Portal is licensed under the terms and conditions of the MIT License set forth at LICENSE ("License"). FlyScript Portal is distributed "AS IS" as set forth in the License. FlyScript Portal also includes certain third party code. All such third party code is also distributed "AS IS" and is licensed by the respective copyright holders under the applicable terms and conditions (including, without limitation, warranty and liability disclaimers) identified at LICENSE.
FlyScript Portal - building dashboards, reports from network device data