Computer Graphics : Real Time rendering Assignments OpenGL programming:
List of some assignments:
A. Windows:
A. Basic/Primitive assignments:
- Win32 native plain window.
- Win32 plain window with full screen.
- Win32 OpenGL plain window with full screen.
- XWindows plain window with full screen.
- XWindwos OpenGL window with full screen.
- GLUT window
- Drawing lines
- Drawing a graph paper
- Drawing rectangle, traingle, circle
- Multicolored triangle
- Concentric circles, traingles, rectangles
- Deathly Hallows symbol
- Multicolored Triangle using glOrtho, glFrustum, gluOrtho2D, gluPerspective
- Viewport Toggling on keypress
B. Object movements:
- Triangle and square rotation
- Deathly Hallows rotation
- Multicolored pyramid rotation about x axis
- Multicolored cube rotation about x,y,x axes
- Multicolored cube by replacing gl functions *
C. Texture and lights:
- Using texture on 2D surface and tweaking.
- Using texture on cube and pyramid.
- Checker-board texture
- Use of 1 light on 3d object
- Using multiple lights and rotating the lights to view effect.
- Effect on different materials
- Spotlight
D. Model Loading (using obj parser)
- MonkeyHead (WireFrame and 3D with lights)*
E. Combining Concepts:
- Robot arm
- Solar system
- India Static
- India Dynamic *
F. Others:
- Bowling INC
- Super Mario and bug
- Android and Google logo rotation on key press
B. XWindows(Linux):
- 2D and 3D rotating shapes (repetition)
- Robot arm and solar system (repetition)
- 3D shapes using log file (to log errors)
More assignments will be added upon completion. Screen shots and exe's of assignments(excepts for a few one's). Run the exe to view output of each assignment/project. (Note: Some assignments operate on keypress. So check the source code for more information) (Videos have been added for some animations)