"# ml-cartoonifier-python-project"
At the end of this article, we aim to transform images into its cartoon. Yes, we will CARTOONIFY the images. Thus, we will build a python application that will transform an image into its cartoon using OpenCV.
Steps to develop Image Cartoonifier Step 1: Importing the required modules Step 2: Building a File Box to choose a particular file Step 3: How is an image stored? Step 4: Transforming an image to grayscale Step 5: Smoothening a grayscale image Step 6: Retrieving the edges of an image Step 7: Preparing a Mask Image Step 8: Giving a Cartoon Effect Step 9: Plotting all the transitions together Step 10: Functionally of save button Step 11: Making the main window Step 12: Making the Cartoonify button in the main window Step 13: Making a Save button in the main window Step 14: Main function to build the tkinter window