Instructions for setting up AKS cluster with the following configuration:
- Kubenet networking
- NGINX ingress controller
- Azure Application Gateway
Create a resource group using the
az group create
command.RG=aks-kubenet-nginx REGION=eastus az login az group create --name $RG --location $REGION
If you don't have an existing virtual network and subnet to use, create these network resources using the
az network vnet create
command. The following example command creates a virtual network named aks-vnet with the address prefix of and a subnet named aks-subnet with the address prefix SUBNET=aks-subnet az network vnet create \ --resource-group $RG \ --name $VNET \ --subnet-name $SUBNET \ --address-prefix \ --subnet-prefix \ --location $REGION
Get the subnet resource ID using the
az network vnet subnet show
command and store it as a variable namedSUBNET_ID
for later use.SUBNET_ID=$(az network vnet subnet show --resource-group $RG --vnet-name $VNET --name $SUBNET --query id -o tsv)
First create Azure Container Registry so that it can be attach to the AKS cluster
az acr create --name $REGISTRY_NAME --resource-group $RG --sku basic --location eastus
Create an AKS cluster using the az aks create
az aks create \
--resource-group $RG \
--name $CLUSTER \
--network-plugin kubenet \
--vnet-subnet-id $SUBNET_ID \
Get the connect command to AKS cluster from the Azure Portal:
az aks get-credentials --resource-group $RG --name $CLUSTER --overwrite-existing
Get the first IP address available in the subnet to use as the load balancer IP:
AKS_LB_IP_ADDRESS=$(az network vnet subnet list-available-ips -g $RG --vnet-name $VNET -n $SUBNET --query
Add the ingress-nginx repository and use Helm to deploy an NGINX ingress controller.
helm repo add ingress-nginx
helm repo update
helm install ingress-nginx ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx \
--version 4.10.1 \
--namespace ingress-basic \
--create-namespace \
--set controller.replicaCount=2 \
--set controller.service.loadBalancerIP=$AKS_LB_IP_ADDRESS \
--set controller.service.annotations."service\.beta\.kubernetes\.io/azure-load-balancer-internal"=true \
--set controller.service.annotations."service\.beta\.kubernetes\.io/azure-load-balancer-health-probe-request-path"=/healthz
If the command is successful, it should output the command below which can be used to validate an External IP which will be in pending state:
kubectl --namespace ingress-basic get services -o wide -w ingress-nginx-controller
To see the ingress controller in action, run two demo applications in your AKS cluster. In this example, you use kubectl apply
to deploy two instances of a simple Hello world application.
Run the two demo applications using kubectl apply
kubectl create namespace internal
kubectl apply -f aks-helloworld-internal.yaml --namespace internal
kubectl create namespace external
kubectl apply -f aks-helloworld-external.yaml --namespace external
Both applications are now running on your Kubernetes cluster. To route traffic to each application, create a Kubernetes ingress resource. The ingress resource configures the rules that route traffic to one of the two applications.
In the following example, traffic to external.<> is routed to the service named aks-helloworld-external
. Traffic to internal.<> is routed to the aks-helloworld-internal
service. We also need to create a default ingress for '*' hosts using aks-helloworld-default
Create the ingress resource using the kubectl apply
kubectl apply -f default-hello-world-ingress.yaml --namespace default
kubectl apply -f internal-hello-world-ingress.yaml --namespace internal
kubectl apply -f external-hello-world-ingress.yaml --namespace external
Create Virtual Network and Subnet for Application Gateway using the
az network vnet create
command.APPGW_VNET=appgw-vnet APPGW_SUBNET=appgw-subnet az network vnet create \ --resource-group $RG \ --name $APPGW_VNET \ --subnet-name $APPGW_SUBNET \ --address-prefix \ --subnet-prefix \ --location $REGION
Create a public IP and save the IP Address for the Application Gateway
APPGW_PIP=aks-appgw-pip az network public-ip create --resource-group $RG --name $APPGW_PIP --sku Standard --allocation-method static APPGW_PIP_ADDRESS=$(az network public-ip show --resource-group $RG --name $APPGW_PIP --query ipAddress -o tsv)
Set up bi-directional network peering between the AKS subnet and the Application Gateway virtual network:
# get aks vnet id VNET_ID=$(az network vnet show -n $VNET -g $RG -o tsv --query "id") # get gateway vnet id APPGW_VNET_ID=$(az network vnet show --name $APPGW_VNET -g $RG -o tsv --query "id") az network vnet peering create -n appgw2aks \ -g $RG --vnet-name $APPGW_VNET \ --remote-vnet $VNET_ID \ --allow-vnet-access az network vnet peering create -n aks2appgw \ -g $RG --vnet-name $VNET \ --remote-vnet $APPGW_VNET_ID \ --allow-vnet-access
Create Application Gateway:
APPGW='appgw-aks' az network application-gateway create --name $APPGW --resource-group $RG \ --subnet $APPGW_SUBNET --vnet-name $APPGW_VNET --sku Standard_V2 \ --priority 100 --servers $AKS_LB_IP_ADDRESS --public-ip-address $APPGW_PIP
Get the Network security group associated to the App Gateway Subnet:
NSG=$(az network vnet subnet show --vnet-name $APPGW_VNET -n $APPGW_SUBNET -g $RG --query --output tsv | sed 's/^.*networkSecurityGroups\///')
Change NSG rule to allow traffic on port 80 (if you get a Bad Request from local shell, then use Cloud Shell instead):
az network nsg rule create -g $RG --nsg-name $NSG --name AllowHTTP --access Allow --protocol Tcp --direction Inbound --priority 150 --source-address-prefix Internet --source-port-range "*" --destination-address-prefix "*" --destination-port-range 80
Create 2 A records in existing DNS zone: az network dns record-set a add-record --ipv4-address $APPGW_PIP_ADDRESS --record-set-name internal -g $RG --zone-name $ZONE az network dns record-set a add-record --ipv4-address $APPGW_PIP_ADDRESS --record-set-name public -g $RG --zone-name $ZONE
Navigate to the browser or use the command below to verify connectivity:
curl -L curl -L