The overall plan is as follows:
- One day a question
- In units of weeks, where the ratio of easy, medium, hard is 3: 2: 2
- 8 o'clock every morning to publish the question, at 11 pm given the best submission today
Title type order:
- The first stage:array、string、tree、linkedlist、math
- The second stage:HashTable、SortTopological Sort、Graph、Trie、MiniMax、Stack、Queue
- The third stage:Binary Search、Two Pointers、Heap、Binary Search Tree、Binary Indexed Tree、Recursion、Greedy、Union Find、Map
- The fourth stage:Depth-first Search、Breadth-first Search、Design、Backtracking、Dynamic Programming、Divide and Conquer、Segment Tree、Reservior sampling、Geometry、Memoization、Bit Manipulation
- 643. Maximum Average Subarray I (Easy)
- 611. Valid Triangle Number I (Medium)
- 605. Can Place Flowers (Easy)
- 565. Array Nesting (Medium)
- 41. First Missing Positive (Hard)
- 57. Insert Interval (Hard)
- 661. Image Smoother(Easy)
- 495. Teemo Attacking(Medium)
- 560. Subarray Sum Equals K(Medium)
- 268. Missing Number(Easy)
- 442. Find All Duplicates in an Array(Medium)
- 537. Complex Number Multiplication (Medium)
- 657. Judge Route Circle (Easy)
- 647. Palindromic Substrings (Medium)
- 632. Smallest Range (Hard)
- 632. Construct String from Binary Tree (Easy)
- 551. Student Attendance Record I (Easy)
- 583. Delete Operation for Two Strings(Medium)
- 115. Distinct Subsequences(Hard)
- 541. Reverse String II(Easy)
- 557. Reverse Words in a String III(Easy)
- 609. Find Duplicate File in System(Medium)
- 564. Find the Closest Palindrome(Hard)
- 28. Implement strStr()(Easy)
- 22. Generate Parentheses(Medium)
- 345. Reverse Vowels of a String(Easy)
- 97. Interleaving String(Hard)
- 38. Count and Say(Easy)
- 662. Maximum Width of Binary Tree (Medium)
- 654. Maximum Binary Tree (Medium)
- 111. Minimum Depth of Binary Tree(easy)
- 99. Recover Binary Search Tree (Hard)
- 297. Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree (Hard)
- 669. Trim a Binary Search Tree(Easy)