A restful JSON API is provided at http://nyx.vima.ekt.gr:3000 that exposes the following schema:
Endpoint | Method | Post Params | Default values | Response |
/api/books | POST | page itemsPerPage filters |
1 20 Empty array [] |
{ |
- Using React, build a webapp that queries this paginated endpoint and prints out the results as a list
- The app should be paginated (page selector) with the pagination reflected in the url (so when the page is refreshed the same resultset is shown)
- You can use React Bootstrap as a components library for simplicity
- Compile your own Bootstrap theme (less/sass) with the only difference to the original that the primary colour is
- Host your code on github or similar, put all the code in a Pull Request against the (probably) empty repo
Add a search field to the app that upon request populates the filters
post param as follows:
filters:[{type: "all", values: ["YOUR_SEARCH_FIELD_CONTENTS"]}]