Cerebro is the DX solutions automation system for IoT and Smart Cities management - https://cerebro.iveda.ai
Uses Vite as the builder, index.html
as the app page, src/main.tsx
as the root module.
- Language: Typescript 4.x
- Framework: React 18.x
- State management: MobX 6.x
The Project uses Prettier for code formatting. File .prettierrc.json
contains the configuration.
Prepare project for the local development.
yarn install
Runs the app in the development mode.Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser. The page will reload if you make edits. You will also see any lint errors in the console.
yarn dev
Builds the app for production to the dist
folder. It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance. The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes. Your app is ready to be deployed.
yarn build
Builds and runs the app in the production mode.
Open http://localhost:4173 to view it in the browser.
yarn preview
- config files
- source code
See src/README.md for more details.
Please use aliases for imports:
- @app for
; see src/app/README.md for more details. - @core for
; see src/core/README.md for more details. - @solutions for for
; see src/solutions/README.md for more details.
The Project uses Git version control system. The main branch is main
and the development branch is dev
Each new feature should reside in its own branch, which can be pushed to the central repository for backup/collaboration following the next flow:
- Create feature branch using
as its parent branch. - When you ready to begin the process of merging new code changes with the project repository, open a pull request (merge request) with
branch. - After team's review and approval, the code is merged into
When the dev
branch is ready for release, it is merged into main
branch to deploy. Features should never interact directly with main
Core libraries used within the project:
Read more about Design System.
- TailwindCSS framework as the set of great mixins so it needs
"scss.lint.unknownAtRules": "ignore"
setting in VSCode IDE to use@apply
etc... - tailwindcss-box-shadow
- Tokens Studio for Figma
- Style Dictionary
- token-transformer
- tinycolor2
- Integrate Translation Utility to the File.
Insert the following import at the beginning of your file:
import { t } from '@core/utils/translate';
- Add Key, Value, and Description.
Before proceeding, it's recommended to check if a similar key or value already exists in the en.json file.
Navigate to:
@core > utils > translations > en.json
"general": {
"nextButton": {
"label": {
"translation": "Next",
"notes": "Next button or link."
Use in your components as:
aria-label={t('general.nextButton.label', 'Next', 'Next button or link.')}
For general/common values, we prefer using the general prefix.
- Run the Script.
Execute the following command:
yarn i18n
- Upload the Generated en.json File to the Translation Service.
Navigate to Lokalise website. Go to:
DX Solutions > Upload
And upload your file.
- Downloading the Files
From the list, select the format Structured JSON (.json).
After downloading, place the files in the following directory:
@core > utils > translations