is a package for quantitative analysis of chemicals based on tabular data.
Graphical user interface is available for adjusting calibration curve. See ChemistryQuantitativeAnalysisUI.jl
Command line interfaces are implemented in juliaquant
for non-programmers.
This package provides two wrappers for data, SampleDataTable{A, S, N, T}
and AnalyteDataTable{A, S, N, T}
which are subtypes of AbstractDataTable{A, S, N, T}
. SampleDataTable
indicates that part of columns represent analytes, and all rows reprsent samples. AnalyteDataTable
indicates that part of columns represent samples, and all rows represent analytes. Both types behave like the underlying table
Fields | SampleDataTable{A, S, N, T} |
AnalyteDataTable{A, S, N, T} |
analytecol |
- | Symbol , column name whose elements are analytes. |
samplecol |
Symbol , column name whose elements are samples. |
- |
analyte |
Vector{A} , analytes in user-defined types. |
same |
sample |
Vector{S} , samples in user-defined types. |
same |
table |
Tabular data of type T |
same |
SampleDataTable{A, S, N, T}
can be constructed in the following ways:
SampleDataTable(analytetype::TypeOrFn, samplecol::Symbol, table; analytename = setdiff(propertynames(table), [samplecol]))
SampleDataTable(table, analytetype::TypeOrFn, samplecol::Symbol; analytename = setdiff(propertynames(table), [samplecol]))
SampleDataTable(samplecol::Symbol, table; analytename = setdiff(propertynames(table), [samplecol]))
SampleDataTable(table, samplecol::Symbol; analytename = setdiff(propertynames(table), [samplecol]))
AnalyteDataTable{A, S, N, T}
can be constructed in the following ways:
AnalyteDataTable(analytecol::Symbol, sampletype::TypeOrFn, table; samplename = setdiff(propertynames(table), [analytecol]))
AnalyteDataTable(table, analytecol::Symbol, sampletype::TypeOrFn; samplename = setdiff(propertynames(table), [analytecol]))
AnalyteDataTable(analytecol::Symbol, table; samplename = setdiff(propertynames(table), [analytecol]))
AnalyteDataTable(table, analytecol::Symbol; samplename = setdiff(propertynames(table), [analytecol]))
and samplename
will be converted to a vector of string, and then converted to the desired type using cqaconvert(analytetype, analaytename)
and cqaconvert(sampletype, samplename)
AnalysisMethod{A, M, C, D}
is used for storing method, containing all analytes, their internal standards and calibration curve setting, and data for fitting calibration curve.
Property | Description |
analytetable |
M <: Table with at least 3 columns, analytes identical to property analytes , isd , matching each analyte to index of its internal standard, and calibration matching each analyte to index of other analyte for fitting its calibration curve. -1 indicates the analyte itself is internal standard, and 0 indicates no internal standard. For example, a row (analytes = AnalyteX, isd = 2, calibration = 3) means that internal standard of AnalyteX is the second analyte, and it will be quantified using calibration curve of the third analyte. |
signal |
Symbol , type and key name of experimental acquisition data. |
rel_sig |
Symbol , key name of relative signal. |
est_conc |
Symbol , key name of estimated concentration. |
true_conc |
Symbol , key name of true concentration. |
acc |
Symbol , key name of accuracy. |
pointlevel |
Vector{Int} matching each point to level. It can be empty if there is only one level in conctable . |
conctable |
C <: AbstractDataTable{A, Int} containing concentration data for each level. Sample names must be symbol or string of integers for multiple levels. One level indicates using SingleCalibration . |
signaltable |
D <: AbstractDataTable{A, S} containig signal for each point. It can be nothing if signal data is unecessary. |
analyte |
AbstractVector{A} , analytes in user-defined types. |
isd |
AbstractVector{<: A} that each analytes are internal standards. |
nonisd |
AbstractVector{<: A} that each analytes are not internal standards. |
point |
AbstractVector{S} , calibration points, identical to signaltable.samples . If signaltable is nothing , this value is nothing too. |
level |
AbstractVector{Int} , calibration levels, identical to conctable.samples . |
Constructors of AnalysisMethod
AnalysisMethod(analytetable::Table, signal::Symbol, rel_sig::Symbol, est_conc::Symbol, true_conc::Symbol, acc::Symbol, pointlevel::Vector{Int}, conctable::AbstractDataTable{A, Int}, signaltable::Union{AbstractDataTable, Nothing})
AnalysisMethod(conctable::AbstractDataTable, signaltable::SampleDataTable, signal, levelname; kwargs...)
AnalysisMethod(conctable::AbstractDataTable, signaltable::Nothing; kwargs...)
AnalysisMethod(conctable::AbstractDataTable, signaltable::Union{AbstractDataTable, Nothing}, signal, pointlevel::AbstractVector{Int}; kwargs...)
Keyword arguments
: key name of relative signa. It defaults to:relative_signal
: key name of estimated concentration. It defaults to:estimated_concentration
: key name of true concentration. It defaults to:true_concentration
: key name of accuracy. It defaults to:accuracy
.- Other keyword arguments will be columns in
; whenanalyte
are not provided, it will use analyte inconctable
is the column name for pointlevel
if signaltable
is a SampleDataTable
AnalysisTable{A, S, T}
is basically a Dictionary{Symbol, <: AbstractDataTable{T}}
which data can be extracted using proeperty syntax. For example, at[:area] === at.area
Field | Description |
analyte |
Vector{A} , analytes in user-defined types. |
sample |
Vector{S} , samples in user-defined types. |
tables |
Dictionary{Symbol, <: AbstractDataTable{T}} , a dictionary mapping data type to datatable. |
The key names are determined by an AnalysisMethod
AnalysisTable{A, S, T}
can be constructed in the following ways:
AnalysisTable(keys::AbstractVector{Symbol}, tables::AbstractVector{<: AbstractDataTable{A, S}})
is an iterable iter of key-value Pair
s (or other iterables of two elements, such as a two-tuples). Keys should be Symbol
s, and values should be AbstractDataTable
This package provides two calibration types, MultipleCalibration{A, N, T}
and SingleCalibration{A, N}
which are subtypes of AbstractCalibration{A, N}
This type fits and stores calibration curve. It can be created from a AnalysisMethod{A, S}
containing calibration data, an analyte A
using function calibration
Field | Description |
analyte |
Tuple{A, Any} . First element is the analyte being quantified, and the second element is its internal standard for which nothing indicates no internal standard. |
type |
Bool determines whether fitting a linear line (true ) or quadratic curve (false ). |
zero |
Bool determines whether forcing the curve crossing (0, 0) (true ) or ignoring it (false ). |
weight |
Float64 represents the exponential applying to each element of x as a weighting vector. |
formula |
FormulaTerm , the formula for fitting calibration curve. |
table |
TypedTable.Table , the clean up calibration data, containing 7 columns. |
model |
GLM object |
The columns in table
Column | Description |
id |
Point name |
level |
The index of concentration level. The larger, the higher concentraion it represents. |
y |
Signal or relative signal |
x |
True concentraion |
x̂ |
Predicted concentration |
accuracy |
Accuracy, i.e. x̂/x . |
include |
Whether this point is included or not |
To predict concentration, call inv_predict
. To calculate accuracy, call accuracy
. type
, zero
, and weigtht
can be modified directly. To change internal standard, modify analyte
. After any modification, call update_calibration!
with method to update the model
This type contains data for single pont calibration.
Field | Description |
analyte |
Tuple{A} is the analyte with known concentration (internal standard). |
conc |
Float64 , concentration of analyte. |
Batch{A, M, C, D}
represents a batch for quantitative analysis.
Property | Description |
method |
M <: AnalysisMethod{A} , method. |
calibration |
C <: Union{AbstractVector{MultipleCalibration{<: A}}, AbstractVector{SingleCalibration{<: A}}} |
data |
Data for analysis, D <: Union{AnalysisTable{<: A}, Nothing} . |
analyte |
AbstractVector{A} , analytes in user-defined types, identical to method.analytetable.analyte . |
isd |
AbstractVector{<: A} , analytes which are internal standards, identical to method.analytetable.analyte . |
nonisd |
AbstractVector{<: A} that each analytes are not internal standards. |
point |
AbstractVector{S} or Nothing , calibration points, identical to method.point . |
level |
AbstractVector{Int} , calibration levels, identical to method.level . |
Constructors for Batch{A, M, C, D}
Batch(method::M, calibration::C, data::D = nothing)
Batch(method::AnalysisMethod, data = nothing; type = true, zero = false, weight = 0)
Batch(batch::Batch, at::AnalysisTable)
Batch(dt::AbstractDataTable; signal = :area, rel_sig = :relative_signal, est_conc = :estimated_concentration, true_conc = :true_concentration, acc = :accuracy, calid = r"Cal_(\d)_(\d*-*\d*)", order = "LR", f2c = 1, parse_decimal = x -> replace(x, "-" => "."))
The last method allows user to use encoded sample names to generate AnalysisMethod
. Note that the returned batch does not have any calibration curves, which allows user to modify analytetable
, and then apply init_calibration!
to start calibration.
To calculate relative signal, concentration or accuracy and save the result, call update_relative_signal!
, update_inv_predict!
(in combination, update_quantification!
) and update_accuracy!
, respectively.
To use data on disk, user should create a directory in the following structure:
│ ├──true_concentration.sdt
│ │ ├──config.txt
│ │ └──table.txt
│ ├──area.sdt
│ │ ├──config.txt
│ │ └──table.txt
│ ├──analytetable.txt
│ └──config.txt
│ ├──1.mcal
│ └──2.mcal
There is a function mkbatch
which creates a valid batch directory programatically.
Config files have the following general forms
The first config file contains a header delim
which determines the default delimiter for table.txt
in this directory and subdirectories.
and calibration
is not necessary for initializing a batch. The former can be added to the batch directly in julia, and the latter will be generated after calibration.
All *.sdt
files can be replaced with *.adt
All *.sdt
files will be read as SampleDataTable
Config file needs the following headers.
All *.adt
files will be read as AnalyteDataTable
Config file needs the following headers.
It must contain two .sdt
or .adt
files. A file must contain true concentration for each analyte and level. The sample names must be integers.
Another file is signal data for each analyte and calibration point. The file name is determined by config.txt
Config file for
needs the following headers.
, rel_sig
, est_conc
, true_conc
, and acc
specifys which .sdt
or .adt
files containing corresponding data in the method directory or ascociated **.at
For the above file,
will become method.signaltable
will become method.conctable
maps each point to level which should be integers.
specifys the column representing property pointlevel
of AnalysisMethod
. It only works for which signaltable
is SampleDataTable
; otherwise, it falls back to use pointlevel
needs to contain analyte names, index of their internal standards, and index of of other analytes whose calibration curve is used. The column names are fixed for these three columns.
analytes isd calibration other_information
analyte1 isd1 calibration_analyte_id1 other_information1
analyte2 isd2 calibration_analyte_id2 other_information2
The delimiter should be "\t", and the order of columns does not matter.
It can contain multiple *.sdt
or *.adt
. The file names must start from an integer with _
following the name, e.g. 0_area.sdt
. The integer is for the order of reading into AnalysisTable
, and name
will be the key. The name of data is determined in
To read a batch into julia, call
julia> batch ="batch_name.batch", T; table_type, analytetype,sampletype, numbertype, delim)
is the sink function for tabular data; it should create an object following Tables.jl
interface. table_type
is T
parameter in the type signature of Batch
which determines the underlying table type, analytetype
is a concrete type for analyte
, sampletype
is a concrete type for sample
, numbertype
is a cincrete type for numeric data, and delim
specifies delimiter for tabular data if config[:delim]
does not exist.
For any x
of type analytetype
or sampletype
, x
equals cqaconvert(type, string(x)))
. Additionally, tryparse
have to be extended for CSV
tryparse(::Type{analytetype}, x::AbstractString)
is neccessary forAnalyteDataTable
.tryparse(::Type{sampletype}, x::AbstractString)
is neccessary forSampleDataTable
To write batch to disk, call ChemistryQuantitativeAnalysis.write
. There is a keyword argument delim
controling delimiter of tables.
julia> ChemistryQuantitativeAnalysis.write("batch_name.batch", batch; delim = '\t')
There will be a folder calibration
containing multiple *.mcal
or *.scal
folders. The former is for MultipleCalibration
and the latter is for SingleCalibration
using ChemistryQuantitativeAnalysis, TypedTables, DataFrames
const CQA = ChemistryQuantitativeAnalysis
import Base: show, convert, tryparse
# Custom Analyte type
struct AnalyteG1
struct AnalyteG2
struct AnalyteOther
const AnalyteTest = Union{AnalyteG1, AnalyteG2, AnalyteOther} # Use Union rather than abstarct type because csv parser only support concrete type
show(io::IO, analyte::AnalyteTest) = print(io,
# Analyte parser
function (::Type{AnalyteTest})(name::String)
g = match(r"^G(\d)\(.*\)$", name)
isnothing(g) && return AnalyteOther(name)
g = parse(Int, first(g))
g == 1 ? AnalyteG1(name) : g == 2 ? AnalyteG2(name) : AnalyteOther(name)
tryparse(::Type{AnalyteTest}, s::String) = AnalyteTest(s) # For reading data from disk
# Generate data
analytes = typedmap(AnalyteTest, ["G1(drug_a)", "G2(drug_a)", "G1(drug_b)", "G2(drug_b)"])
conc = Float64[1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100]
signal1 = vcat(Float64[1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100], [1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100] .+ 0.1, [1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100] .- 0.1)
signal2 = vcat(Float64[1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100] .^ 2, [1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100] .^ 2 .+ 0.1, [1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100] .^ 2 .- 0.1)
# Create method
conctable = SampleDataTable(
"level" => collect(1:7),
"G1(drug_a)" => conc,
"G1(drug_b)" => conc .* 10),
analytetype = AnalyteTest
signaltable = SampleDataTable(
"point" => reshape([string(a, "_", b) for (a, b) in Iterators.product(1:7, 1:3)], 21),
"level" => repeat(1:7, 3),
"G1(drug_a)" => signal1,
"G2(drug_a)" => repeat([5.0], 21),
"G1(drug_b)" => signal2,
"G2(drug_b)" => repeat([2.0], 21)),
analytetype = AnalyteTest
method = AnalysisMethod(conctable, signaltable, :area, :point; analyte = analytes, isd = [2, -1, 4, -1], calibration = [1, -1, 3, -1])
# Create sample data
cdata = AnalysisTable([:area], [
"Sample" => ["S1", "S2", "S3"],
"G1(drug_a)" => Float64[6, 24, 54],
"G2(drug_a)" => Float64[5, 6, 6],
"G1(drug_b)" => Float64[200, 800, 9800],
"G2(drug_b)" => Float64[2, 2, 2]),
analytetype = AnalyteTest
rdata = AnalysisTable([:area], [
"Analyte" => analytes,
"S1" => Float64[6, 6, 200, 2],
"S2" => Float64[24, 6, 800, 2],
"S3" => Float64[54, 6, 9800, 2]
) # Less efficient for quantification
# Create batch
cbatch = Batch(method, cdata)
rbatch = Batch(method, rdata)
# Calibration
cbatch.calibration # a vector of `MultipleCalibration`
cbatch.calibration[2].type = false # Use quadratic regression for the second analyte
rbatch.calibration[AnalyteG1("G1(drug_b)")].type = false # Use quadratic regression for `AnalyteG1("G1(drug_b)")`
update_calibration!(cbatch, 2)
update_calibration!(rbatch, AnalyteG1("G1(drug_b)"))
# Quantification
update_relative_signal!(cbatch) # A new data `` is created.
update_inv_predict!(cbatch) # Fit `` into calibration curve to create ``.
update_quantification!(cbatch) # equivalent to `update_inv_predict!(update_relative_signal!(cbatch))`
# Utils
analyteobj(cdata.area) # analytes of type `AnalyteTest`
sampleeobj(cdata) # samples of type `String`
analytename(cdata) # analytes of type `Symbol`
samplename(cdata.area) # samples of type `Symbol`
cdata.area[AnalyteTest("G2(drug_a)"), "S1"] = 6 # Set value using `dt[analyte, sample]`
cdata.area[AnalyteTest("G2(drug_a)"), "S1"] == 6
getanalyte(cdata.area, AnalyteG1("G1(drug_b)")) # get data of `AnalyteG1("G1(drug_b)")`
getanalyte(cdata.area, 1) # get data of first analyte
getsample(cdata.area, "S2")