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Deploy on Openshift

Step1 : Initial setup of secrets

To deploy osa-data-collector we have to deploy asw as well as big query related secretes into openshift namespace.

AWS secrets we are using to push osa-data-collector output to S3 object. Here is the sample definition of the secret:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: aws
type: Opaque
  aws_access_key_id: <Your base 64 encoded access key here>
  aws_secret_access_key: <Your base 64 encoded secret key here>

To base64 encode a piece of text, use the command:

echo -n "<Your text here>" | base64

N.B. on a Mac install and use the command gbase64 instead of the default base64.

Save the full yaml definition to a file, say aws-secret.yaml and use this command to apply the secret to your namespace:

oc apply -f aws-secret.yaml

Similarly, base64 encode the complete contents of the bigquery service account key.json file as is and create a new secret definition, say google-secret.yaml.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: google-services-secret
type: Opaque
  google-services.json: |-
    <Full multi-line secret content goes here.>

If everything went according to plan till this step, you now have the following two secrets on the cluster:

$ oc get secrets
NAME                       TYPE                                  DATA   AGE
aws                        Opaque                                2      22h
google-services-secret     Opaque                                1      22h

You can now proceed with the deployment.

Step2 : Build Container image (Optional)

You can perform this changes if you want to test your local changes on openshift cluster. Run below command to build docker image.

docker build --no-cache -t <image_name:tag> ./

Step3 : Push container image to registry (Optional)

If you are performing step2 then you can continue with this step else skip it. Push created container to some registry. (e.g.

docker push <registry>/<image_name:tag>

Step4 : Run the job on openshift cluster.

There are two ways, we can run data-collector job in openshift cluster

One Time Job

  • We can deploy one time job using template-job.yaml file. Use oc to deploy it on OpenShift
oc process -f openshift/template-job.yaml | oc create -f -

Cron Job

  • We can deploy cron job using template-cronjob.yaml file. Use oc to deploy it on OpenShift
oc process -f openshift/template-cronjob.yaml | oc create -f -

Note : If you want to change any parameter defined in template file you can pass it along with command. In Below example we are passing docker registry and image name. Similar way you can pass other required parameter.

oc process -f openshift/template-job.yaml DOCKER_REGISTRY=<registry> -p DOCKER_IMAGE=<image_name> | oc create -f -

Run locally for dev testing

Step1 : Setup few environment variables

Make Sure you have following AWS environment variables present into your system, which are require to connect to s3 bucket and upload data-collector output.


Also store big query related credential into one file and save absolute path into "BIGQUERY_CREDENTIALS_FILEPATH" environment variable. This will be used to query data from big query.

Step2 : Install dependency

Install python dependacies using following command.

pip install -r requirements.txt 

Step3 : Run Main logic

You can run data-collector program using following command.

python -e openshift knative kubevirt -d 1

Command contains two parameters.

  • -e : The ecosystems to monitor. Options available for now are [openshift knative kubevirt]
  • -d : The number of days data to retrieve from GitHub including yesterday

Run Unit Test Cases

Written unit test cases which uses 'unittest' module. You can run all unit test cases by running following command.

python -m unittest discover

If you want to run test case for a single file, you can do something like below example.

python -m unittest tests/src/utils/ 

Retrive GO repository and dependancies

Written a script which can help to retrieve GO repo as well as 1st level dependencies from github repo. The code for the same can be found in tools folder.

cd tools

Install python dependencies using following command.

pip install -r requirements.txt 

Do the required configuration inside file, description can be found in the file.

ORGANIZATION = "kubevirt"

Run the python file which will generate combined_list.json file, you can use the same to update repo-list.



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  • Python 97.5%
  • Dockerfile 1.9%
  • Shell 0.6%