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Release Process

Alex Eng edited this page Dec 21, 2016 · 44 revisions

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Release process for Zanata

Release and deploy modules to Maven Central (not zanata-server)

You will need a GPG key, and you will need the GPG agent running. You may want to tell the GPG agent to sign without asking temporarily, or else it will ask you over and over.

See how to create GPG keys.

You can test your GPG agent with this:

gpg --clearsign < /dev/null
gpg --clearsign < /dev/null

If you tell the GPG agent to remember your passphrase, the second invocation of GPG should not ask for it again.

You will also need an OSSRH login which has been enabled for the groupId org.zanata.

Create an account at and then sflaniga can request to have you added to the org.zanata group.

You will need to add your sonatype credentials to ~/.m2/settings.xml. First you should create a user token, to avoid putting your actual username and password in the file. Visit and select User Token from the dropdown list, then Access User Token. Once you have that, put it into ~/.m2/settings.xml:

		<!-- token for myRealUsername	-->
		<!-- token for myRealUsername	-->

Then you should be able to make the release:

Make sure you have the latest version (head) from the repository, and that you are in the correct branch.

git checkout integration/master # (git checkout release OR legacy if releasing from a branch)

# change maven.repo.local as appropriate, but best not to use your normal work repo
git pull
mvn -Dmaven.repo.local=$HOME/NotBackedUp/maven-central-release-repo \
  release:clean release:prepare release:perform &&
# close and release on OSSRH
mvn nexus-staging:release -Psonatype-oss-release \
    -DstagingRepositoryId=$(grep -oP '^stagingRepository\.id=\K.*' target/checkout/target/nexus-staging/staging/*.properties)

Note that the release process might work, but nexus-staging:release fail. If you get an error, check to see if that is what happened. If so, you will need to release the repo manually in Nexus here:

If the nexus-staging:release process failed, you may need to manually create and upload the bundle:

Releasing Tennera (JGettext)

cd tennera; git pull
mvn -Dmaven.repo.local=$HOME/NotBackedUp/maven-central-release-repo \
  -Dgpg.useagent \
  release:clean release:prepare release:perform &&
mvn nexus-staging:close nexus-staging:release

Releasing OpenProps

cd openprops; git pull
mvn -Dmaven.repo.local=$HOME/NotBackedUp/maven-central-release-repo \
  -Dgpg.useagent \
  release:clean release:prepare release:perform &&
mvn nexus-staging:close nexus-staging:release

Branch management after a release

Note: This applies to api, common, client and server. Parent doesn't have release or legacy branches.

Note: make sure any fixes to legacy/release have been merged to the later branches, because git reset --hard will throw them away.

Merging master to release (for API, common, Client). Only needed when you want to start a new x.y release.

NB: Make sure you fill in ${developmentVersion}, eg 3.1-SNAPSHOT

git fetch
git checkout release
git merge origin/release --ff-only --quiet
git merge origin/master --ff-only --quiet
git checkout integration/master
git merge origin/integration/master --ff-only --quiet
mvn release:update-versions -DautoVersionSubmodules=true -DdevelopmentVersion=${developmentVersion}
git commit pom.xml */pom.xml -m "prepare for next development iteration"
# push all the changes back to the server
git push origin release integration/master

The --ff-only merges will not work if release has not been merged to master, which may happen if release has had its version advanced in preparation for development, but has not been patched and so has not been merged into master. This situation can be fixed by merging release into master using "ours" merge strategy to ensure the version in release does not overwrite the version in master:

git checkout master
git merge -s ours release

This should ideally be done as soon as the versions have been advanced for release and master, so that there is no danger of overwriting versions when patches on release are merged into master.

Branching zanata-server for Release

ie Merging release to legacy and master to release

NB: If you want to automate this, make sure you fill in ${developmentVersion}, eg 3.1-SNAPSHOT

If Zanata's version of JBoss EAP has been updated recently, you may need to update the configuration management manifests, to ensure that the correct version of EAP is deployed to each test machine. In some cases you may also need to change .config/zanata-deploy.conf on the build machine, to ensure that zanata.war is still deployed correctly on each test machine and that the jbossas service is managed correctly.

git fetch
git checkout integration/master && git reset --hard origin/integration/master

# Get latest translations and commit to local integration/master before branching
mvn zanata:pull -B
mvn -q com.googlecode.l10n-maven-plugin:l10n-maven-plugin:1.8:validate -pl zanata-war
git add **/src/main/resources/**/*_*.properties
git commit -m "Fetch updated translations from"

# Clean up local branches
git branch -D legacy release || true

# Point 'legacy' at previous 'release'
git checkout --track origin/legacy
git merge origin/release --ff-only --quiet ||
(echo please check for cherry-picked commits in legacy which were never merged into release; exit 1)

# Point 'release' at local integration/master (with new translations)
git checkout --track origin/release
git merge integration/master --ff-only --quiet ||
(echo please check for cherry-picked commits in release which were never merged into master; exit 1)

# Update the SNAPSHOT version in integration/master
git checkout integration/master
mvn release:update-versions -DautoVersionSubmodules=true -DdevelopmentVersion=${developmentVersion}
git commit pom.xml */pom.xml -m "prepare for next development iteration"

# Push all the changes back to the server
git push origin legacy release integration/master
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