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Firepad is an open-source, collaborative code and text editor. It was designed to be embedded inside larger applications. Since it uses Firebase as a backend, it requires no server-side code and can be added to any web app simply by including a couple JavaScript files.

Visit for a demo as well as instructions on how to embed it into your application!

Join our Firepad Google Group to ask questions, request features, or share your Firepad apps with the community.


If you'd like to contribute to Firepad, you'll need to run the following commands to get your environment set up:

$ git clone
$ cd firepad                # go to the geofire directory
$ npm install -g grunt-cli  # globally install grunt task runner
$ npm install -g bower      # globally install Bower package manager
$ npm install               # install local npm build / test dependencies
$ bower install             # install local JavaScript dependencies
$ grunt watch               # watch for source file changes

grunt watch will watch for changes in the /lib/ directory and lint, concatenate, and minify the source files when a change occurs. The output files are written to the /dist/ directory.

You can run the test suite by navigating to file:///path/to/firepad/tests/index.html or via the command line using grunt test.

Source Code Overview

To get started, here are some highlights of the directory structure and notable source files:

  • dist/ - output directory for all files generated by grunt (firepad.js, firepad.min.js, firepad.css, firepad.eot).
  • examples/ - examples of embedding Firepad.
  • font/ - icon font used for rich text toolbar.
  • lib/
    • firepad.js - Entry point for Firepad.
    • text-operation.js, client.js - Heart of the Operation Transformation implementation. Based on ot.js but extended to allow arbitrary attributes on text (for representing rich-text).
    • annotation-list.js - A data model for representing annotations on text (i.e. spans of text with a particular set of attributes).
    • rich-text-codemirror.js - Uses AnnotationList to track annotations on the text and maintain the appropriate set of markers on a CodeMirror instance.
    • firebase-adapter.js - Handles integration with Firebase (appending operations, triggering retries, presence, etc.).
  • test/ - Jasmine tests for Firepad (many of these were borrowed from ot.js).


Collaborative Text Editor Powered by Firebase







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