Maphper - A php ORM using the Data Mapper pattern
A work in progress!
Creates database tables on the fly
Currently supports database datables but will support XML files, web services even twitter feeds as Data Sources
Supports relations between any two data sources
Composite primary keys
Maphper takes a simplistic and minimalist approach to data mapping and aims to provide the end user with an intuitive and easy to use API.
The main philosophy of Maphper is that the programmer should deal with sets of data and then be able to manipulate the set and extract other data from it.
This sets up a Data Mapper that maps to the 'blog' table in a MySQL database. Each mapper has a data source. This source could be anything, a database table, an XML file, a folder full fo XML files, a CSV, a Twitter feed, a web service, or anything.
The aim is to give the developer a consistent and simple API which is shared between any of the data sources.
It's then possible to treat the $blogs object like an array.
To set up a Maphper object using a Database Table as its Data Source, first create a standard PDO instance:
$pdo = new PDO('mysql:dbname=maphpertest;host=', 'username', 'password');
Then create an instance of \Maphper\DataSource\DataBase passing it the PDO instance, name of the table and primary key:
$blogSource = new \Maphper\DataSource\Database($pdo, 'blog', 'id');
Finally create an instance of \Maphper\Maphper and pass it the data source:
$blogs = new \Maphper\Maphper($blogSource);
You can loop through all the blogs using:
foreach ($blogs as $blog) {
echo $blog->title . '<br />';
Any fields from the database table (or xml file, web service, etc) will be available in the $blog object
Alternatively you can find a specific blog using the ID
echo $blog[142]->title;
Which will find a blog with the id of 142 and display the title.
Maphper supports filtering the data:
//find blogs that were posted on a specific date
$filteredBlogs = $blogs->filer(['date' => '2014-04-09']);
//this will only retrieve blogs that were matched by the filter
foreach ($filteredBlogs as $blog) {
echo $blog->title;
Filters can be extended and chained together:
//find blogs that were posted on a specific date by a specific author
$filteredBlogs = $blogs->filer(['date' => '2014-04-09'])->filter(['authorId' => 7]);
//this will only retrieve blogs that were matched by both filters
foreach ($filteredBlogs as $blog) {
echo $blog->title;
As well as filtering there are both sort() and limit() methods which can all be chained:
foreach ($blogs->filter(['date' => '2014-04-09']) as $blog) {
echo $blog->title;
To find the latest 5 blogs you could use:
foreach ($blogs->limit(5)->sort('date desc') as $blog) {
echo $blog->title;
Like any array, you can count the total number of blogs using:
echo 'Total number of blogs is ' . count($blogs);
This will count the total number of blogs in the table. You can also count filtered results:
//Count the number of blogs in category 3
echo count($blogs->filter(['categoryId' => 3]);
Maphper also supports relations. If there was an Author table which stored information about blog authors, it could be set up in a similar way:
$authorSource = new \Maphper\DataSource\Database($pdo, 'author');
$authors = new \Maphper\Maphper($authorSource);
This could be used similarly:
$author = $authors[123];
echo $author->name;
Once both the blogs and authors mappers have been defined, you can create a relationship between them.
This is a one-to-one relationship (one blog has one author) and can be achieved using the addRelation method on the blog mapper:
//Create a one-to-one relationship between blogs and authors (a blog can only have one author)
$relation = new \Maphper\Relation(\Maphper\Relation::ONE, $authors, 'authorId', 'id');
$blogs->addRelation('author', $relation);
\Maphper\Relation::ONE tells Maphper that it's a one-to-one relationship
The second parameter, $authors tells Maphper that the relationship is to the $authors mapper (in this case, the author database table, although you can define relationships between different data types)
'authorId' is the field in the blog table that's being joined from
'id' is the field in the author table that's being joined to
After the relation is constructed it can be added to the blog mapper using:
$blogs->addRelation('author', $relation);
The first parameter (here: 'author') is the name of the property the related data will be available under. So any object retrieved from the $blogs mapper will now have an 'author' property that contains the author of the blog and can be used like this:
foreach ($blogs as $blog) {
echo $blog->title . '<br />';
echo $blog->author->name . '<br />';
Similarly, you can define the inverse relation between authors and blogs. This is a one-to-many relationship because an author can post more than one blog.
//Create a one-to-one relationship between blogs and authors (a blog can only have one author)
$relation = new \Maphper\Relation(\Maphper\Relation::MANY, $blogs, 'id', 'authorId');
$blogs->addRelation('author', $relation);
This is creating a relationsip between authors and blogs using the id field in the $authors mapper to the authorId field in the $blogs mapper and making a blogs property available in an object returned by the $authors mapper;
//Count all the blogs by the author with id 5
$authors[4]->id . ' has posted ' . count($authors[4]->blogs) . ' blogs:<br />';
//Loop through all the blogs created by the author with id 3
foreach ($authors[4]->blogs as $blog) {
echo $blog->title . '<br />';
Maphper also supports composite primary keys. For example if you had a table of products you could use the manufacturer id and manufacturer part number as primary keys (Two manufacuterers may use the same part number!)
To do this, define the data source with an array for the primary key:
$pdo = new PDO('mysql:dbname=maphpertest;host=', 'username', 'password');
$productSource = new \Maphper\DataSource\Database($pdo, 'products', ['manufacturerId', 'partNumber]);
$products = new \Maphper\Maphper($productSource);
Once you have defined the source to use multiple keys, you can treat the $products variable like a two dimensional array:
//Get the product with manufacturerId 7 and partNumber AC294
echo $products[7]['AC294']->name;