TypeScript is a free and open source programming language developed by Microsoft. It is a superset of JavaScript and essentially adds optional static typing and class-based object-oriented programming to the language.
Awesome TypeScript inspired by dzharii/awesome-typescript,Thanks dzharii。
The resources of this article are mainly from the following websites:
Welcome to the Mastering TypeScript series. This series will introduce the core knowledge and techniques of TypeScript in the form of animations. Let's learn together! Previous articles are as follows:
- What Are K, T, and V in TypeScript Generics?
- Using TypeScript Mapped Types Like a Pro
- Use TypeScript Conditional Types Like a Pro
- TypeScript Visualized: 15 Most Used Utility Types
- Awesome TypeScript
- 蚂蚁金服数据体验技术团队 - TypeScript体系调研报告
- Vilicvane - TypeScript 2.0 新特性一览
- Vilicvane - TypeScript 2.1 新特性一览
- Vilicvane - TypeScript 2.2 新特性一览
- Vilicvane - TypeScript 2.3 新特性一览
- Microsoft - TypeScript 2.4 新特性一览
- Vilicvane - TypeScript 2.5~2.6 新特性一览
- 黄子毅 - 精读<<TypeScript2.0 - 2.9>>
- Linux中国 - 一篇缺失的 TypeScript 介绍
- 单纯的土豆 - ES5, ES2015 和 TypeScript 的区别
- 三七二十 - TypeScript 的好处都有啥?和 JavaScript 的区别在哪?
- Grain 先森 - 前端-TypeScript VS JavaScript 深度对比
- 贺贺v5 - Angular2、Ionic、TypeScript、es6的关系?
- 极客学院 - 使用 TypeScript 提高开发能力
- Hevin - 为什么 Reddit 选择了 TypeScript?
- JiaXinYi - Angular: 我们为什么选择 TypeScript
- Djcordhose - 对比 Flow 和 TypeScript
- Neal1991 - 采用 Flow 以及 TypeScript
- 柳佳 - Flow vs Typescript
- SDK.cn - Slack 的 TypeScript 之路
- RDDcoding - 熟悉全栈 TypeScript
- Lxxyx - TypeScript - 不止稳,而且快
- Zhangwang - TypeScript - 一种思维方式
- Lienviws - TypeScript 安利指南
- Xcatliu - TypeScript 入门教程
- Taobaofed - 认识 TypeScript
- Shangpudxd - TypeScript 入门
- Muyunyun - 从 JavaScript 到 TypeScript
- Gukson - Typescript基础入门
- oWSQo - TypeScript 入门
- Semlinker - TypeScript 简介及编码规范
- 技术胖 - TypeScript图文视频教程
- Zhongsp - TypeScript Handbook (中文版)
- Bjcl - TypeScript 教程
- Jason - 你所不知道的 Typescript 与 Redux 类型优化
- 王亦斯 - 巧用 Typescript
- 三毛 - 巧用 TypeScript (一)
- 三毛 - 巧用 TypeScript (二)
- 三毛 - 巧用 TypeScript (三)
- 三毛 - 巧用 TypeScript (四)
- 三毛 - 巧用 TypeScript (五)
- Square - TypeScript 3.0 元组类型的用法和一些奇技淫巧
- Square - Typescript 类型高级技巧,和强约束 bind 的实现
- 腾讯NEXT学位 - 深入 TypeScript 的类型系统
- newraina - 手把手教写 TypeScript Transformer Plugin
- EER - TypeScript 重构 Axios 经验分享
- 三毛 - 深入理解 TypeScript
- Poetry - Typescript 实践总结[基础+工程+实践]
- Shanyue - TypeScript 高级技巧
- 薯条真的好好吃哦 - almost最好的Vue + Typescript系列01 环境搭建篇
- toBeTheLight - Vue 2.5中将迎来有关TypeScript的改进!
- 盘风 - Vue2.5+ Typescript 引入全面指南
- 腾讯Bugly - vuejs+ts+webpack2框架的项目实践
- LinkFly - 从 JavaScript 到 TypeScript 6 - Vue 引入 TypeScript
- SimonZhanglTer - 可能是最全的Vue-TypeScript教程(附实例代码和一键构建工具)
- 三命 - vue + typescript 进阶篇
- qiangdada - TypeScript + 大型项目实战
- 距离 - Vue全家桶+TypeScript使用总结
- 海蓝2018 - vue全家桶+Typescript开发一款习惯养成APP
- Treri - 使用FIS3 和 TypeScript 实现 vue-hackernews-2.0
- 🍼holyZhengs - 记录一次基于vue、typescript、pwa的项目由开发到部署
- 大转转FE - 原有vue项目接入typescript
- MartinYin - 使用typescript+vue 编写电影信息小项目!
- 三毛 - 在 Vue 中使用 TypeScript 的一些思考(实践)
- fi3ework - 基于 React + TypeScript 的网易云音乐
- iKcamp - 翻译 | 开始使用 TypeScript 和 React
- 贾顺名 - TypeScript在react项目中的实践
- 花生毛豆 - TypeScript 在 React 中使用总结
- icepy - 复杂 React 应用中的TypeScript 3.0实践
- 蚂蚁金服数据体验技术团队 - TypeScript 实践
- 蚂蚁金服数据体验技术团队 - TypeScript 2.8下的终极React组件模式
- YDJFE - 一次TypeScript, React, Node, MongoDB的模板式前后端分离开发实践
React Native
- MarxJiao - 使用webpack搭建基于typescript的node开发环境
- 天猪 - 当 Egg 遇到 TypeScript,收获茶叶蛋一枚
- 奇舞团 - ThinkJS 3.0 如何实现对 TypeScript 的支持
- 贾顺名 - TypeScript在node项目中的实践
- 贾顺名 - 使用 TS + Sequelize 实现更简洁的 CRUD
- Marius Schulz - TypeScript 2.0: The never Type
- Marius Schulz - TypeScript 2.0: Tagged Union Types
- Marius Schulz - TypeScript 2.0: Read-Only Properties
- Marius Schulz - TypeScript 2.1: Object Rest and Spread
- Marius Schulz - TypeScript 2.1: Mapped Types
- Marius Schulz - TypeScript 2.1: Improved Inference for Literal Types
- Marius Schulz - TypeScript 2.1: keyof and Lookup Types
- Marius Schulz - TypeScript 2.2: Dotted Properties and String Index Signatures
- Marius Schulz - TypeScript 2.3: Generic Parameter Defaults
- Marius Schulz - TypeScript 2.4: String Enums
- Marius Schulz - TypeScript 2.5: Optional catch Binding
- Marius Schulz - TypeScript 2.6: JSX Fragment Syntax
- Marius Schulz - TypeScript 2.7: Strict Property Initialization
- Marius Schulz - TypeScript 2.7: Numeric Separators
- Marius Schulz - TypeScript 2.8: Per-File JSX Factories
- Microsoft - TypeScript-Handbook
- Microsoft - TypeScript Team Blog
- TypeStrong - Learn TypeScript
- Indrek Lasn - TypeScript — JavaScript with superpowers
- Indrek Lasn - TypeScript — JavaScript with superpowers II
- Martin Hochel - Interface vs Type alias in TypeScript 2.7
- Valentin PARSY - Typescript : class vs interface
- Victor Savkin - Functional TypeScript
- Netanel Basal - Using TypeScript Dynamic Imports in Angular
- Elena Sufieva - Advanced TypeScript Types with Examples
- Wolksoftware - Decorators Reflection JavaScript TypeScript
- Luis Aviles - Real Time Apps with TypeScript: Integrating Web Sockets, Node & Angular
- Jonny Fox - WebSocket + Node.js + Express — Step by step tutorial using Typescript
- Trey Huffine - TypeScript and React using create-react-app: A step-by-step guide to setting up your first app
- Rinto Jose - React Native with TypeScript
- Microsoft - TypeScriptSamples
- DanWahlin - Angular-JumpStart
- chsakell - aspnet5-angular2-typescript
- Lemoncode - react-typescript-samples
- jaysoo - todomvc-redux-react-typescript
- rangle - typescript-react-redux-example
- luixaviles - socket-io-typescript-chat
- dwyl - hapi-typescript-example
- piotrwitek - react-redux-typescript-guide
- labs42io - clean-code-typescript
- sw-yx - react-typescript-cheatsheet
- Microsoft - TypeScript-React-Starter
- Microsoft - TypeScript-Vue-Starter
- Microsoft - TypeScript-Knockout-Starter
- Microsoft - TypeScript-React-Native-Starter
- Microsoft - TypeScript-WeChat-Starter
- Microsoft - TypeScript-Babel-Starter
- Microsoft - TypeScript-Node-Starter
- wmonk - create-react-app-typescript
- rokoroku - react-redux-typescript-boilerplate
- bitjson - typescript-starter
- blove - typescript-express-starter
- w3tecch - express-typescript-boilerplate
- kamahl19 - react-starter
- jsynowiec - node-typescript-boilerplate
- 蚂蚁金服数据体验技术团队 - Typescript玩转设计模式 之 创建型模式
- 蚂蚁金服数据体验技术团队 - Typescript玩转设计模式 之 结构型模式(上)
- 蚂蚁金服数据体验技术团队 - Typescript玩转设计模式 之 结构型模式(下)
- 蚂蚁金服数据体验技术团队 - Typescript玩转设计模式 之 对象行为型模式(上)
- 蚂蚁金服数据体验技术团队 -Typescript玩转设计模式 之 对象行为型模式(下)
- 杜帅 - 浅析Typescript设计模式
- torokmark - design_patterns_in_typescript
- egghead.io - Use Types Effectively in TypeScript
- egghead.io - Up and Running with TypeScript
- egghead.io - advanced-static-types-in-typescript
- Microsoft - Angular Applications with TypeScript
- udemy - TypeScript Fundamentals
- udemy - Introduction to TypeScript
- udemy - TypeScript: Learn the Basics in a Refreshing Way
- youtube - Evolving JavaScript with TypeScript
- scrimba - Introduction to TypeScript
- Segmentfault - 为什么Angular2和Ionic2都用TypeScript开发,TypeScript有什么优势吗?
- Zhihu - TypeScript 和 JavaScript 的区别?
- Zhihu - 如何评价 TypeScript?
- Zhihu - 现在 TypeScript 的生态如何?
- Zhihu - 关于Typescript和ES6的对比?
- Zhihu - 为什么 TypeScript 成功了,更先进的 ActionScript 却失败了?
- Zhihu - Typescript有什么冷门但是很好用的特性?
- Zhihu - TypeScript中的装饰器(Decorators)的本质是什么
- Zhihu - 如何学习用Typescript写Reactjs?
- Learning TypeScript (中文版)
- TypeScript实战指南
- TypeScript图形渲染实战:2D架构设计与实现
- 迈向 Angular 2: 基于 TypeScript 的高性能 SPA 框架
- TypeScript Essentials
- Mastering TypeScript
- Mastering TypeScript - Second Edition
- Mastering TypeScript 3: Build enterprise-ready, industrial-strength web applications using TypeScript 3 and modern frameworks, 3rd Edition
- TypeScript 3.0 Quick Start Guide: The easiest way to learn TypeScript
- Learn React with TypeScript 3: Beginner's guide to modern React web development with TypeScript 3
- Advanced TypeScript Programming Projects: Build 9 different apps with TypeScript 3 and JavaScript frameworks such as Angular, React, and Vue
- Hands-On RESTful Web Services with TypeScript 3: Design and develop scalable RESTful APIs for your applications
- Hands-On TypeScript for C# and .NET Core Developers: Transition from C# to TypeScript 3.1 and build applications with ASP.NET Core 2
- Hands-On Functional Programming with TypeScript: Explore functional and reactive programming to create robust and testable TypeScript applications
- Learning TypeScript
- Learning TypeScript 2.x
- TypeScript 2.x By Example
- TypeScript 2.x for Angular Developers
- Angular 2 Development with TypeScript
- TypeScript: Modern JavaScript Development
- TypeScript Blueprints
- Pro TypeScript
- TypeScript Design Patterns
- TypeScript High Performance
- TypeScript Microservices
- TypeStrong - ts-node
- AssemblyScript - assemblyscript
- bcherny - json-schema-to-typescript
- YousefED - typescript-json-schema
- Visual Studio Community
- Visual Studio Code
- WebStorm
- PhpStorm
- TypeScript Sublime Plugin
- Atom TypeScript
- TypeScript Interactive Development Environment for Emacs
- TypeScript IDE for Eclipse
- TypeScript Syntax for VIM
- TypeScript official Playground
- Stackblitz
- JS Bin
- Codepen
- TypeScript Editor
- TypeScript Interpret - Terminal Emulator
- TypeScript Play
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