A command-line tool for managing GCP cloud_sql_proxy connections to a number of instances. It can automatically import your GCP project's Cloud SQL instances, assign ports to them, and start and stop the proxies.
Use the package manager pip to install cloud_sql_instance_manager.
pip install cloud_sql_instance_manager
You will need to have gcloud command line installed and logged in with gcloud auth login
The manager will default to using the output of which cloud_sql_proxy
to determine the location of the cloud_sql_proxy executable. You can override this with
cloud_sql config --path /FULL/PATH/TO/EXECUTABLE
Ensure you are authenticated with gcloud command line.
cloud_sql import
The instance manager will import any (new) instances and automatically assign them ports.
If you want to specify a different project to your current default, then
cloud_sql import --project YOUR-PROJECT-NAME
If you want to remove any old instances that are not found in your cloud project, add the --tidy flag.
cloud_sql import --project YOUR-PROJECT-NAME --tidy
By default, instances are given a nickname of everything proceeding "-instance-" in the full name. For example - test-application-instance-9956326571963535019
will get the nickname test-application
You can amend the nickname with
cloud_sql update ORIGINAL-NICKNAME --nick NEW-NICKNAME
At any point, you can have more than one instance with the same nickname but different projects, and you can differentiate with --project PROJECT-NAME
Set whether the manager will start the proxy with --enable_iam_login
cloud_sql update NICKNAME --iam true
cloud_sql start NICK-NAME
cloud_sql start default
Add --project YOUR-PROJECT
to start only default instances for a particular project
cloud_sql stop NICK-NAME
cloud_sql stop all
List all instances
cloud_sql list
List all instances for a project
cloud_sql list --project YOUR-PROJECT
List all running instances
cloud_sql list-running
To run with coverage
pip install coverage
coverage run -m pytest
Install build
and twine
pip install twine build
Build with
python -m build
Release to test with
twine upload -r testpypi dist/*
Release to live with
twine upload -r pypi dist/*
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
- Export to DBeaver
- Use nickname or name interchangeably