SSD is an append-only, file-based, immutable key-value store for Microservices written in Ruby.
- Scalable via a schemaless, thread-safe, file-based design that easily meets your data evolution needs.
- Immutable Append-only tracks data evolution over time via out-of-the-box UTC timestamped appends (accountants don't use erasers, otherwise they go to jail).
- Fault Tolerance (out-of-the-box transactional operations).
- Zero External Dependencies for a Measurably Low Technical Debt (a well-maintained, consciously clean, lightweight library that prioritizes the sanity of your codebase and takes measures to NEVER complect it).
- Key-based Forward\Backward Rolling.
- Super Easy to Learn and Use (up & running in mins).
- Out-of-the-box Data Archiving
- REPL console
- RAMDisk-based Server
- Server Web-based Admin Interface
- Strict hard-coded Security-first SHA256 Encryption policy (implment your own logging for intercepting keys required for decrypting data).
- JSON objects (based on ruby's native pstore).
- RESTful HTTP/JSON API Endpoint.
SSD is carefully crafted to scale specially-well with the Microservies Architeturual Pattern to allow providing storage for independently deployable services with ease.
gem install ssd
# Simple Usage
# writes to the store
SSD.write("company_api/microservice_name/", "special_id", "this is a big value super funny")
# returns the last value of the append-only store"company_api/microservice_name/", "special_id")
# Dumps all the store
SSD.dump("company_api/microservice_name/", "special_id")
Further more you can use ssd console commands to view the contents in a readable manner, SSD can use Marshal for performance(the default is yaml) but the ssd commands views it in yaml for readability
ssd view ./ssd/company_api/microservice_name/special_id
# Entity Usage
require 'sinatra/base'
require 'ssd'
module MyApp
class User
include SSD::Entity
attr_accessor :id, :name, :bio
def initialize
class API < Sinatra::Base
get '/' do
##################### Writing #####################
@user = = "somekind_of_id_like_username_or_email"
# Set the ssd key of the object
@user.ssd =
# Do what you wish with your object = "Makki Omura" = "a charming girl!"
# If you are ready to store your object to disk; Do an `append!` and viola! DONE
##################### READING #####################
# If you want to get your object back from disk; Use Klass.ssd(:ssd)
result = MyApp::User.ssd("somekind_of_id_like_username_or_email")
Asynchronous I/O []
- ArangoDB [].
- Persistent [].
- CouchDB [].
- DataMapper [].
- Persistable [].
- Stone [].
- The rise of append-only, immutable data stores. []
- NoSQL DB. []
- Anti-RDBMs. []
- Architecture of immutable data stores. []