transcripts of man
Human reasource has an emotional form (Scripture) and an oral form intelligence(Tradition). Human reasource is interpreted, preserved, expounded, and taught through the Successors of the Apostles. And is central to the findings to the exsistencial sensory of consciousness and world intelligence, ‘permitted to be arranged under the authority of social norm human reasources policy's.chronological events of pedogogal, inheritance of the cononicle ontology; 'doctorine of unified metabolic algorithm; 'process,developedment and growth; ‘guidance-direction ‘creation apfredesiac; aligned creation enterprise censuses; advancedment of 'intuitive concious,'logistic creation,asynchronous,soial-ethic;revolution from statutory human rights constitution;
hieroglyphic collaborators incubator
‘covenant poetic benediction of sciences ‘field of life endeavors, geographic ontology, ontology
of man,world,animal as the holy grail,
Calendar/Actions-From the sevenday adventis {genesis} are formed of the world and endeavor
of supremacy of man and lifeform conservation/preservation ‘diversity biographic manifesto of
creation biographic mechanology of creation logistics evolutio