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Releases: Apostles1/Yeweh1

enterprise code landscape

26 Jan 00:21
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transcriptions reflect world from 'creation ballast; 'orthodox governance,

images (45)

Enterprise exodus
Will of human Procument
Reflexes of the ‘material’-non material’. ‘componentry
As enterprise ideology ’ enlists the details of ‘machine-learning’ from between the “productivity power’ of ‘corporate ‘compose matrix’ processes ,functions of material developedments “i.p scenario” ‘field of life endeavours, constructs ‘processing competence’ {“mobile brinks”} pre-pared constructs, multiple-life path “ of creation ‘priority’ ‘subsistence rituals’ compile allocated for‘essential survival’deity of the ‘mystic construct’, seeded ‘from the principals, of ‘plotter yield’ from ‘corporate procreation’ of converted ‘financial. Money/values credential’, transformation of ‘corporate sector’. To ”Unite’ ”Enterprise docker” of “corporate creation {psyc-analogy’ {anatomic} creation ‘enterprise ‘binary networks’, of survival-exsistence’. Global networks, Statutory nations, Nations Finance,build,procreation,gross ‘market product‘innovation power’,
Proffesionals procure transform/translate enterprise ‘deity’ ‘chronological ‘tardy of ‘enterprise business platform’{professional} ‘empiric creation; social-affairs’front-back end ‘the internal operations, reasources of “enterprise procreation” ‘transform’ commodities’ of local reasources; ‘essentials transform/translate ‘branches of “business “plotter” ‘augmented componentry’, financial ‘enterprise landscape’ design implementation’, from potencials frameworks {stewardship engineering} of ‘”new” ‘ontological geneology;‘ market “folklore” manifestation’, innovative prodigy’, corporate enterprise ‘field of ‘life endeavours’. Enterprise Endeavours, ‘ form-factor of ‘holy-grail’,summons ‘binary organology’ for ‘true’ horizon ‘self-sustainance manifestation’, aligns the ‘protocols of the ‘enterprise {sacred orthodox geometry} design factors ‘data-information’ profficiency-productivity {assets}. Franchaise of replicatable ‘block-chain ‘binary images’ ‘innovative ontology’ corporate enterprise ‘field of ‘life endeavours’.
Expansion ‘initiatives’,
Enterprise ‘corporation of expanded ‘selfsustainance’, ‘Mechanology’, ‘multi-dimensional ‘dock’, tennents-lamentation of ‘united binary’ selfsustainance, ‘constructs and framework’ dev-ops ”matrix”, ‘deity-tardy’. Expanded, ‘local, ‘demographic mechanology’.
Design dimensions from compose ‘divine’. Creation ‘statutory entitlement ‘human frequency’s’ of reproduceable character profiles in garden variety’ “compose “psyco anology” ‘branch’ ‘proportional form’ of ‘creation composite’: 5 gospels ‘field of life endeavours; classes, groups, ‘intellectual interactive’ {psyco anology}’, ‘architecture’ design implementation’ “Plotter” A.I will of man’s, ‘commitment to compliance from productive outcomes of ‘essentials-nessesity’s’, creation “plotter/plannar envisionment” of “enterprise architecture“. “Unicorn Anthropology” context’.
‘deity-tardy’. Expanded, ‘local, ‘demographic mechanology’.
Free radical ‘anthropology’ideology.
Build schematics ‘intuitive ideology’,beta , prototype , From the origin of ‘man and the ’evolution of ‘build techniques inherited from man’s intuitive ‘creation geneology’ from the refined ‘techniques of ‘architecture’, ‘Arrangedment of creation ‘human world protocols’, as ‘variables ‘which ‘imply as proficiently as they are ‘related and reflect the ‘theorem’ from the’ecological ‘constitution of componentry’ they ‘implement and serve to the ‘world’, as the “mechanology” ‘moviing parts of a ‘inventors ‘invention schematics’. Our Subjective-object is ‘the creation “Othogenesis” ‘creadle of life’. Where ‘observation and interaction’ to the ‘collective cause,meaning, purpose, of an ‘epoc’ beginning and end ‘to the experiences of ‘accountable actions’ to evolve in the ‘social betterment’, simple logic to ‘;establish our roles of ‘designconstant’ ‘portfolios of variable ‘authentic creation design templates’in the ‘doctorate of orthodox’ creation ‘tardy’, the beginning to ’creation prophecy ‘block-chain’ ‘fate of butterflies’. From a ‘multi-dimensional’ magnitudes, of ‘Mystic tradition’ creation truth’ , ‘wilderbeast’ migration, Lunar-landing,”Jurisprudence of ‘humility’. chronicles-chronology of creation ‘statutory ‘curriculum .

Build schematics ‘intuitive ideology’,beta , prototype , From the origin of ‘man and the ’evolution of ‘build techniques inherited from man’s intuitive ‘creation geneology’ from. ’first-nations the refined ‘techniques of ‘architecture’, ‘Arrangedment of creation ‘human world protocols’, as ‘variables ‘which ‘imply as proficiently as they are ‘related ‘efficient and reflect on the ‘theorem’ of construction ‘build’ the ‘constitution’ they ‘implement and serve to the ‘world’, as the “mechanology” ‘mobile operation ‘context’ of the ‘human/creation purpose; parts of the anthropology ‘lifeform species ‘invention schematics’. Our Subjective-object is ‘the creation “Orthogenesis” ‘cradle of life’. Where ‘observation and interaction’ to the cause,meaning, purpose, as an ‘epoc’ beginning and end ‘to the experiences of ‘accountable actions’ to evolve in the ‘social betterment’, simple logic to ‘;establish our roles of ‘designconstant’ ‘portfolios of variable ‘authentic creation design templates’in the ‘doctorate of orthodox’ creation ‘tardy’, the beginning to ’creation prophecy ‘block-chain’ ‘fate of butterflies’. From a ‘multi-dimensional’ magnitudes, of ‘Mystic tradition’ creation truth’ , ‘wilderbeast’ migration, Lunar-landing, chronicles-chronology of creation ‘statutory ‘curriculum .

Expansion ‘initiatives’,
Enterprise ‘corporation of expanded ‘selfsustainance’, ‘Mechanology’, ‘multi-dimensional ‘dock’, tennents-lamentation of ‘united binary’ selfsustainance, ‘constructs and framework standards’ dev-ops ”matrix”, ‘deity-tardy’. Expanded, ‘local, ‘demographic mechanology’.
Design dimensions from compose ‘divine’. Creation ‘statutory entitlement ‘human frequency’s’ of reproduceable character profiles in garden variety’ “compose “psyco anology” ‘branch’ ‘proportional form’ of ‘creation composite’: 5 gospels ‘field of life endeavours; classes, groups, ‘intellectual interactive’ {psyco anology}’, ‘architecture’ design implementation’ “Plotter” A.I will of man’s, ‘commitment to compliance from productive outcomes of ‘essentials-nessesity’s’, creation “plotter/plannar envisionment” of “enterprise architecture“. “Unicorn Anthropology” context’.
‘deity-tardy’. Expanded, ‘local, ‘demographic mechanology’.
Proffesional diochamy
Director,plannar,organizer, ‘stratedgic ‘aligned, corporate enterprise’”theosiphic ideology” “New City” ‘building update’ {plotter} ‘compose, adventis bible’, engineering stewardship ‘master skills’ Nebuchanezzar/Jurusalem, ‘ Authentic, ‘creation ‘geneology/decadence’ “orthodox Christian-Jurisprudence” enterprise architecture’, Invest in productive land “equity” Curam Capital, apfredesiac. “Orthogenesis”, ‘Orthodox. Brand ; ’traits and trades’ ‘creation tradjectory.
Phoneomic alphabet; freeform 
‘learning -application’,
Anthropology ‘ethics ‘authentic creation logistics, ‘framework of ‘compose decadence’. ‘from ‘statutory protocols’,”forager instinctive creativity” equilibrium consciousness’, ‘from compose’,creation ‘implementation image’ ‘comprehensive productivity’, ‘authentic orthodox’ equalibrium consciousness of ‘the survival/exsistence growth and developedment process; ‘purpose, cause, meaning.‘Human stewardship’, ‘forager’, ’scholars’, of ’collective’, demographics’, ‘chartered and unchartered’,territory’s and inhabited ergronomic ‘naturalization functuality, of inherited endeavours to ‘ergronomic equalibrium, ’intellectual interaction’,
‘Design dimensions from compose. ‘human frequency’s’ of reproduceable character profiles in garden variety’ of “compose “psyco anology” ‘branch’ ‘proportional form’ of ‘creation composite’: ‘field of life endeavours; classes, groups, ‘intellectual interactive’ {psyco anology}’, ‘architecture’ design ‘build‘ implementation’ “Plotter” A.I will of man’s, ‘commitment to compliance from productive outcomes of creation ‘human field’ of life endeavours’ “plannar envisionment” of “enterprise architecture“.

Free radical ‘anthropology’ideology.
Build schematics ‘intuitive ideology’,beta , prototype , From the origin of ‘man and the ’evolution of ‘build techniques inherited from man’s intuitive ‘creation geneology’ from the refined ‘techniques of ‘architecture’, ‘Arrangedment of creation ‘human world protocols’, as ‘variables ‘which ‘imply as proficiently as they are ‘related and reflect the ‘theorem’ from the’ecological ‘constitution of componentry’ they ‘implement and serve to the ‘world’, as the “mechanology” ‘moviing parts of a ‘inventors ‘invention schematics’. Our Subjective-object is ‘the creation “Othogenesis” ‘creadle of life’. Where ‘observation and interaction’ to the cause,meaning, purpose, os an ‘epoc’ beginning and end ‘to the experiences of ‘accountable actions’ to evolve in the ‘social betterment’, simple logic to ‘;establish our roles of ‘designconstant’ ‘portfolios of variable ‘authentic creation design templates’in the ‘doctorate of orthodox’ creation ‘tardy’, the beginning to ’creation prophecy ‘block-chain’ ‘fate of butterflies’. From a ‘multi-dimensional’ magnitudes, of ‘Mystic tradition’ creation truth’ , ‘wilderbeast’ migration, Lunar-landing,”Jurisprudence of ‘humility’. chronicles-chronology of creation ‘statutory ‘curriculum .

Proffesional diochamy
Director,plannar,organizer, ‘stratedgic ‘aligned, corporate enterprise’”theosiphic ideology” “New City” ‘building update’ {plotter} ‘compose, adventis bible’, engineering stewardship ‘master skills’ Nebuchanezzar/Jurusalem, ‘ Authentic, ‘creation ‘geneology/decadence’ “orthodox Christian-Jurisprudence” enter...

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congregation transformations

07 Dec 17:16
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Continuation of enterprise ‘Urban’Rural frameworks componentry {green componentry}, ‘regulated, stipulation of ‘extended “United” “Global compose transformations” “toolbox”: ’Kredos’,brand’, ‘trend’, “vertical ecological ”Celestial selfsustainance”, “corporation”, psuedoscience-apfredesiac, “Plannar-Plotter” “scale- to ‘canonical “enterprise operations”.
Urban-Rural’ {holygrail} decadence ‘Israel-Nebuchadnezzar’, ‘World liturgy’ counsil’ for ‘sustainable ‘Enterprise Artchitecture‘ ethnic cosmology’ social diciplines of ‘enterprise’purpose’ and functions.
Enterprise solution
Continuum of ‘Jurisprudence frameworks’ “NewCity”.
From ‘compose-composite ‘infrastructure topology’ of ‘global topology network projects’. To ‘align in sequencial ‘cosmos-cosmology’ the ‘social-ethic ‘natural societal equilibrium’, of ‘intuitive-consciousness’, of ‘life’s selfsustainance; ‘process,developedment and growth. Intellecual-property -Chronological chronicles’.

Economics of ‘Christian theology’ based on the ‘exodus of civilization’ evolution, {immobilare}. Inspire, envision.
Artist /plannar ‘canvas

‘Poetic ‘assets of horizon co-relate productive transformation, growth of subsistence ‘human lineage’ profficiency in ‘attempts to capture; ‘align mitigate ‘innovative natural intuition’ from geographic ontology ‘deity of creation, ‘informationdata store, of canonical/chronological, cosmic orientation. Universe, ‘mission of ‘Architecture’, from human mentality ‘cosmological order of {demographic} from all endeavours of life’ to contributing ‘binary ideology’ of ‘creation all lifeform consciousness {Jurisprudence}; the popular methodical practices, executed ‘united enterprise constitution’, ‘covenant of ‘tribunal, cultural evolution ‘exodus’. We use this to ‘integrate our ‘frameworks/formfactor, and to co-relate an ‘geometric application template {prime-meridian}. To conduct/delegate{internal trade} managedment of enterprise assets’ infrastructure binary-componentry of corporate topology.
Design connectivity
To ‘decipher/transform ‘programming; employ ‘mystic tradition Jurisprudence’a composite ‘framework implementation’, from historic creation geneology ‘struggles to maintain and share,’methodologic ‘deity’ of implemented production, ‘geographic ‘population co-cordinates’. to contribute ‘net schematic design builds’ of millenia. ’subsistence media’ to pass-on demographic information/intel, ‘congregation to investigate ‘cosmological’ statistics ‘translated applications to transform compose binary’s’ augmented impermeable lifestyle tradjectory, ‘Anthropology’ ”Culinary-arts” network’,duty’s .the codex-codes’, from intuitive elemental transformation of ‘estoric/intrinsic ‘world ‘lexical’tradjectory {lineage}; ‘innovative, creation “build” logistics of creation block-chain tradjectory lineage, ‘relative creativity {dna} ‘offline ‘compose architecture’ ”schematics”{intrinsic, from ‘natural intuitive’ creation ‘priority ’estoric, providence of creation metaphore ideology’. Programming “estoric” lifestyle implementation” into, ‘collective human’ intrinsic instinct of “eucharist liturgy” world subsistence/business “build harmony” {stewardship, family geneology} .
from this implied sequencial-generic “docking’ ‘unified local-commercial ’architecture’ ‘compose components’, ‘arranged to define ‘implementation of ‘composite logic’ {verification} of ’orthodox ‘variable schematics” ‘process, function, ‘etiquette of “Industrial lifeform organisms, world ‘self sustainance revelations of construction {genesis}. A {neurol-bio mech anatomy} of’creation ‘chronological mechanology. Docking ‘estoric/intric
Programming ‘societal Institutions’ and policy’s, ‘modal plotter’.
Education regieme’, ‘report on the compose tradjectory’, ‘interactive innovative’ reflecting multiple-dimensions of variable aspect adaptive ‘path of life, ‘virtual-reality; ‘context in manipulation of ‘compose application schematics’ environment; variables,’standards,protocol’,extraction of methods’ from “Infinite –creation Orthogenesis ‘orientation of reasources, in ‘authentic circular’ “Anthropology” horizontal-foundation’, conjunction to ‘new’ “Jurisprudence purpose” ‘forward productivity’.
Guided envIRONMENT
Replicated frameworks reports
Democracy protocol of Onboarding
Naturalization capability, ‘capacity to ‘process the democracy augmentation of canonical binary; skillset methodology. Re-occurring ‘methodology co-ordinated in ethical translation; constants manifestation of ‘horizon’ perpetual life via synchronization from production {augmented a.i}; geometric transmission of provision from the productivity elixir; geometric ‘binary developedment for transformation of compiled interactive-intellectual cyberspace data/information codes of the hieroglyphics; ‘plotter estates’, property’s,values and estoric quality linguistics; logical geographic secret of the geneology tradition . Operating system for “designconstant” Transformation pre-ordainedment of eucharist tradition stratedgic linguistic option/change;
Enterprise onboarding
Psychodynamic theory was introduced by the founder of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud. This theory is founded on the idea that humans are biologically driven to seek gratification. The theory states that people do this based on processes that have developed outside of conscious awareness, with origins in childhood experiences. This drive influences everyday behavior, leading to actions like aggression, sex and self-preservation.
Mesosystems are the relationships and interactions between microsystems in a child’s life. For example,

Geographic biography
Evolution tradjectory “fine-line of success; psycological prophets; of creation ‘diversity-geneology’organology of logic-parable. Binary creation block-chain {inner-external}; revelations architecture of ‘Canonical compose engineering; anthropology {construct;matrix binary,}

Within the 'campus'Enterprise Architecture' 'selfsufficient' 'Understanding' gift of life work. "Mystic tradition" 'the social "enterprise" impetus' of "guidance/direction" '5g 'compose 'in the field of life endeavors', intrinsic/estoric 'manipulation of the 'compose-composite' 'textile", i.p 'mapping tradjectory' of 'the new world', i.q 'path of life' or re-integrated findings to the 'e.q "hieroglyphic'transcendental prophecy" Organic 'intelligence methodology',{kredos} 'life vocations 'work of compose-composite, 'nucleotide of 'creation plotter', {reproduction} poetry in motion', from the 'benediction of the covenant', 'to compile 'branch', 'sequential-generic' 'construct of implementation', generated from the intrinsic 'united binary' 'pedogogi'.
Source doctorine plannar
Not all CBT will use all of these strategies. Rather, the psychologist and patient/client work together, in a collaborative fashion, to develop an understanding of the problem and to develop a treatment strategy.
CBT places an emphasis on helping individuals learn to be their own therapists. Through exercises in the administration session as well as “theosophical proffesion” exercises outside of sessions, patients/clients are ‘enterprise policy’s to develop coping skills, of ‘proficient productivity, ‘whereby they can learn to change their own thinking; curricular . problematic emotions, and behavior.
CBT therapists emphasize what is going on in the person’s current life, rather than what has led up to their difficulties. A certain amount of information about one’s history is needed, but the focus is primarily on moving forward in time to develop more effective ways of coping with life.

Hierarchial architecture
Hierarchial architecture; the exodus of millenia evolution , orientation ‘gravity in ground zero; revelations revealing potencial for the survival selfsustainance estoric /intrinsic relative chemical balance. “Compose programming”. Interactive interface; following the initial stages intrinsic pathways growth and developedment; to adopt intuitive conscious social eghic methodology integrating hunter-gatherer curriculum hereditsary-generic tradition ; intuition of ‘inclusion to ‘equilibrium of man . Vocational-clerical Programming of basic human instincts, reflecting the lifeform ‘co-rrelative temperol benediction of geographic constitution, ‘biographic revelation, ‘compassion; intrinsic for estoric ‘clerical virtues, ‘supporting, establishing’ standards of purpose; applied constructs in ‘programming; ‘vocational methodology, ‘skillset ‘enterprise carer, ‘engineering leadership; urban/rural.
Horizon terminator ‘ anthropology transformation to empiric architecture’ “capital of Jurispruddence”.
Life selfsustainance ‘covenant of sociology; productive positivisms; organology of compose psycology, ‘components. ‘Creation histology rituals; ‘biographic geography; ‘lexical logistic: ethic verification of innovative prodigy; of creation ‘biological constants’; clerical vocational censuses; carer , civil engagedment techniques; of decadent vocation/clerical profiles linguistic media network productivity, ‘purpose of implementation; to reproduce/restore, ‘empiric compose selfsustainance’ anthology of man. Decadent histology revelation creation biographic lifeform covrenant . Compose Codex, United binary algothms; bio-geo-chem lifesystem. Positivism produictivity {dna} .
Composite developedment of lifeforms
In sequencial-generic ‘asynchronous lifestyle procreation in ’environment; enterprise composite network topology; psycological compose a.i interpreted im[plimentration relative/parallel to ‘human ‘ intellectual emancipation catchetism
Compose eucharist revelation
To verify compose ideology social-ethic tuteledge ‘virtual-reality frameworks; in life endeavours.
Hierarchial organology
Empiric compoise construction decoration ; Enterprise architecture . Humanbeing geneology creation. Proffesional species ; horizontal practice , ‘productive geneol...

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guidance orthodox governance

26 Nov 01:13
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Civilization infrastructure
Geographic emancipation, ‘Mechanology of unified networks
Learning the alighnment in all aspects of mans natural adaptation potencial for sucessful connectivity to world information 
applications platform of life binary tenants and link of  where the ‘Alfa tennents of industry holyland dominion standard positions and situations of  compliance to tenent enterprise ‘honor of nation complexity to bring people to vision the standings of the creation world creative design architecture, map of cognitive conciousness and vision standards with focused balanced forager of world method and strategic  ‘assesments  survival competent dependency of binary/orthodox tenent  ,focus and concentration are challenged ‘that traditional culture ideology dosn’t imply with the  
function in binary society to rise to this paradism in evolution/biological is where the life triangulation contributes to the alighnment with the tradition revelation of wisdom and quality’s of balanced intellectual impetus ‘world dual image practices and exercises of life strategic tradjectory methodology, ‘ a lost ethical dimension of world creations ecological life sytems mitigated into the profficient path of life ‘direction and guidance to the essential adaptive human coresponsive sector learning, genomic triangular survival/exsistence father, son, holy spirit {ethos,pathos,logos of  expressiveness in the teachings and lineage they represent the productivity as the whole in response to their instrument of stewardship circumstances and positions ect. with the  the complexity constant of world reasources of life 
Hypothesis support
a.I reality
Soliste zeinith
They are the world social aphredesiac of man ; fraternity , brotherhood , congregation , and organizational architecture {hierarchy} mechanology of organization; anthropology, cultural principals, life vocations. cononical social mechanology of man enterprise architecture
“the imparting cognitive human self sustainance initiative, “implementation aligned with monad architecture for the interchange of thoughts”, opinions, or information by speech, writing, or signs.” It is important to consider that communication is not just verbal in form. communication is more affected by body language, attitude, and tone, in the new testament training orthodox practices condolning the spoken words to carry the crucial content, their meaning can be influenced by the style of delivery, which includes the way future envisioned speakers stand, speak, and look at a person. Enabling However, critical information is often transmitted via handwritten notes,
Introduction to Anthropology concept
A subsistence diochamy reflecting the collective manuscripts from cultural lineages  all in one authoritive conclusion to the mystical emancipation of survival. Evolution facts evidence  tuteledge, refferences, epic of focus adventis collected through the dissedent family prodigy comprised by holy techniques of life selfsustainance{culture arts}.Demographic urban ergronomic methodology's of creations 'human anthropic manuscripts, tuteledge of environment ontology /vertical sucession 'to lifestyle, celestial  discipline, anatomic path of life,  pedogogi, engineering , stewarsdship  and pop 'gospel holy spirit’.

      Adventis stewardship entrepreneur

Vitruvius /Da Architectura
Arrival of creation vision of ,man determine future from intuitive consciousness ‘to give birth to “Anthropology” domaine of creation man “Newcity”. Vitruvius’ Making.doing,crafting ‘Da Architectura Scope ,scale of architecture. ‘The birth of art’-betterment, best intrests, Architecture of art’. Covenant of man interacts mechanology-life ‘linguistic {essentials-nessesity’s of man. Triangulation of post architecture revelations/theory of design ‘template theory. Anthropic networks ‘creation connection to decorated design of collective creation paradox. Justicce intelligence.
enterprise architecture
Birth of celestial files
Astrological Covenant representing authentic naturalized immunized hieroglyphic path of life. adaptive solarplexus of anatomic ,core ,stock build on fundamental ecological meridians of fundemental growth and developedment, demographic data ‘{balance of all realms}. growth connectivity to the lineages and potencial of organic lifeform best intrest ‘balanced ecology’ creation tradjectory, skilset methodology; skillset advanced ecological all around subsistence initiatives for compassion to resource, harvest ,forage, alignment entitlements  for exercises and  practices of world brands and trends Old oak tree means of to perform jobs of different levels  or task competence demographic statistics of  democracy Co-ordinates to ‘newcity’ salvation of man.Celestial  {redsky call to action} anthropic biodiversity revelation compliance to ‘empiracle’  tennents ‘of anthropic network in life endeavors of world vocations. Polynomer folklore organic Invention mechanology -compliance formulated growth & developedment methodology’s from research in creation prophecy’s{collective archeives} allocates prodigy of understanding {lineage of balance} in field of life endeavors.Conscious sense Breathe techniques, eye focus orientation co-ordinates of hand productive biomechanic work of man, ‘morphological existence of man’s innovative anatomic efficiency/profficiency of adaptive techniques of major muscle groups from the skillset methodology of ergonomic infrastructure curricular regime, ‘trades and traits of survival/exsistence  from hands genomic cononical skillset  ‘gift of a foot protection, persona of service, stand in creation biodiversity in culture ettiquette of man, law of world from celestial geneome ordinance of celestial adaptive genomic {collective trajectory} human existential consciousness, pod births philosiphical upbringings, sect topology’s ‘corporate industry’s enterprise carer, compliance to virtual truth enterprise unicorn orientation, ‘simpleness, of ‘geneomic ‘group ‘institution {family,nature} scholar  Health plan benefits option of  philosiphic mechanology allocated throughout the sect topology of newcity infrastrucure and 2ndary backup channels to   in field of life endeavors.

Subsistence Covenant
Knowledge wisdom anology
Prophecy of forager harvesting
Marketing intuitive consciousness co-ordinates to promisedland /celestrial logos
Financial fundamental-foundations ‘subsistence cellular molten core of  ecological subsistence, indegenious revelation of  subsistence {capital} skillset /methodoloy {cosmic} social molten core indegenious revelations of creation algorithms,productive ,ecological processes functions harvest capital from  life elemental constructs of ‘ground zero’, ‘gravity, radiation from productive ‘occipital’ psuedoscience-apfredesiac, subsistence lifecycle, to interact ‘productive capacity of ‘human’ naturalization to perform work ect.Via,neurol-reflex, muscular skeleton to compile biographic lifesystem subsistence manifest; ‘egronomic infrastructure ‘prophecy of creation liturgic prosperity, ‘innovative tommorrow,’ reflecting on productive bio mechanology,ergronomic infrastructure, agriculture, technology of science ,artifacts {industry} in field of endeavors, ‘strata, fire ,tools, building composite reasources. As in the celestial Diciplines in the field of ‘human life endeavors’, ‘apocalyptic diversity of lifeforms binary inheritance of adaptive methodology{revelations} ; naturalization of creation geneomic statutory equalibrium conciousness re.  Millenia Censuses, domaine over world from man’s compliance to ecological stewardship‘covenant  ‘enterprise-Architecture’. {Money sequence of value /life sequence of value.}

Rituals of the sevenday adventis and cosmological society
They are the world social aphredesiac of man ; fraternity , brotherhood , congregation , and organizational architecture {hierarchy} mechanology of organization; anthropology, cultural principals, life vocations. cononical social mechanology of man enterprise architecture.
“the imparting cognitive human self sustainance initiative, “implimentation monad architecture for the interchange of thoughts”, opinions, or information by speech, writing, or signs.” It is important to the componentry of architecture framework , ‘for restored-renewed creation mechanology ‘man’ pseudoscience apfredesiac.
Ergronomic instruments of quram
Cononical proportions stimulus
Vertical horizon statutory
Celestial cosmology
Orionsbelt-Southrncross ,soliste ,equinox chronological ‘planning’ ‘inheritance of earth life endeavors ,collective ‘logos’ revolution for preservation conservation ,concensuses P.T inclusion ,ready state , ‘call to action’. ‘ettiquette creed ‘procedures of community indebted guidance in destiny toward the covenant of the ‘new age’ father and son holyspirit ( countenance). Returns  the design component authentic subsistence nessesity and ecological essentials, for restoration tradjectory of chronological purpose, meaning, cause, ‘to alignment of life vocation ‘subsistence.(Alfa-omega). Global universe ‘revolution’ of ‘genesis/ Babylon, “New testament/Nebuchadnezzar’

Put into context of a Quatum chronological physics actually a partial image of creation philosophical
marketing intuitive conciousness
Agriculture prophecy of environment foundations of transcendental liturgy \par
Civilization theory of construction /man integration "Arknet Engineering" The re-establishment of creation intuitive design, 'construction planning manuscript implimentation 'to guide and align intuitive ecological developedments from community innovation initiatives essentials/nessesity's
Reasources of land being the creation mystic subsistence science of mans wisdom in world linguistic knowledge of industry enterprises applications binded to chronological neurturing of the life vocations to enlight...

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tranascript of orientation

25 Nov 23:18
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Civilization infrastructure
Geographic emancipation, ‘Mechanology of unified networks
Learning the alighnment in all aspects of mans natural adaptation potencial for sucessful connectivity to world information 
applications platform of life binary tenants and link of  where the ‘Alfa tennents of industry holyland dominion standard positions and situations of  compliance to tenent enterprise ‘honor of nation complexity to bring people to vision the standings of the creation world creative design architecture, map of cognitive conciousness and vision standards with focused balanced forager of world method and strategic  ‘assesments  survival competent dependency of binary/orthodox tenent  ,focus and concentration are challenged ‘that traditional culture ideology dosn’t imply with the  
function in binary society to rise to this paradism in evolution/biological is where the life triangulation contributes to the alighnment with the tradition revelation of wisdom and quality’s of balanced intellectual impetus ‘world dual image practices and exercises of life strategic tradjectory methodology, ‘ a lost ethical dimension of world creations ecological life sytems mitigated into the profficient path of life ‘direction and guidance to the essential adaptive human coresponsive sector learning, genomic triangular survival/exsistence father, son, holy spirit {ethos,pathos,logos of  expressiveness in the teachings and lineage they represent the productivity as the whole in response to their instrument of stewardship circumstances and positions ect. with the  the complexity constant of world reasources of life 
Hypothesis support
a.I reality
Soliste zeinith
They are the world social aphredesiac of man ; fraternity , brotherhood , congregation , and organizational architecture {hierarchy} mechanology of organization; anthropology, cultural principals, life vocations. cononical social mechanology of man enterprise architecture
“the imparting cognitive human self sustainance initiative, “implementation aligned with monad architecture for the interchange of thoughts”, opinions, or information by speech, writing, or signs.” It is important to consider that communication is not just verbal in form. communication is more affected by body language, attitude, and tone, in the new testament training orthodox practices condolning the spoken words to carry the crucial content, their meaning can be influenced by the style of delivery, which includes the way future envisioned speakers stand, speak, and look at a person. Enabling However, critical information is often transmitted via handwritten notes,
Introduction to Anthropology concept
A subsistence diochamy reflecting the collective manuscripts from cultural lineages  all in one authoritive conclusion to the mystical emancipation of survival. Evolution facts evidence  tuteledge, refferences, epic of focus adventis collected through the dissedent family prodigy comprised by holy techniques of life selfsustainance{culture arts}.Demographic urban ergronomic methodology's of creations 'human anthropic manuscripts, tuteledge of environment ontology /vertical sucession 'to lifestyle, celestial  discipline, anatomic path of life,  pedogogi, engineering , stewarsdship  and pop 'gospel holy spirit’.

      Adventis stewardship entrepreneur

Vitruvius /Da Architectura
Arrival of creation vision of ,man determine future from intuitive consciousness ‘to give birth to “Anthropology” domaine of creation man “Newcity”. Vitruvius’ Making.doing,crafting ‘Da Architectura Scope ,scale of architecture. ‘The birth of art’-betterment, best intrests, Architecture of art’. Covenant of man interacts mechanology-life ‘linguistic {essentials-nessesity’s of man. Triangulation of post architecture revelations/theory of design ‘template theory. Anthropic networks ‘creation connection to decorated design of collective creation paradox. Justicce intelligence.
enterprise architecture
Birth of celestial files
Astrological Covenant representing authentic naturalized immunized hieroglyphic path of life. adaptive solarplexus of anatomic ,core ,stock build on fundamental ecological meridians of fundemental growth and developedment, demographic data ‘{balance of all realms}. growth connectivity to the lineages and potencial of organic lifeform best intrest ‘balanced ecology’ creation tradjectory, skilset methodology; skillset advanced ecological all around subsistence initiatives for compassion to resource, harvest ,forage, alignment entitlements  for exercises and  practices of world brands and trends Old oak tree means of to perform jobs of different levels  or task competence demographic statistics of  democracy Co-ordinates to ‘newcity’ salvation of man.Celestial  {redsky call to action} anthropic biodiversity revelation compliance to ‘empiracle’  tennents ‘of anthropic network in life endeavors of world vocations. Polynomer folklore organic Invention mechanology -compliance formulated growth & developedment methodology’s from research in creation prophecy’s{collective archeives} allocates prodigy of understanding {lineage of balance} in field of life endeavors.Conscious sense Breathe techniques, eye focus orientation co-ordinates of hand productive biomechanic work of man, ‘morphological existence of man’s innovative anatomic efficiency/profficiency of adaptive techniques of major muscle groups from the skillset methodology of ergonomic infrastructure curricular regime, ‘trades and traits of survival/exsistence  from hands genomic cononical skillset  ‘gift of a foot protection, persona of service, stand in creation biodiversity in culture ettiquette of man, law of world from celestial geneome ordinance of celestial adaptive genomic {collective trajectory} human existential consciousness, pod births philosiphical upbringings, sect topology’s ‘corporate industry’s enterprise carer, compliance to virtual truth enterprise unicorn orientation, ‘simpleness, of ‘geneomic ‘group ‘institution {family,nature} scholar  Health plan benefits option of  philosiphic mechanology allocated throughout the sect topology of newcity infrastrucure and 2ndary backup channels to   in field of life endeavors.

Subsistence Covenant
Knowledge wisdom anology
Prophecy of forager harvesting
Marketing intuitive consciousness co-ordinates to promisedland /celestrial logos
Financial fundamental-foundations ‘subsistence cellular molten core of  ecological subsistence, indegenious revelation of  subsistence {capital} skillset /methodoloy {cosmic} social molten core indegenious revelations of creation algorithms,productive ,ecological processes functions harvest capital from  life elemental constructs of ‘ground zero’, ‘gravity, radiation from productive ‘occipital’ psuedoscience-apfredesiac, subsistence lifecycle, to interact ‘productive capacity of ‘human’ naturalization to perform work ect.Via,neurol-reflex, muscular skeleton to compile biographic lifesystem subsistence manifest; ‘egronomic infrastructure ‘prophecy of creation liturgic prosperity, ‘innovative tommorrow,’ reflecting on productive bio mechanology,ergronomic infrastructure, agriculture, technology of science ,artifacts {industry} in field of endeavors, ‘strata, fire ,tools, building composite reasources. As in the celestial Diciplines in the field of ‘human life endeavors’, ‘apocalyptic diversity of lifeforms binary inheritance of adaptive methodology{revelations} ; naturalization of creation geneomic statutory equalibrium conciousness re.  Millenia Censuses, domaine over world from man’s compliance to ecological stewardship‘covenant  ‘enterprise-Architecture’. {Money sequence of value /life sequence of value.}

Rituals of the sevenday adventis and cosmological society
They are the world social aphredesiac of man ; fraternity , brotherhood , congregation , and organizational architecture {hierarchy} mechanology of organization; anthropology, cultural principals, life vocations. cononical social mechanology of man enterprise architecture.
“the imparting cognitive human self sustainance initiative, “implimentation monad architecture for the interchange of thoughts”, opinions, or information by speech, writing, or signs.” It is important to the componentry of architecture framework , ‘for restored-renewed creation mechanology ‘man’ pseudoscience apfredesiac.
Ergronomic instruments of quram
Cononical proportions stimulus
Vertical horizon statutory
Celestial cosmology
Orionsbelt-Southrncross ,soliste ,equinox chronological ‘planning’ ‘inheritance of earth life endeavors ,collective ‘logos’ revolution for preservation conservation ,concensuses P.T inclusion ,ready state , ‘call to action’. ‘ettiquette creed ‘procedures of community indebted guidance in destiny toward the covenant of the ‘new age’ father and son holyspirit ( countenance). Returns  the design component authentic subsistence nessesity and ecological essentials, for restoration tradjectory of chronological purpose, meaning, cause, ‘to alignment of life vocation ‘subsistence.(Alfa-omega). Global universe ‘revolution’ of ‘genesis/ Babylon, “New testament/Nebuchadnezzar’

Put into context of a Quatum chronological physics actually a partial image of creation philosophical
marketing intuitive conciousness
Agriculture prophecy of environment foundations of transcendental liturgy \par
Civilization theory of construction /man integration "Arknet Engineering" The re-establishment of creation intuitive design, 'construction planning manuscript implimentation 'to guide and align intuitive ecological developedments from community innovation initiatives essentials/nessesity's
Reasources of land being the creation mystic subsistence science of mans wisdom in world linguistic knowledge of industry enterprises applications binded to chronological neurturing of the life vocations to enlight...

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transcripts of man

23 Nov 22:44
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Human reasource has an emotional form (Scripture) and an oral form intelligence(Tradition). Human reasource is interpreted, preserved, expounded, and taught through the Successors of the Apostles. And is central to the findings to the exsistencial sensory of consciousness and world intelligence, ‘permitted to be arranged under the authority of social norm human reasources policy's.chronological events of pedogogal, inheritance of the cononicle ontology; 'doctorine of unified metabolic algorithm; 'process,developedment and growth; ‘guidance-direction ‘creation apfredesiac; aligned creation enterprise censuses; advancedment of 'intuitive concious,'logistic creation,asynchronous,soial-ethic;revolution from statutory human rights constitution;

hieroglyphic collaborators incubator

‘covenant poetic benediction of sciences ‘field of life endeavors, geographic ontology, ontology
of man,world,animal as the holy grail,
 Calendar/Actions-From the sevenday adventis {genesis} are formed of the world and endeavor
of supremacy of man and lifeform conservation/preservation ‘diversity biographic manifesto of
creation biographic mechanology of creation logistics evolutio

Unified _transcription Infrastructure

13 Oct 05:18
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Enterprise reasearch , stereotype of enterprise geneology; 'tal;isman characters, players, actors, 'agents of the same system relative to 'proffesional diochamy {talisman ui-ux}; proffesional mechanology 'human coherence, 'enterprise societal subjects; intuitive conciousness ,transcription initiative; 'working 'completely indifferent methodology towards a relative output . through services ,tasks ,employment to commit inkind binary input of creation character , whether order,law, Convention,Revolution, presents of 'Holy Order', 'working towards 'compiled, 'purpose, 'vocational lexical planning for 'multi-dimensional 'global world schematic, for cannonical architecture;'revise transcript, 'hieroglyphic" 'constant 'universe 'creation theology, 'to concieve. reasearch and developedment for to generate, 'modern transcript, innovations re-visioned architecture technology.

horizon terminator; 'creation employment to re-vised theological harmony, biblical testament;



world compose framework geographic ontology, 'tuteledge of man. 'compositeintuitive natural conciousness, 'low level, 'carbon dynasty. ### hommage tradition . norse selfsustainance;reasearch and developedment. congregation leadership; 'engineering compose, 'geneology, for 'human collective 'linguistic, 'world tradition;conservation/preservation, restoration; 'compliance to productivity's 'censuses