tranascript of orientation
Civilization infrastructure
Geographic emancipation, ‘Mechanology of unified networks
Learning the alighnment in all aspects of mans natural adaptation potencial for sucessful connectivity to world information
applications platform of life binary tenants and link of where the ‘Alfa tennents of industry holyland dominion standard positions and situations of compliance to tenent enterprise ‘honor of nation complexity to bring people to vision the standings of the creation world creative design architecture, map of cognitive conciousness and vision standards with focused balanced forager of world method and strategic ‘assesments survival competent dependency of binary/orthodox tenent ,focus and concentration are challenged ‘that traditional culture ideology dosn’t imply with the
function in binary society to rise to this paradism in evolution/biological is where the life triangulation contributes to the alighnment with the tradition revelation of wisdom and quality’s of balanced intellectual impetus ‘world dual image practices and exercises of life strategic tradjectory methodology, ‘ a lost ethical dimension of world creations ecological life sytems mitigated into the profficient path of life ‘direction and guidance to the essential adaptive human coresponsive sector learning, genomic triangular survival/exsistence father, son, holy spirit {ethos,pathos,logos of expressiveness in the teachings and lineage they represent the productivity as the whole in response to their instrument of stewardship circumstances and positions ect. with the the complexity constant of world reasources of life
Hypothesis support
a.I reality
Soliste zeinith
They are the world social aphredesiac of man ; fraternity , brotherhood , congregation , and organizational architecture {hierarchy} mechanology of organization; anthropology, cultural principals, life vocations. cononical social mechanology of man enterprise architecture
“the imparting cognitive human self sustainance initiative, “implementation aligned with monad architecture for the interchange of thoughts”, opinions, or information by speech, writing, or signs.” It is important to consider that communication is not just verbal in form. communication is more affected by body language, attitude, and tone, in the new testament training orthodox practices condolning the spoken words to carry the crucial content, their meaning can be influenced by the style of delivery, which includes the way future envisioned speakers stand, speak, and look at a person. Enabling However, critical information is often transmitted via handwritten notes,
Introduction to Anthropology concept
A subsistence diochamy reflecting the collective manuscripts from cultural lineages all in one authoritive conclusion to the mystical emancipation of survival. Evolution facts evidence tuteledge, refferences, epic of focus adventis collected through the dissedent family prodigy comprised by holy techniques of life selfsustainance{culture arts}.Demographic urban ergronomic methodology's of creations 'human anthropic manuscripts, tuteledge of environment ontology /vertical sucession 'to lifestyle, celestial discipline, anatomic path of life, pedogogi, engineering , stewarsdship and pop 'gospel holy spirit’.
Adventis stewardship entrepreneur
Vitruvius /Da Architectura
Arrival of creation vision of ,man determine future from intuitive consciousness ‘to give birth to “Anthropology” domaine of creation man “Newcity”. Vitruvius’ Making.doing,crafting ‘Da Architectura Scope ,scale of architecture. ‘The birth of art’-betterment, best intrests, Architecture of art’. Covenant of man interacts mechanology-life ‘linguistic {essentials-nessesity’s of man. Triangulation of post architecture revelations/theory of design ‘template theory. Anthropic networks ‘creation connection to decorated design of collective creation paradox. Justicce intelligence.
enterprise architecture
Birth of celestial files
Astrological Covenant representing authentic naturalized immunized hieroglyphic path of life. adaptive solarplexus of anatomic ,core ,stock build on fundamental ecological meridians of fundemental growth and developedment, demographic data ‘{balance of all realms}. growth connectivity to the lineages and potencial of organic lifeform best intrest ‘balanced ecology’ creation tradjectory, skilset methodology; skillset advanced ecological all around subsistence initiatives for compassion to resource, harvest ,forage, alignment entitlements for exercises and practices of world brands and trends Old oak tree means of to perform jobs of different levels or task competence demographic statistics of democracy Co-ordinates to ‘newcity’ salvation of man.Celestial {redsky call to action} anthropic biodiversity revelation compliance to ‘empiracle’ tennents ‘of anthropic network in life endeavors of world vocations. Polynomer folklore organic Invention mechanology -compliance formulated growth & developedment methodology’s from research in creation prophecy’s{collective archeives} allocates prodigy of understanding {lineage of balance} in field of life endeavors.Conscious sense Breathe techniques, eye focus orientation co-ordinates of hand productive biomechanic work of man, ‘morphological existence of man’s innovative anatomic efficiency/profficiency of adaptive techniques of major muscle groups from the skillset methodology of ergonomic infrastructure curricular regime, ‘trades and traits of survival/exsistence from hands genomic cononical skillset ‘gift of a foot protection, persona of service, stand in creation biodiversity in culture ettiquette of man, law of world from celestial geneome ordinance of celestial adaptive genomic {collective trajectory} human existential consciousness, pod births philosiphical upbringings, sect topology’s ‘corporate industry’s enterprise carer, compliance to virtual truth enterprise unicorn orientation, ‘simpleness, of ‘geneomic ‘group ‘institution {family,nature} scholar Health plan benefits option of philosiphic mechanology allocated throughout the sect topology of newcity infrastrucure and 2ndary backup channels to in field of life endeavors.
Subsistence Covenant
Knowledge wisdom anology
Prophecy of forager harvesting
Marketing intuitive consciousness co-ordinates to promisedland /celestrial logos
Financial fundamental-foundations ‘subsistence cellular molten core of ecological subsistence, indegenious revelation of subsistence {capital} skillset /methodoloy {cosmic} social molten core indegenious revelations of creation algorithms,productive ,ecological processes functions harvest capital from life elemental constructs of ‘ground zero’, ‘gravity, radiation from productive ‘occipital’ psuedoscience-apfredesiac, subsistence lifecycle, to interact ‘productive capacity of ‘human’ naturalization to perform work ect.Via,neurol-reflex, muscular skeleton to compile biographic lifesystem subsistence manifest; ‘egronomic infrastructure ‘prophecy of creation liturgic prosperity, ‘innovative tommorrow,’ reflecting on productive bio mechanology,ergronomic infrastructure, agriculture, technology of science ,artifacts {industry} in field of endeavors, ‘strata, fire ,tools, building composite reasources. As in the celestial Diciplines in the field of ‘human life endeavors’, ‘apocalyptic diversity of lifeforms binary inheritance of adaptive methodology{revelations} ; naturalization of creation geneomic statutory equalibrium conciousness re. Millenia Censuses, domaine over world from man’s compliance to ecological stewardship‘covenant ‘enterprise-Architecture’. {Money sequence of value /life sequence of value.}
Rituals of the sevenday adventis and cosmological society
They are the world social aphredesiac of man ; fraternity , brotherhood , congregation , and organizational architecture {hierarchy} mechanology of organization; anthropology, cultural principals, life vocations. cononical social mechanology of man enterprise architecture.
“the imparting cognitive human self sustainance initiative, “implimentation monad architecture for the interchange of thoughts”, opinions, or information by speech, writing, or signs.” It is important to the componentry of architecture framework , ‘for restored-renewed creation mechanology ‘man’ pseudoscience apfredesiac.
Ergronomic instruments of quram
Cononical proportions stimulus
Vertical horizon statutory
Celestial cosmology
Orionsbelt-Southrncross ,soliste ,equinox chronological ‘planning’ ‘inheritance of earth life endeavors ,collective ‘logos’ revolution for preservation conservation ,concensuses P.T inclusion ,ready state , ‘call to action’. ‘ettiquette creed ‘procedures of community indebted guidance in destiny toward the covenant of the ‘new age’ father and son holyspirit ( countenance). Returns the design component authentic subsistence nessesity and ecological essentials, for restoration tradjectory of chronological purpose, meaning, cause, ‘to alignment of life vocation ‘subsistence.(Alfa-omega). Global universe ‘revolution’ of ‘genesis/ Babylon, “New testament/Nebuchadnezzar’
Put into context of a Quatum chronological physics actually a partial image of creation philosophical
marketing intuitive conciousness
Agriculture prophecy of environment foundations of transcendental liturgy \par
Civilization theory of construction /man integration "Arknet Engineering" The re-establishment of creation intuitive design, 'construction planning manuscript implimentation 'to guide and align intuitive ecological developedments from community innovation initiatives essentials/nessesity's
Reasources of land being the creation mystic subsistence science of mans wisdom in world linguistic knowledge of industry enterprises applications binded to chronological neurturing of the life vocations to enlightened skillset methodology of environmental brands, trades of man and services of the covenant yield of creation productivity/ longivity.
A mechanism to explain /re-interpret the subconcious parrallel relative that evolves with unified creation.
Demographics ‘prolitariat stewardship of the last decendants ‘to creations collective industry operatives, organizing copywright information of creations exsistence/survival collectiive ideology “world topology”,’ a translation of undisclosed standards’exercises and practices that were mended to yield intuitive virtual-reality of creation to synchronization with engineering variable/factor of earth trajectory to god creation lineage survival protocol
Arknet communications
Collective survival mechanology
New evolution Plannar
We can implement the complex, multi- dimensional stratedgys of this Enterprise architecture to laminate enterprise r&d, Infrastructure to solve creation, ethics stratedgy, and most proficient alignment of A.I capable global horizon realitys, laminate varification of truths to define explicint commercial occipital horizon industrial, commercial,domestic, and define stratedgic control of the statutory (iso) policys of 5G network satellite horizon to enlightened conveyors of literary creation horizon of lifes legendary, extensive compatible network operatores as are reporter, analyst, journalists, of christian enterprise intel/informations on socialethic (occipital) networks employing virtual reality through statutory unicorn extensive to all endeavor for offering or receptive services of the law in kingdom. Company.
Anthropology concept
empiric stockpile/capital
For reasource of the economic life system of earths life endeavors and social ethic affairs for life divine providence earth air water fire . The geographic antropology relative to the social ethic ideology through work productive performance of human man an essential clergic dicipline of guidance followed through the social life structure of the form to achieve of the antropologic gospel world economics.
The study and observations of the worlds vocation systems giving explicint sequencial generic information
implicating the probable outcome for circumstanes defined by the hereditary artifacts of life creations life system and environment variables information of life divine-virtues
The economist is an antology of an ethical lifestyle of mans civilized human world economic dependancy these dependancy's reveal of the true ethical denomination of the hereditary human ancestors'impliing on the vocations of ife(civilization) . divine-virtues of creations and of the life conciousness essential/nessesitys endeerment of world creation survival/exsistence.
Genesis of africa ,innnovation of lifestyle ,proffesion, advocate, vocation
Socialcultural ethic of the construct profficient life ideology as the captions chronicles of man ,the revelations of legend of man and profficient social economic prodigy
Genesis of africa ,innnovation of lifestyle ,proffesion, advocate, vocation
Socialcultural ethic of the construct profficient life ideology as the captions chronicles of man ,the revelations of legend of man and profficient social economic prodigy
Subsistence man
Since the world is on a direct tradjectory of the
fundamental foundation of geographic longtitude the chemistry for methodologic productivity of the occipital poles forces and matter of earths where the generic adaptation with all things intended generic/hereditary methodology for creation lifeform mechanology, of the entitlement that surpass lifeline geneology doctorine of tradjectory priveledge of the inclusion to rectify the beauty of the creation statutory race and creed. Being fed from the will to survive/exsist through tuteledge to the exposure of the lifes directed purpose means ie. Commodite from construct of systematic occipital jurisprudence ecosystem . For the common good of work, work of the nature, mystic direction and magnitude share role in guidance and direction subsistence articulate of information ‘intelligence’ game’ or ‘emotion folk’ but emotional belonging to the exsistencial understanding of systems interaction of empire and capital at least exhibition of its millenia history manuscript productive developedment .through ecological system compliance. A consciousness of ethical practice and theory.The entitlement and priveledge of skills and trades . To build on this architectural design.
Prolitariat: bergoisie, blue collar, Chase Manhatten/Rockerfeller. Architectural blueprint rough copy , scratch implied upon variable factors only concieved by man as are interpretation of the creation via architectural scematic of our life creator. Man,world,animal
The new world topology storyboard of creations creative cultural manifest of the creative arts observed and execute in their' sublime social ethic , fundemental principal of world essentials and nessesity as house , musoleum , palace ; activist writer publisher of industry standard adaptive human code of rights ettiquette to represent fundemental principal developedments relative to of man institutions censuses human reasources
Applicatìn of creations creative arts :
Biographic anthropology of new world Industrialism Commercial, Domestic -Agriculture-Engineering-Economic capitalism-creative arts inventor. Stewardship alighnment for life linguistic destiny ‘the world ontological alighnment ‘the destiny of the world global information systems social media ‘branch anthropology’ the alighnment of civilizations methodology,’the sequencial-generic tool of (anthropological dicipline) report ‘natural life system force for mitigated new world testament of Stewardship and world censuses .
Anthropic co-op/marketing
Proffesional diochamy
Products liturgic hieroglyphs of economic revolution ,War psuedoscience-apfredesiac Old testament, from websites ‘designconstant’ encourages interaction observation to the liturgic messages evolving from the applied sciences of global liturgic ‘dissedence’ as it makes sense of incorporation with the cononical logistics of quantified creation prophecy {5 gospel}in field of Muhammed teachings to apprentis of the empathy of sharing and compassion ‘encourages to adapt the cognitive skills,trades/traits of the ‘body of the whole’ synchronizing the layered atmospheric hierarchy, of generic/inheritance, to conduct the life equilibrium’ to infrastructure answers of the intuitive consciousness, for scholar reaction’ to mathematic leadership of consciousness, natural intuition 'Enterprise apocalypse disciple ‘Covenant Call to action’ archaic censuses,natural equalibrium creation voluntary services ,contribution/mechanology of services ‘adventis lifepath ‘the quram. Enterprise field of life endeavors ‘vocations of life. Abiding life inheritance to compliant social science opportunity’s etiquette honoring life circular ecological sacred geometric inclusion belonging identity ‘career/employment ‘call to action’ covenant of emancipation skills mentor in the the reserve skills stockpile of creation monogamy reaserve competent skills training, of cultural infrastructure, the atmospheric guidance tradjectory of process development growth/vertical horizon bio mechanical anthopological purposes manuscript to liturgical environment governance of interaction with all things in the life endeavors of creation to find sacred liturgy of life ‘the mechanology of creations geological architecture poses ethical methodology reflecting on the ballistic/forensic character profile of biology in all life forms. A reflecting constitution of the anatomic i.p statutory sources and resources varying growth trajectory characteristics input-output ideology cause-effect .
Proffesional diochamy
Diochamy of designconstant
Architecture technology created through analysis and observation to a possible conclusion of lifes paradox’ of world cononical tradjectory from as far back in history to new innovative breakthroughs of creation vision of probability, all reflecting man’s order/orientation over all dominion and domaine of creation enterprise architecture.
Design created through the pseudoscience apfredesiac to locate and understand the future in verified orientation for the manuscripts in diochamy of options
Elder scholar dissidence of wisdoms evolving through the creation channels of covenant: Alfa beta gamma delta humanbeing and collective life decendance of man world God . Information allocated from the ‘collective mortal armeggedon, of human leadership/ collaboration, for man as species or supreme humanbeing in footsteps of best interest in mans self sustainance of subsistence survival “diochamy” as in the bible. Where the protocol of real things define the true mechanology of living and mastery to record and send to mankind the likeminded logical ‘innovative capability Provisions from sources/ and reasources of world holy instruction/dissidence which could have aquired probable cause of intellectual meaning diochamy of creations binary productive ( radioactive architecture of cononical creation.
Co-ordinates and orientation for human collective translation of ‘guided’ theosiphic initiative. horizontal-covenant ‘manifestations of the earth unveiling to perfection in it’s vision of millenia. Information/intel for horizontal statutory, productive practices-exercises of evolution prophetic monad conditioning, alliance of preservation courage to endure ‘diversity’s variable elite illicint ‘occipital’ compliance; ‘to {fermone}tuteledge of natural intuitive “lifepath; ‘gravity-atmosphere-productivity ‘authentically a diochamy of ‘collective horizon channel; pseudoscience-apfredesiac, ‘road to glory’ man’s domaine over all life-lifeform performed in great humility to respond to call of creation inclusion . Inspiration of psycological warfare.
A deducted Global circular world, ‘by the Liturgic manuscripts ‘‘occipital’ Unified order ‘of all livingthings’, ‘Brotherhood of man’ collective tradition of human equilibrium, Uniting world dissidence of ‘life unified call to action, ‘employs social ethic, structural linguistic parables, harnessed from ‘occipital’ methodical forces of life vocations, ‘labour of love contribution of diversity, ‘wisdom /impetus tradjectory collective ”new millena” Individual exsistencial creation natural intuitive ‘conciousnes i.q-.eq relative-parrallel creation ‘cognitive’ statutory composite creation quantification, from inspired mechanology of formulated ‘multi dimensional’ collective subsitence base antiquity’s of values,,property’s,quality’s ergronomic mechanology.
Design constant ‘enterprise services’
Anth hier
Security defined by intitive consciousness of cognitive ‘anthropological constant, integration of life ergronomic via implementation of analysis observation, of life diversity experience ,engineering via ‘ergonomic tuteledge construct for infrastructure statutory standards ethos,pathos,logos
To ‘varify’ binary understading of creation subsistence universe in the virtual understanding of the life endeavors “money sequence of value” and life reproduction ‘life sequence of ‘value” an economic obstruction of compasson /benovalence, ‘methodologic survival practices primary translation of consciousness and concentration define over philosophic mathematic algebraic harmony nostalgic novelty of mathematic translation formula all material things /commodite.
Carer vocation caregiver democratic/orthodox social public services economy
The invisible Hand ‘black market folklore Preprint/registration
Legal economic entity john lock property provision left over non spoil product for co-operative efficiency ‘democratic’ canonical understandings in field of ‘life endeavors’ ‘as the vehicle in financial systems ‘common wealth’ as opposed to individual ,private aboundances policy’s of wealth.
private property introduction of money race,sions, capital assets vs humility of finance in antiquity of social governance treaties. Private property became product property earned by labour translated into the capital assets, investments ‘of load institutions’ from sacrifice ‘as due process from persistent civil diochamy
Challenge ‘to impliment, restoration ‘enterprise unicorn’
Leadership of enterprise Investors of egronomic labour challenges compiled last guiding light given and equilibrium of supply and demand concise through non elementary organology world productive initiative.
Trending close stock
Consumption ideology preservation efficiency consumption of demographic subsistence ideology
Real value ,quality of lives and lifestyle
Diochamy ‘the emancipation of ontology’s
An apocalypse, will the democracy rise to restore complete fulfill of the goals, for the requiem of censuses statistics, ‘to evolve into new ‘creation diochamy’ policy for ‘collective enterprise’ technology; update architecture ‘diochamy’ From revelations ‘Emancipations of the human/geographic Ontology, ‘ are aligned as a combination of creative arts construction intuition; which are the instruments of our initiative, to align identify and measure, ‘antiquity values quotient of quality’s from our ‘remainding intellectual, ‘collective integration, from antiquity’s of ‘folklore rituals and pratices, in the form of industry skillset methods and practices, ‘which employ the ‘balanced forces of millenia ‘blockchain’ initiatives from single source community ‘s can connect toacheive potencially capable selfsustainance; ‘sector of corporate topology ’ which generated all natural goals of emmissions ‘prodigy of the horizon and interactive life integration from accountable creation conciousness. ‘anthropology connect community’ of high stakes production tradjectory ‘calculated information/data sacrifice natural capital protagonist reasources developedment for net renewal plotter, circular calendar/regiemen, copnstant .
Enterprise Job start
connected to world instrumentation design, state of Architectural engineering instrumentation template of the domesticated linguistics’ of the ‘subsistence rituals, from ‘the subsistence anthropology, that trend of family 'call to action' to honor the penninsula of endeavor to success, diversity, knowledge, wisdom endeavors ergronomic survival, mechanology use of {data} that decrypted liturgic unveiling innovative transcendental methodical to mathematical alignment to direct patterns of life system reasource and 5 g antiquity of demographic capable visions {ritual} purpose meaning cause manuscripts .. to bring authentic creation chroicles to guiding light for creation innovations technology trend/brands- implimenting technology from discovery of it's noble cause and effect on creative innovation platform from monad to networks 'Quram' product market arriving as gift from life newly created, evolving on the engineering of diversity innovations and technology to share to the industry and market of enterprise architecture sucess of data information/intel domestic,commercial, industrial stock trade pop demonstration of profficiency ordinance {transcendental mathematics} ect.
A subsistence diochamy reflecting the collective manuscripts from cultural lineages all in one authoritive conclusion to the mystical emancipation of survival. Evolution facts evidence tuteledge, refferences, epic of focus adventis collected through the dissedent family prodigy comprised by holy techniques of life selfsustainance{culture arts}.Demographic urban ergronomic methodology's of creations 'human anthropic manuscripts, ‘tuteledge of environment ontology; /vertical sucession 'to lifestyle; celestial dicipline anatomic path of lfe ‘pedogog engineering stewarsdship and popular 'gospel holy spirit denomination’.
Orionsbelt-Southrncross ,soliste ,equinox chronological ‘planning’ ‘inheritance of earth life endeavors adventis ,collective ‘logos’ revolution for preservation conservation ,concensuses P.T inclusion ,ready state , ‘call to action’. ‘ettiquette creed ‘procedures of community indebted guidance in destiny toward the covenant of the father and son holyspirit ( countenance). Returns the design component authentic subsistence Infrastructure, nessesity and ecological essentials, for restoration tradjectory chronological purpose, meaning, cause, ‘alignment of life vocation ‘subsistence.(Alfa-omega). Global universe ‘revolution’ of ‘genesis/ Babylon, “New testament/Nebuchadnezzar’
Empiric composite
As the earth orbits the sun over the year, the sun appears to move on the celestial sphere against the background of the fixed stars. (Another illusion: it's the earth and the observer moving around the sun as data steward to sundial ‘collecting artifacts of sun, ‘ergronomic, cosmic anthropological ‘socialethic, rather than the sun changing its position.) The curving path the sun seems to follow is called the ecliptic, which passes through a series of twelve constellations called the Zodiac. Efficiency-proficiency ‘conservation-preservation. Short of the ‘authentic creation’ political governance stratedgic intuitive consciousness stratedgy of nature, litugic ,emotional, intellectual, apostolic 12 diciples. Chronicles ,politics to control ‘365 diochamy of man, apostle paul held back essential freedom constitution that were conceived in order to mortally perform enterprise diochamy of king by will to believers and prosperity of infinite and eternal life, ‘to all bearing life unto his majesty law of civilization ethics.
As the earth orbits the sun over the year, the sun appears to move on the celestial sphere against the background of the fixed stars. (Another illusion: it's the earth and the observer moving around the sun as data steward to sundial ‘collecting artifacts, ‘ergronomic, cosmic anthropological ‘socialethic, rather than the sun changing its position.) The curving path the sun seems to follow is called the ecliptic, which passes through a series of twelve constellations called the Zodiac. Efficiency-proficiency ‘conservation-preservation. Short of the ‘authentic creation’ political governance stratedgic intuitive consciousness stratedgy of nature, litugic ,emotional, intellectual, enterprise Chronicles ,politics to control ‘365 diochamy of ‘world and man, apostle paul held back essential freedom constitution {Quram} that were conceived in order to mortally perform enterprise diochamy of king by will to believers and prosperity of infinite and eternal life, ‘to all bearing life unto his majesty law of civilization ethics.
Of reasource intellectual mechanology
Transition of ‘graphic world dual image architectural design, reflects upon ‘the afredesiac of ‘creation innovative prodigy, ‘algorithm of statutory constants of canonical, ‘latin protocols; decadent influence on contientious priority protocol; of ‘creation lifeform; ‘parable; purpose and function, relative with, ‘social ethic anthropology. New Afredesiac platform for identification of the human world creation; ‘mechanology implimentation schematic for world fundemental logic, of life ‘tuteledge,’ ‘inspiration principal of primary intuitive,natural intuition of ethical provisions, intellectual-property, innovation naturalization ,pure ,and holy world adaptive belonging-identity of the lifeform, from natural capital source to connective network {soul} lifeform, trust and honor to life salvation of earths enlightenedment ' survival and exsistence, 'diversity, exercises-practices ‘co-ordinated collective archeive of natural inherited and man made ‘innovative compliance, of world technology ,'Data/ censuses , factors ecological /variables ‘productivity , enable the data factor for exsistence to carriers of natural innovation technology’s, ‘geographical world standards, ‘'manifest world orientation of life flourishment fullfillment intersecting the hirogliphic genes to the world ‘stewardship and life vocations; ‘social ethic, ‘methodological principal of ‘unified design’ world structure to follow latest dominion of the practice/ vocation social cultural benifit of humanmethodologic ideology to be in compliance with earths mystic tradition of the calendar manifest metabolic hunting ,fishing , agriculture ,domestic culinary trades/traits all intellectual property of the generically and hereditary world inheritance probable constance lifepath ideology patent unified generic line with afredesiac of biological world creation.
Proffesionals personelle of highstakes output , acheiving scorers on the grid intuitive expansion of social media and capital. A centralization of everything going on. Geography, Ontology, Anthropology and the mentor/dicipleship inheritance of transcendental-exsistencial-vocational wisdom; are the foundation of creative forces established by man "his own world." from the willing congregation of ‘enterprise society innovation; ‘directed and guided by the compliances, policy’s, democratic. Than we know Proffesionals adapting to covert trusted groups to try to get the information on elite infrastructure to carer/professional personelle 'diochamy of co-ordinate' where we can evaluate the reasources of crisis regulation for the enterprise ergronomics mechanology of machinery , proceedures protocol to enterprise forces proceedural regulations to justify intuitive enterprise contractual compliance with 'enterprise logistic ;'economic 'democratic methodology, 5G covenant evolution Anthropological concept' enterprise 'law of nature design 'horizontal foundation for vertical fututre Architecture ideology
Anthropologic hierarchy
subsistence monuments reflecting dedicated subsistence ordinance
Clip pad
Diochamy of society/Proffesional
Anthropic Creation transformation
Transition of graphic world dual image architectural design, ‘reflects upon the afredesiac of creation innovative prodigy, algorythm of statutory constants and social ethnic anthropology. Afredesiac platform for identification of the human mechanology ‘implimentation schematic for world fundemental logic of life ‘tuteledge’ inspiration of celestial principal , intuition of ethical provisions intellectual-property, natural ,pure ,and holy world adaptive belonging-identity of the soul to life source, trust and honor to life salvation of earths enlightenedment ' survival and exsistence, 'diversity, exercises-practices co-ordinated collective archeive of natural inherited and man made innovative compliance of world technology ,'Data/ censuses , factors , ’ecological /variables catastrophic , enable the data factor for exsistence to connect, transforming geographical ‘binary 5g world standards to 'manifest world orientation of life flourishment fullfillment intersecting the hirogliphic genes to the world decadence of stewardship and life vocations social ethic methodological principal of unified desighn world structure to follow latest dominion of the practice/ vocation social cultural benifit of human ideology to be in compliance with earths mystic tradition of the calendar/curricular manifest; metabolic hunting ,fishing , agriculture ,domestic culinary trades/traits, all intellectual property of the generically and hereditary world inheritance probable constants, revise lifepath ideology patent ‘monad package to reconaiasance with landing on unified generic lineage with the intrinsic governance of biological world creation.
Reasources of dual image {five gospels} world prodigy generates the life standards of sequencial world implimentation parables in innovative guidance of the destiny /dynasty of hirogliphic intelligence -pedogogi-avatar-socialethics-stewardship-vocations of life-testament via gods will. 'manifestation of anthropology-intuitive conciousness to stewardhip of life vocation. inexplicint guidance and direction of world prodigy.
All ideology of life is subject to : environment-erogronomics- infrastructure-social culture. 'what is inevitably perfect and precision is the gospel sequencial generic matrix interface of world creations 'innovative ecological information and intel of mechanology and man .
Stewardship engineering reference to proffesional {iso} systems orientation in enterprise career tradjectory ‘Mentor of Vision; analytic creation tradjectory {demographic censuses} (Irs) reports technological carer mentorship security as ‘intuitive conciousness cerebral clarity of ‘enterprise trusted networks ‘institutional enterprise logistics. ‘Occipital/Celestial’, diochamy of man Anthropology, ‘ censuses/Urban creation united humility of education ‘empathy as federal/democratic enterprise algorithm generates “NewCity” jurisprudence.
Horizontal channel ontology emancipation
The translation for the landing co-ordinates of both the horizontal and vertical guidance to merge, and unite into one mechanology of life system variant chronicles chronological constant in the binary/clerical network orthodox logistic-innovative tommorrow.
Creation consciousness /countanace
The noble benovalence pursuit from impetus initiatives of the Greko-Roman Christian family, ‘inspiration from calculated and measured aspects democracy method to verify correctness of ethical civilization standards align near to Christian standards. In the field of endeavor methodology ‘ linguistic of ‘multi dimensional awareness’ of vertical productivity standards, ‘valued personal acheivedments covenant of all lifeform endeavor statutory purpose,charisma in binary ‘commitment,dedication,will to serve honor ‘graphics’ based sacred guidance .
Pro diochamy
A subsistence diochamy reflecting the collective manuscripts from cultural lineages all in one authoritive conclusion to the mystical emancipation of survival. Evolution facts evidence tuteledge, refferences, epic of focus adventis collected through the dissedent family prodigy comprised by holy techniques of life selfsustainance{culture arts}.Demographic urban ergronomic methodology's of creations 'human anthropic manuscripts, ‘tuteledge of environment ontology /vertical sucession 'to lifestyle celestial dicipline anatomic path of lfe pedogog engineering stewarsdship and pop 'gospel holy spirit’ .
Ethic ideology
Products liturgic hieroglyphs of economic revolution ,War psuedoscience-apfredesiac Old testament, from websites ‘designconstant’ encourages interaction observation to the liturgic messages evolving from the applied sciences of global liturgic ‘dissedence’ as it makes sense of incorporation with the cononical logistics of quantified creation prophecy {5 gospel}in field of ’life endeavours.
Muhammed teachings to apprentis of the empathy of sharing and compassion ‘encourages to adapt the cognitive skills,trades/traits of the body of the whole synchronizing the layered atmospheric hierarchy of generic/inheritance to conduct the life equilibrium to infrastructure answers of the intuitive consciousness for scholar reaction mathematic leadership of consciousness natural intuition Enterprise apocalypse disciple ‘Covenant Call to action’ archaic censuses,natural equalibrium creation voluntary services ,contribution/mechanology of services ‘adventis ‘the quram. Enterprise field of life endeavors ‘vocations of life. Abiding life inheritance to compliant social science opportunity’s etiquette honoring life circular ecological sacred geometric inclusion belonging identity ‘career/employment ‘call to action’ covenant of emancipation skills mentor in the the reserve skills stockpile of creation monogamy reaserve competent skills training, of cultural infrastructure,.
Ethic ideology
‘the atmospheric guidance tradjectory of process development growth/vertical horizon bio mechanical anthopological purposes manuscript to liturgical environment governance of interaction with all things in the life endeavors of creation to find sacred liturgy of life ‘the mechanology of creations geological architecture, poses ethical methodology reflecting on the ballistic/forensic character profile of biology in all life forms. A reflecting constitution of the anatomic i.p statutory sources and resources varying growth trajectory characteristics input-output ideology cause-effect .
Celestial human
Liturgic Constructs
Zodiac land analytics, compilation for gravity of creation intellectual componentry ‘gravity to abide intuitive human selfsustainance, curricular regiemen for chronicles 5G multi-dimensional, ‘Occipital’ binary path of life.
Intuitive anatomic human literacy.
Both pared together reprise hieroglyphic ‘human design’,construct from the hieroglyphic image guidance/direction, extracted from guidance
United cause topology metaphore
Urban engineering evolution
Temperol,cognitive ultraviolet
Jurisprudence Placendo, patients
Graphic Vision process /tools
Rooted urban entity reflected hieroglyphic prophecy exposing the composite provisions,geometric a.i ‘ontology’ interact inhabitant composite science natural reasources lifecycle economic adaptive ergronomics financing principals circular construction scghematics creation ”elite” intellectual manifesto” persona, chemistry, ‘provisions of social co-orporate topology, life field of endeavors.
Urban cosmological people, observerds to ‘first nation’ placendo,creation geneology ergronomic receptor, collaboration causes of humility, empathy ‘creation united emancipation’, ‘ontology facet, community Machine applications, design citizenship.
Artifacts of creative art exercises and practices of ‘Placendo” logic of labour, earth inteactive resonance of system function of creation bio-diversity,ergronomic resolution, rituals bio mechanics,caligraphy .
Creative art’s sciences of man
Enterprise Anthropology
Selfsustainance: equalibrium
Selfsustainance temperol
Selfsustainance cognitive
Epoc’ of intuitive consciousness, bondment of intuitive innovation, reflections and resonance from composite construction authentic work provisions inclusion participate /economics field of life endeavors.
Vision of an efficient and proficient stratedgic performance to world, ‘pre-ordainedment ‘taking to the issues and reports contract instrument of intellectual civilization doctorine’of ‘millenia ethics’. selfsustainance,will,serenity, ‘to prodigy of the innovative social, focused ‘creation alignment provision/mechanology.
Virtual-reality ‘intuitive option, in creation of abided conclusion to mechanology, or recognances of creation in persuence supporting mankind/community demographic potencial.
Anthropic initiative
Compiled initiatives
Orthodox administration
Parrennial gospels of human geneology/generic binary order, Empiric ’civilization, ‘composite demographic exercises of {special human} curricular regiemen, ‘tennents/lamentation of cosmologic ‘mental alertness,consciousness/Anthropology.
Maintainance of ‘human centred project’ explicint gender based trade scale-scope orientation, employment.
Intuitive binary geneology of creation meteorology of geographic lifesystem emancipation/cosmic/cosmology ‘transforms geneologic data/information ”codex,rituals” of authentic creation space’, to unite ‘Occipital’ lexical-logical creation intellectual property ‘custom’ materials, transnformation, to unite methodological {human capital} creation property’s.
Stewardship Caligraphy of Urban engineering
Aspect variable/factor urban demographics
Covenant of Urban ‘civilization’ vision.
Earth endeavors of science.
The urban developedment schedule and statutory demographic infrastructure censorship aligning ‘enterprise/governance’ and curricular maintainance/operations routes from ‘newcity’ professional diochamy’, ‘entitlement’ representation .
That the intuitive asymmetric binary geneology, form the united composite entirety of creation biographic scripture and manuscript, through justice of human stewardship species t method skillset mechanology of horizon transcript. Be put into productive order capable to response to human and environmental needs, essential.
Experience of creation characteristic ‘benediction’ of survival-exsistence. Evolving in relation with mystic and traditional; analytics of invested collective creation environment ‘analyzed’ of most proficient; performance, ‘invariant’ from compiled effective 5g bio,geo,chem character productive operation ‘known to man. Capable to enshure balance to empire eco system.
Urban engineering
Human reasources
Enterprise Orthodox
Foundation of logic
Healthcare,Commercial,Domestic, Industrial Doctorine impactful priority component, ethical intellectual property priority
Orientation/co-ordination vision of ‘Enterprise architecture’ Chemistry of liturgic constructs from ergronomics industry “core” ‘collective Ontology’ vend diag ‘ettiquette’ revolution from decadent prophetic, ‘revelations’, in desire of design ‘equity framework’.
Logic board Natural reasource, schematics ,innovation/ technology, p,c,b, ‘productive cosmological.clergy/vocation Industrial,Commercial,Domestic
Economics ,Engineering, Healthcare,
Enterprise Anthropology
United creation metaphore of co-relative; patterns from creation artifacts, Guidance/direction. 5g data layers compile ‘raw’ graphic imagery
Celestial covenant, ’Readystate i.p ‘trusted networks’, probable outcome , via ‘intuitive corporate polynomer’, generated by system con investments of analogous and polynomer “ Industrial” social ethic contributions .gratitude ,succession, empathy,trust. Mystic tradition.
Productivity, ‘cyber data/information from generic codex artifact, of succession ‘to will and deed of’Anthropology’,intuitive revelation compassion”empathy of cultural “inclusion” .
Streets psycological input
Anthrometric environment covid
Anthropologic Purpose
Modal diversity selfsustainance
Society Infrastructure, mysticism from the anthropometric logic transformation of a new covenant, by element of compilatory biomechanics . Of the inner component to external structure of infrastructure guidance “design” to employ componentry to psychi, to unite, ‘creation enterprise ideology’.
From ’Intuitive community to empiric modal of unveiling truth of architecture hieroglyphics ,holographic data-information measurements for instrumental alignment for creation literature manuscript of ‘diversity’ selfsustainance- Creation persona’,
Multi-dimensional structure, Of equity in prophecy’s hieroglyphic resonance ‘man/world’ materialism of hope’, first nation, infrastructure ‘task compliance’ equilibrium, homosapien, arriving. Intuitive ‘ creative arts productive Capable, industry proficient ‘enterprise decadent.
Human order binary Infrastructure
Enterprise diciple
Monumental orientation
Quram /Occipital
Human conscious desire, for analytics of ancient rituals . Receptor dianetics productivity ordinance, creation unified binary anatomy; displays a complex {calligraphy} programming of earth ergronomic orientation .to abide and comply with algorithmic channels of man.
Garden of ’eden’. Are the creators cononical placendo in foundations, poetic synchronism with the ethical professionalism of individual skillset methodology to the benediction of man in many dimension paradox of creation.
Creation , ‘Harvesting of the inspired ‘destiny’ incorporating creations signature “source” cause and effect, to imply on aspects of polynomer instrumentation {inkind contribution} of creation life endeavor.
Mapping: ultraviolet, temperol, cognitive
Orions belt/ Redsea
Horizon /terminator binary construct’mystic rituals ,ontology,emancipation demographic consumption, inner-enternal society, wisdom manuscript,diochamy, for mechanology, horizon subsistence
I.P statutory dual image architecture, e.q-i.q unite natural intuition from visual stimulus via form of authentic ‘creation, lifeform exercise practices . Parables-perrenial
Monad new becoming ,Nebuchadnezzar ,authentic fulfillment of the creative arts, next generation of the United ‘Anthropology’ ‘new creation’ revolution, ‘virtual-reality of creative arts orientation of life ‘prophecy’ the anthropic human green incentive . ‘Industrial,Commercial,Domestic.
Intuitive community
The covenant services
infrastructure construct resemblance
Authenticity I.P conditioning
Skillset methodological innovation, to engineer ergronomics of the enterprise infrastructure, topological of analogous vocations function
Unified estoric, composite element,industrial,commercial domestic, implicates ‘consecrated ground’ to exercise, preservation/conservation ,dual-image naturalization protagonist monoghamy ‘path of life’, narcissism.
Compliance to canonical principals, of evolving ‘millenia” world global innovative prodigy. of the mechanical routes enterprise governance, as a tool, ‘introduction to new world success. To interpret lifepath protagonist of information stewardship as a compliance in opportunity-priveledge, of enterprise {statutory HR} “call to action” program. In field of life endeavors ‘a new order is summoned “unified orthodox”,
Zodiac inclusion curricular
Instrument technology
Lexical-logical creation connectivity of ergronomic selfsustainance. life vocation.
Applications cosmological apfredesiac, productivity of stock via hr, to perform ‘ergronomic exercises of methodology skillset as impact from trusted decadence, ‘human’ lifeform geneology platform, to iterate; counsil of ‘human biomechanicle reasources {psycology} to ‘interpret enterprise composite field of endeavors, enlightenedment from ‘world genealogical ‘inheritance, linguistic translations English/latin meltingpot of proffesional personelle united trade union / i.p service, covenant industry.
Mastery’, an instrument of terminator horizon simpleness and principal of life’s ‘innovative technology’. ‘Enterprise ergronomic ‘tasks incentives’ creative arts .
Urban ascention
Ontological hierarchy,collective
Stratedgic implimentation
Interface operations of functionality, ‘origin of architecture organology. Persuedes originality of creativity {Greek/Roman}.
Harvesting unchartered for innovative planning ‘options’ compilation, found in multi-dimension creation ‘binary’.to align ,despite creative understanding.
Conventional/traditional ,industry of ‘society’, ethical implementation of creation ‘civilization’. Modernity, functional.
Enterprise Protocols
Map infrastructure algorithm.
Pious Enterprise health
Anology, the family geneology to decipher intuitive ‘composite animate anthropology architecture ideology , ‘man, world, future of ‘focused empiric diversity’ ecosystem.
Anthropology {anology} of i.p tarmac, road ands traffic. United anology {religion} of life consciousness. Awakening earth,Nirvana,United Kingdom, 5g geographic continents, scripture of earth/man anthropic revelations .
Connectivity of secured data information orientation with ‘human’ integrated compilation of doctorine composite ‘virtual reality’ lifeform with nature, are entrusted to the craft of ‘surgeon general’, ‘ engineer of medicine practices enterprise doctorate manuscripts . Man and all movedments.
Global Cities design initiatives
Unite orthodoxy School
Stratedgic longevity planner.
best intrest ,the choice from old creation elder growth and youth prigressive initiative establishment of foundation.
Hierarchy of analytic communication
Temperol/cognitive emancipation
Adaptive emancipation
World virtual reality
Construct of ‘creation variable factors ,implement, ‘inclusion-intertaction’, of creation lifeforms, iterate anthropo metric justice ,being , world prodigy ‘
Man-world ‘demographic’ emancipation Geographic image of ecologic ’process,developedment and growth. “Ontology” ‘authentic, Logical conciousness, evolution ”millenia”, ‘product,service,inkind contribution.
Euccharist liturgy ‘from the following’ Christ” {Perrenial} ethical entrepreneur of virtual experiences of quantification and interpretation for ‘empiric economics’ {geography} application from methodology of creation. “growth”
Logistics ‘Jurisprudence’ governance.
Chosen teachers of the civic duty
Orientation from ‘Enterprise” ‘covenant benediction’ hieroglyphic ‘future’ conceived of composite ‘horizon’ “holographic” vision enlightenedment,to incorporate ‘human purpose’.
From authentic vocations of earth selfsustainance; Agriculture, finance circular ‘ethnic, ecology,creditable presents in whole, perspective citizen/purpose.
Demographics ‘caligraphy’ {humanrights}
Denominations of enterprise binary topology
Dual image Gods Plan
Compilatory hypothesis for multi-dimensional, genealogy ‘prophecy of ‘millenium’ composite, ‘ordainedment of life composite reflection from construction, composite design ‘diversity’ elements compiled through receptors of composite lifeform intuitive survival consciousness {inheritance of man}, from all life endeavors of creation lifesystem/infrastructure, “Unicorn”‘cononical componentry’, for hieroglyphic asset of creation. ‘Linguistics’. Connectivity to man’s empathy to creation earth/dirty prophecy’s , research of lifestyles,. 5 covenant , to 4/4 quarters of ‘the 21st Century ecliptic revolution of creation selfsustainance initiative of creation democracy ‘unicorn’ .
Longevity of designconstant source code, is to translate the copywright “innovative ecosystem” space of ‘architecture prophecy’: credits, workers ,planners, citizens, teachers, who contribute to the ‘philosophical ‘build of the enterprise “jurisprudence” matrix , ‘machine revelation, ‘orthodox decadence of {world-man-Essechial liturgy of the human antology.
Gods Plan multi-dimensional {aggogi}
Binaries of the new world, Topology of binary creation creative arts (binary) 'field of life endeavours Topology.Selfsustainance manuscripts, creation mechanology hieroglyphic cultural metaphors control terminator methodology of subsistence harvest, 'providence of lifesystem doctorine, statutory’ ethnic society, methodology of survival and exsistence.’in field of life endeavors.
Enterprise artifact
Docker universal compiler for multiple, ‘plotter’ ‘linkage to compose componentry’.
Docking of Local community’s’, ‘Enterprise corporate nodes’
Co-op developedments ;free trade board of standards, and ‘accounting rates’, from local contracts and orders’ of intellectually harvested reasources of immediate consumption processes, to establishing vessel contracts’of preserved ‘trans media ‘logistic produce’, process endeavor of the essential ‘stock-pile’ managedment processes ,futher capital context’, and damaged stock. Input to derive ‘docker node translator’, strings, geometrical meridians,triangulation philosophy. Co-relation of Of enterprise accountancy philosophy’. Authentic creation tradition of trades ,brand ‘perpetual concept, ethic culture way’s, ‘tradition deity’ of innovative manuscripts.
Buisness compose cosmology
Human subsistence ‘UI ‘transformation cycles’, exercising essential-nessesity’s of lifesystem ‘intellectual-property’ from ‘discipline to ‘truth, law,moral of united creation ‘binary materialism’, all forms transformed one’, united intelligence’,of core ‘enterprise values’, purpose, meaning, cause to ‘field of life. to compose matrix, way of man and ‘composite enterprise’, ‘world prodigy’, ‘providence-provision’, ‘deity-tardy’ ‘architecture picturesque’,of ‘custom construction design build’, ‘lifestyle: home,family,work. Image from “newcity” creation design ‘infinite engine’ evolution and future’.
Compose reseillience to ‘human civilization’ “reflexes” ; re-interpreted proficient-efficient, lifesystem immunization ‘productive ‘dynamic asynchronous sustainance’ found from free world composite, to re-invent ‘empiric compose’ ecological ‘regiemen-curricular constant ‘survival-exsistence’ ‘Anthropology’{intrinsic/estoric}. Interactive topology’ of ‘compose-composite, architectural constructs Interactive human skillset methodology”. geographic society.
Exodus of ‘plotter initiatives’to ‘Docking{meridians} providence ‘new flesh’
Harvesting ‘enterprise theological mechanology, ’through “Jurisprudence” ‘initiatives’ reflecting ‘exodus’ ethnic meltingpot’, ‘subsistence ‘horizon terminator’ “concept” of ‘selfsustainance ‘Anthropology’.’
‘Anthropology’, bearing ‘the creation ‘orthogenesis’ of ‘canonical’, Virtues”of the ‘Universe ‘hierarchy’ “spatial” binary geneology’ to pass on the generic/hereditary lifeform in relation to creation ‘divine’ “tree of life” restoration; of ‘mortal generic-hereditary’binary’, ‘incentive-initiatives of ‘productivity ,restoration, conservation/preservation’, compile “Plotter” ‘intellectual-property’ copywright ; for implementation of land algorithm analysis .
A ‘universal docker-coupler’ technology of ‘ business finance’., ‘to mend ‘enterprise ’corporate assets’ {enterprise matrix} ‘alignment of Information’ transformation’ ‘charts “programmed” to ‘yield ‘aligned’ corporate enterprise ‘intellectual property; {enterprise matrix} A.I growth compose-composite’, ‘reproduced subsistence’ growth design of ‘economy, form-factor and transformations of’ corporate ecological’ ‘enterprise ‘data productivity’ managedment stimulus, throughout enterprise’.
Docker pipeline ‘local residual
In all way’s of life ‘are the ‘formula’ “First Nations” geneology; 5G continents of ‘guided’ professional,’ A dual-mage’, ‘world prodigy of ‘alignment to guidance of “Human needs” ’Lexical-Logical’ Anthropology’ ‘in the ‘creations’, ‘fields of life endeavours’, ‘have ‘iterated, ’vocation-arts ‘human geneology’ of the ‘creation “orthogenesis” incoming ‘energy’s, curate and transform ‘assorted elements, from ‘universe multi-dimensional energy’s’{Sun} and creation forces’, “blend” ‘creation binary orientation’ initialize and activate ‘fullfullment of circular ‘environment architecture protocols {prism} productivity’, to ‘inhabitant’ of selfsustainance’ and proficient conservation technology’, for extraction of ‘raw materials ‘curated from ‘creation universe’, ‘radioactivity’ are explored through creation multi-dimensional’ analytics and transition of ‘binary universe ‘harvested through ‘enterprise pipeline,’ enterprise ‘core’ developedment on multiple-intuitive ‘’corporate’ productive maintenance platforms, ‘engineering and monitor’ of ‘raw, ‘hardware and/software’ reasources and technology’s , one for every , monitored process, of enterprise automation’ cycles joined by docker component-couplers, to complete ‘enterprise jurisprudence ‘{mechanical ‘subsistence transformations cycle}’,‘hierarchy of ‘Human “NewCity” creation order’.
Universe dock to the ‘human platform’
In generic order’,’human’s control the supremacy of creation to juystify ‘the supreme characteristics inherited, to coldoln the ‘watch over adaptive creation ‘intelligence ‘protocols’ accountancy over the assets of exsistence/survival by means, ‘only to bear the influence deity-tardy. Engineering ‘order in chaos’,and ‘source of ‘truth’, by means to verify’, ‘just compose ‘dock translator’ ‘accounting’ design technology monitoring, multiple plotter; compose, stock, functuality; at a time to enshure operatable ‘enterprise payload maintainance’ ‘accountancy’. Translator of ‘Jurisprudence compose’.
As acclimatized ecological adaptation process, harvesting ergronomic ‘abstract variable-factors of creation ,human/material interactive compliance. Belonging identity to Stratedgic transformation of matter/constitution and methodology application, cause of affairs, purpose of affairs. Logical output, scale in abstract variable cause of implementation ie. As authenticity of nature and geographic creation compile; to ‘drive exercises-practices of archeological-artifacts {pedogogi} of compose , connecting them with our innovation and technology.
Central source of business functions and operates, from ‘Enterprise plotter of incentives, intuition from ‘nature gravity ” tardy, ‘ergronomic ‘curricular life system cycles of orthodox cosmological rhetorical process developedment and growth in-animate materialism information/intel, response to implementation
Circular enterprise cause; “managedment of enterprise” ‘jurisprudence services ‘i.p’ compliance to hieroglyphic mapping, tradition intel’ from ‘creation’ “mystic methodology’s’ of,rituals artifacts, various-assorted, variables ‘compose’ lexical-logical ‘creation ‘blueprint schematic’. Design world prodigy of ‘form-factor’ and implementation functuality’ ‘equity assets’,“modern creation ‘harvest’ of ‘equity assets’ indegenuity, orthodox production methodology’s, collective lexical-logistics, info-intel, mathematic accounting phiosiphy’, ‘productivity from creation ‘lifeform organs-organisms, build, fit information/intel’ of ‘bio-mech, creation ‘united binary’, creation polynomer theosiphy, program chronology; phoneomic alphabet/anthropology {autonomic managedment}. Manufacturing facility of creation sociology and buisness culture’.
Compliance of human to transformation of ‘prophecy-millenia;technology/innovation; interactive ‘capital’, ‘materialism policy’s patentpend mechanical”Idustrial emancipation”; implying ‘that measurements on scale of engineering on patentpend oem iso image co-variant , collective eucharist; contributing to our goals , mis-interpreting choreograohic harmony of ‘facts’ in all aspects of ‘empiric creation’ orthodox design’.
Enterprise commercial markets implementation
Landing {lunar} , “Raw” landscape portfolio’, subjective/objective landscape analysis; investigation to verify, ‘certain blockchain and hierarchial exposure to iso based geographic selfsustainance main connecting ideological tennent-lamentations, iso based compose composite ‘pseudoscience selfsustainance . Provisional ethics,
‘deity-tardy’. global world fulfillment ‘curvature’ statutory law’ of every livingthing.
A contribution of everyliving thing as a response to the cause-effect from linear creation u.i, alignment of ‘orthogenesis global world; creationism inclusion portfolio; scriptures-manuscripts. Creation growth , collective lifeform archeives .
Millenia transformations, from ‘anthropic human revelations. Tradition of cultural inheritance deity-tardy’ virtual reality the ‘marketing of sale simulations of enterprise {kredos}. Virtual-reality.
Control of domaine scale-scope, as the outcome lamentation tennents focus on sociological of proverbs in account to
Self work interactive man and world
Self work interactive man and world ;hunter-gather traits,’life positivism conduct innovative ecological proficiency; as hominid. Institution of human corporate community networks; capitalizing on market capacity for ‘creation social vocation institution; replicating ‘professional; geographic product service . Via enterprise corporate network facilitate balanced enterprise market impetus to’ build identify with; structured data levels /frequency’s; compose form-factor expansion connecting dynamic ecological/economic; “node” life endeavours lifestyle managedment nessesity’s-essentials ‘sociology framework geneology
Products and services curvature
Products and services; mystic tradition of lifepath deity, ‘innovation and sciences of the ‘anthropology impetus {wisdom}, selfsustainance stimulus; engine of ‘creation positivism impetus ‘ humanly possible reflexes of procreation; geographic ontology.
Industrial topology compose network, ‘authentic geographic infrastructure ‘impetus’, ‘the ‘collective binary ‘selfsustainance linguistics; ‘intellectual property natural intuitive copywright; global ‘socialethics ideology. applied ‘anthropology professional employs rate of contribution investments to ’enterprise innovation discovery {Bids} for services and marketed local products to establish dominion of calligraphy in enterprise commercial market alliance{s} financial/geographic ui/ux services trends. Activists; ‘compose lifestyle imptus.
Anthropic initiative
Compiled initiatives
Orthodox administration
Parrennial gospels of human geneology/generic binary order, Empiric ’civilization, ‘composite demographic exercises of {special human} curricular regiemen, ‘tennents/lamentation of cosmologic “betterment” ‘human mental alertness,consciousness/Anthropology.
Maintainance of ‘human centred project’ explicint gender based trade scale-scope orientation, employment.
Intuitive binary geneology of creation meteorology of geographic lifesystem emancipation/cosmic/cosmology ‘transforms geneologic data/information ”codex,rituals” of authentic creation space’, to unite ‘Occipital’ lexical-logical creation intellectual property ‘custom’ materials, transnformation, to unite methodological {human capital} creation property’s.
Parameters of learning
Enterprise indegenious {culinary-arts} archeology manifestation
The terrestrial geographic host of human, discovery implicated as authentic creation world ‘virtual-reality’,of man to liberate ‘authentic creation’ transformation “{dna} code; evident in all systems; compliant to adaptive creation architecture immunization’compose hosting; information protocols of authentic creation statutory character {prehipreal} in; creation “human/lifeform species; cognitive geographic pedigogal textiles: tuteledge for creation binary assortment/variety;”compose” bio,geo,chem lifesystem creation apfredesiac orifice fertility, ‘stewardship engineering .
Equality from design
5continents scale-scope
The installation of continents; ‘automated information paradism, to define virtual-automated material production; ‘lifeform infrastructure, ‘ populated methodological ordered; connected hierarchial lifesystem processes of compose; automated ecological skillset; compile theosiphic ideology; social-ethic tuteledge, from biographic geography, ‘etiquette from ‘covenant benediction; ‘pedogogi of interactive creation selfsustainance, proficiency-efficiency of lethargic ‘subsistence’ equilibrium; ‘layered evolution hierarchy of creation horizons, stratedgic ecological lifesystem; compose; functionally; ecologically productive; ergronomic equilibrium; methodology skillset; of intelligence ‘a.i constructs, for ‘programme engineering, of construction compose; social intelligence technology of compose.
Bible prophecy of subsistence.
Universe animated creation subsistence origin from creation sevenday adventis revelation, of assets and equity; basalts orientation to endeavours of life geneology hieroglyphic algebra .continental, Pan-am, gospel i.p, lunar-landing. Succesion to pre-ordainedment of generic logic, {dna-rna}.
Pro dioch continents
In proportion to covenant from 5g continents; are world creative-arts; culinary arts. Israel, Jerusalem, Nebuchadnezzar ; new world revolution,
The covenant ‘5nation guidance’
Revisioned ‘waterhole’ creation ‘Christian theology’, composite ‘occipital’ designconstant anthropology methodology, social-ethic revelations ethical ‘truth’;ideology;sciences,,coherence..
Governedment intervention for capitalize on most ‘human assets’ ’human capital ‘to benefit one global asynchronous developedment,/investment to language , humanity creation propaganda, ‘Industry of survival reporting ‘advanced education ‘expansion initiative’. Capital ‘harvested refined market ‘product allocation of all human assets’ asynchronous impetus tradjectory {anthropology} methodically transforming the force and matter of creation ‘fields of life endeavours’ for ‘harvested compose product’. Divine-virtiue of human collective ‘orthodox decadence.’ Community geneology of survival-exsistence guidance mapping ‘world-liturgic’ template for creation stewardship,, multi-dimensional dicipline engineering {pedogogi} , circular social-ethic ecology for interpretation of sacred geometric guidance ‘’process,developedment and growth’. Plan of Inclusive innovation’.functuality and tradition.
Transcendental ideology
Governedment engineering; psycological ordinance ,ontology, geneology; futile human ‘creation of capital; scope-scale. And arranging analytic demographic improvisation of demographic statistics for ‘multi—dimensional “plotter” ethnic sociality”.. Reduction enterprise “democracy policy’s” ; civic social stipulation for enterprise;domestic commercial-industrial corporate network media channels. Reasources are decadence; from lineage, ‘obligation and service’ to participate and practice inclusion exercises, methods for interaction with ‘creation dynamic, intellectual property hierarchy, united ‘innovative civilization ontology’ “global world financing ’, ‘methodology of “enterprise; ‘psycological impetus, ‘self control’ biomechanical stageing- plannar’,’ planning in the manifestation of creation stewardship, creation omerta {proficiency-productivity] ‘Enterprise onboarding’.
geography of continents
Creation continents ‘multi-dimensional creation environment atmospheric lifesystem biographic geography, ’covenant binary, ‘apfredesiac-pseudoscience;
Geographic map-5 continents; united creation analytics
Horizon terminator; Creation theosiphy
Found geographic map 5 continents ideology/theosophy, ‘a united creation variable aspect ; compose landscape lifesystem I.P. @ copywright creation, mapping balance {divine-virtue} from field of life endeavours, reflection of the sweetscience adaptation to creation alignment profficiency.
World Anthropology ideology
Geographic map-5 continents; united creation analytics
Variable abstract analytics of creation; endeavours evaluation for innovative creation 5g interface, capable binary plotter earth,wind,fire seeding {poupoid tradjectory}, basalt orientation, via creation ‘canonical geneology, implementation transformative restoration of life. Adaptive binary emancipation/catchetism ‘anthropologic morphology; subsistence naturalization; creation, ‘theosiphic/ideology on authentic, impetus of stimulus; micro technology framework . The framework reflects; the subsistence selfsustainance; geographic identity,belonging and purpose, ‘apfredesiac of automated ‘hieroglyphic geography; ‘architecture doctorine, of hope, ‘salvation manifest “sabbath; chronicles/chronology; latter doctorine of earth creation “fundamental-foundation” {Anthropology}. Pre-ordainedment; universe futures of canonical organology from canonical world {5 gospels}.
Mechanology of united continents
Creation ‘binary orthodox, Continents employ; ‘global linguistic profiles, naturalization- immunization; 5g creation revelation , ‘ biographic geography {Continents}; reflecting alignment of the quantified celestial orientation of ‘enterprise landscape; continent theology; enterprise, hierarchy framework; from authentic lifeform world creation ; universe hemispheres from space intuitive ‘subsistence framework ‘neurol synaptic programming of creation brain, neurological operation function of ‘framework componentry, In canonical paradism ; of {social-ethic} tuteledge ‘automated lifesystem;creation ‘divine-virtuality’ 3D universe hemispheres, augmented creation programming; creation biological binary pre-ordainedment; reparainchen, restoration creation universe; united federation stimulus via {lifesystem geneology} ‘mare-orientale,
Mechanology of united continents
Exodus: lunar-landing ;universe hemispheres; Civilizations; ‘birth of u.i ; cosmic ‘pious fertility of revelation, ‘fundamental-foundation; ‘sociology’ ‘creation; ‘binary block-chain’ metaphore, ‘biographic geography. life theosiphic ideology; relative/parallel geographic analytics data, from satellite collective stewardship archeive; biological {dna} Unicorn intel/informations evolution of creation: lifeform, organs,organisms evolving and innovative, 'to serve ‘creation technological/innovative {optical} envisionedment channels ‘subsistence doctorine’ evolution paradism of creation {parables} subsistence anthropology; impetus sociology of fundamental-foundation lifeform: programming compilation, ontology, benediction, countenance, covenant, enterprise architecture, ‘organs,organisms , exodus of continents ‘scripture/manuscripts.
Genesis ‘orthodox outcome of democracy resolution
To be defined by order of civilization ‘movement/revolution, ‘designconstant< 5 continents ‘united world electromagnetic ‘forces of ‘mare orientale’ reserves, philanthropy for “mapping creation” interactive social-affairs; direction-guidance of creation collective revelation, for ‘societal geneology; united anthropic manuscript.
The unchartered exodus
The unchartered exodus
In relation to ‘quantified creation; ‘bible prophecy; revelation tradjectory psuedopscience-apfredesiac; scriptures from ‘Organology compilation of ‘world architecture; histology,archeology, ‘collective universe, ‘hierarchial creation lifepath. From divine-virtue of creation reality; ‘ variable forensic/ballistic, ‘prehipreal environment, authentic creation .
Continent hieroglyphic componentry
Primary co-ordinates from creation universe to analyze proportion and functual indifferences observed from canonical insight on functional lineage from proportional “mechanical al ‘subsistence creation binary; law-policy framework; enroute to productive theosiphic ideology ‘covenant media channel ‘translates; creation defined automated {algebraic/mathematical} data design orientation-functionality.’mare orientale Moon tradjectory with earth; probable capable orientation of biological capacity to be defined from; lifeform creations, fundamental-foundation cyber landscape; sweetscience; creations ordered protocols; sociology; augmented alignment to the neuerol fundamental-foundation . Hierarchial compilation of creation complex subsistence network; sevendays adventis; creation multi-dimensional forces and matter of wonders histology archeology revelation, pseudoscience-apfredesiac, of creation ‘Anthropology; ‘ecological-binary {geneology} diversity control; exodus creation organology of man ‘creation componentry topology; Universe hieroglyphic fundamental-foundation; compiled to evolve of the ‘ecological analytics productivity, “mechanology” of ‘universe-creation.
Cononical architecture design stems from the Seed of Christ gift to life’ cononical overview ‘lexical logistic administration of universe life path, and biological binary’ tuteledge {forager} in master skills {methodology} of “subsistence theology” vocation-clerical, enterprise carer’ Anthropological’ scholar, wisdom as top of the cosmic connection of the subsistence curricular regiemen to mechanology-of creation “Enterprise Architecture”. “exodus”.
Cross platform
Analytics of Jurisprudence demographics
From the ‘creation; vocation of ergronomic denomination, render binary. The creation clerical
Free trade beneficiary of enterprise ‘societal conduct; Industry from dynamic hierarchial enterprise geography; path of life. Fortified subsistence compose {dna} millenia pseudoscience-apfredesiac. Intrinsic harvested componentry accessory for estoric stewardship i .
Operational capability’s
Cosmos processing quantified ‘human selfsustainance; ‘creation,selfsustainance co-relative demographics statistics mapping all lifeforms, calligraphic survive/exsist; consciousness constant, splendor; all lifeforms ‘diversity geneology; human anthology; Brain unit : psycological proportions from pre-pared ‘occipital’, ‘universe,creation ; benediction of creation “prophecy” of ‘reasoning, solution,from decadence of creation, the dynasty.
Man ‘being of his own world ; gravity for variable activity’s of creation ’forces; cause of virtual-static, physics of creation matter, as cause for everyday’ life. Creation physics;
Ui head quarters
Designconstant unchartered regieme
Variable ideology of human capital managedment, canonical governance valuing human creditability application/physics, statutory doctorine, in orientation; Eucharist collective.
Reality in ‘law of to static reproach, to ‘compose creation ontology’ physiological metabolism for explainable dna} replicatable ‘capabile creation productivity; using only authentic organic reasource,
This special issue aims to bring together algebraic geometry schematics related to how humans interact with automated 'compose systems, with a focus on human cognition, ‘harvesting, ‘conciousness initiatives; astrology, ‘orientale. We explore basic cognitive processes that underlie human-automation; 'functuality of conciousness, ‘multi-dimensional, intellectual-interactive, ‘creation productivity, cause, purpose, meaning including but not limited to monitoring behavior, mental workload, situational awareness, decision making, adaptive ,compliance of ‘occipital’ estoric , problem-solving revelations to intrinsic logical-lexical intuitive human purpose; vocational stratedgy of compliance to ‘collective earth’ merits ’pseudoscience-apfredesiac {reparainchen of enterprise vision, {universe creation, collective assets}.
in complex stratedgic environments of sustaining ’intuitive world/human programming, ,and naturally intuitive ‘deity from ‘intellectual interactive ‘compose-composite,’ behavior productivity. Articles exploring basic psychological principles such as trust in, ‘creation eucharist; and perceptions of, ‘automated compose millennia’, creation; ‘united sequencial universe of world creation ‘empiric ‘subsistence framework, ‘transformation. Economics, ‘Technology, innovation of ‘ apprentis {scholar;entrepreneur}of focused adaptivity to concentration led ‘creation pre-ordainedment’. Enlightenedment to the ‘gifted provision ‘geographic ontology ‘deity-tardy’ reflecting ‘sovereign vision, apocalyptic armeggedon; defined envisioned “Disciple”; encouraged media of god.
remarks for sacred construction composite initiative
Virtual-real ’source of truth determined through creation ‘ui ‘epoc’ characteristic trends of ‘raw’ architecture hypothesis, metaphore of hieroglyphic ‘naked’ creation endeavours of geographic inhabitant horizontal equilibrium; torrid, equator .chronicles,chronnology,temperol ;advanced ‘intellectual methodology of survival, ‘skillset orientation, for ‘enterprise action’ impetus of mankind ‘initiative which ‘enterprise jurisprudence’designates global cognitive emancipation ‘application; conciousness, of virtual-reality from guidance instrument of focused ‘societal reparainchen;’ diligence in creation innovative procreation of effective a.i metaphore, envisionedment of alignment in creation tutelage/mechanology, iteration of human creation selfsustainance, ‘enterprise “professional-diochamy}.
’standards, analytics can quantify translation for innovative prodigy’. “Society selfsustainance”.
The curam sigmond freud
Continents community’s and cities
Equity of community inclusion {economy} lexical manuscripts of field of life endeavours construction engineering ‘curate true ‘mechanical virtue from geographic ‘organology, combined in hieroglyphic protocols ,’universal perception of being’ organic development and automation of creation bio-mechanical movements trends of nature {positivism} “constitution” elapsed bio p.d.g time transformation in co-ordination with asynchronous creation ‘chronicles of curvature objective-subjective information/intel ; human endeavours survival-existence methodology, of innovative prodigy’s collective job steps enterprise impetus development and maturity competence-compliance resonance reflexes positive identity on sociological code of ethics bearing the ‘cultural natural authenticity’ of catchetism-emancipation naturalization-immunization for relative/parrallel compose envisionedment, ‘planner trajectory’ ‘Millennium”
‘Millennium” enroute to variable probable-creation outcome {innovative prodigy} in enduring ‘positivism of human change’ through CI-CD systems. Through enterprise leadership’ of CI-CD tutelage, exoskeleton for lost sustainance policy of law ‘geographic design {ontology} discipline to reflect conducted predicted outcome as laws of nature. ‘entrepreneur design management’ in revelations for urban forwarding initiative ‘positivism’. To prepare “new city” creation lifestyle provisions ‘stewardship mapping tradition.
Implimentation profile
Character profiles of the covenant; compile ‘compose story scenario
Global world networks
UI implementation To purpose; ‘earth alignment to chronological constant achieved through stewardship archeology of Enterprise. ’horizon terminator’ ‘Empiric capitalisms network; the binding hierarchial landing {pilgrims} and physiological psycological mechanology; from compose stewardship; longtitude,‘curvature’ growth longtitude of exterior revelation {dna} fundamental binary revelation {intrinsic} from “revelations interior’ co-rrelative creation {dna}, to the geographic landscape orientation; to the form-factor of “hierarchial” ‘creation, ‘network stages of proficiency’ Industrial,commercial,domestic “Jurisprudence” of post mordem; ‘human species machine ideology; ideology of implying, that the ‘hierarchial structure from “horizonterminator” an anthropology concept from subsistence liturgic reasource, translated from calligraphic writing; as to the physiology from the binary ‘block-chain’ ‘first nations; serenity of creation survival {gametheory} optimal consciousness ambiguity of human nature and consciousness of surroundings.
Global world networks
UI implementation To purpose; ‘earth alignment to chronological constant achieved through stewardship archeology of Enterprise. ’horizon terminator’ ‘Empiric capitalisms network; the binding hierarchial landing {pilgrims} of physiological and psycological mechanology; from compose stewardship; longtitude,‘curvature’ growth longtitude of exterior revelation {dna} fundamental binary revelation {intrinsic} from “revelations interior’ co-rrelative creation {dna}, to the geographic landscape orientation; to the form-factor of “hierarchial” ‘creation, ‘network stages of proficiency’ Industrial,commercial,domestic “Jurisprudence” of post mordem; ‘human species machine ideology; ideology of implying, that the ‘hierarchial structure from “horizonterminator” an anthropology concept from subsistence liturgic reasource, translated from calligraphic writing; as to the physiology from the binary ‘block-chain’ ‘first nations; serenity of creation survival {gametheory} optimal consciousness ambiguity of human nature and consciousness of surroundings.
Global world networks
Social implementation corporation’ render architecture foundations, ‘from the design protocols of “Enterprise landscape’ corporate topology; purpose to connect ‘enterprise binary prophecy’ 5g and analytic mapping techiniques ; co-ordinating, the mechanical specifications according; ‘estoric relative compose; {dna} emancipation of 5g data information propose sequencial-generic lineage “united” implementation factor of prophecy; reasoning and solution to purpose manifestation/salvation from accordance of transforming the liturgic compose architecture ”anthropology” of ‘subsistence horizon ideology .
Mare orientale ‘basalt impact basin
Geneology of ‘all lifeform matter’ interacts with the origin of creation ’subsistence, lifeform inhabitant. ‘sociology; pseudoscience –apfredesiac. Basalts ‘creation lifeform revelations, augmented generic encoding of life.
global {worldbuilding} sociology; financing, ‘creation mechanology.
5g geographic biography
Lifesystem Ordinance of orthodox creation
Canadian Shield: Covering approximately half of Canada, the Canadian Shield is a massive geological shield covered by a thin layer of soil that arcs around Hudson Bay. It's characterized by ancient crystalline rocks, countless lakes, and coniferous forests. The Canadian Shield's terrain varies from exposed rock formations to rolling hills, and it is rich in mineral deposits.
Hudson Bay Lowlands: Adjacent to the Canadian Shield to the south and east is the Hudson Bay Lowlands, one of the largest wetland areas in the world. This region is mostly a flat, swampy area with numerous rivers and streams draining into Hudson Bay. It's known for its muskeg, a type of wetland that predominates the landscape.
St. Lawrence Lowlands: The St. Lawrence Lowlands stretch from Quebec to Ontario, following the St. Lawrence River. This region is the most densely populated part of Canada, with fertile soil and a relatively mild climate. It is characterized by its rolling hills, deep soils, and the notable presence of the Great Lakes.
The United States, officially known as the United States of America (USA), shares its borders with Canada to the north and Mexico to the south. To the east lies the vast Atlantic Ocean, while the equally expansive Pacific Ocean borders the western coastline. Spanning a total area of approximately 9,833,520 km2 (3,796,742 sq mi), the United States ranks as the third or fourth-largest country by total area, depending on if one includes or omits water area, respectively.
Furthermore, there are numerous geographical regions that form the contiguous United States as well as its various island territories and states. Last, the greatest east-west distance in the 48 contiguous United States is 4,500 km (2796 mi). In regards to north-south, the longest distance in the 48 contiguous states region is 2,660 km (1653 mi).
The Atlantic Coastal Plain: Starting in the eastern part of the country, the Atlantic Coastal Plain extends from the northeastern states down to Florida, bordering the Atlantic Ocean. It includes both low-lying, swampy areas, especially in the south, and more elevated regions to the north.
The Appalachian Mountains: Moving westward, one encounters the Appalachian Mountains, a system of ranges extending from the Canadian province of Quebec to northern Alabama. These mountains, which include notable peaks such as Mount Mitchell, were among the first regions settled by Europeans in the colonial period.
The Great Plains: Beyond the Appalachian Mountains lies the vast expanse of the Interior Lowlands, also known as the Great Plains. This region covers much of the central United States and extends into Canada. The Great Plains, characterized by prairies and grasslands, are a hub for agriculture due to their fertile soil.
The Rocky Mountains: Further to the west, the landscape rises again into the Rocky Mountains. This region, which covers a significant portion of western North America, boasts some of the highest peaks on the continent, including Mount Elbert.
education and income data. China, the second highest achiever in the world in terms of HDI improvement since 1970, is the only country on the "Top 10 Movers" list due to income rather than health or education achievements. Its per capita income increased a stunning 21-fold over the last four decades, also lifting hundreds of millions out of income poverty. Yet it was not among the region's top performers in improving school enrollment and life expectancy.[107]
Nepal, a South Asian country, emerges as one of the world's fastest movers since 1970 mainly due to health and education achievements. Its present life expectancy is 25 years longer than in the 1970s. More than four of every five children of school age in Nepal now attend primary school, compared to just one in five 40 years ago.[1
Alignment of Carbon
cycle are more complicated: already arid regions, primarily located in West Asia and Central Asia, will see more droughts, while areas of East, Southeast and South Asia which are already wet due to the monsoons will experience more flooding.
Capability of Merger
European culture consists of a range of national and regional cultures, which form the central roots of the wider Western civilisation, and together commonly reference ancient Greece and ancient Rome, particularly through their Christian successors, as crucial and shared roots.[13][14] Beginning with the fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476 CE, Christian consolidation of Europe in the wake of the Migration Period marked the European post-classical Middle Ages. The Renaissance, radiating from Florence, spread to the rest of the continent a new humanist interest in art and science which led to the modern era. Since the Age of Discovery, led by Spain and Portugal, Europe played a predominant role in global affairs with multiple explorations and conquests around the world. Between the 16th and 20th centuries, European powers colonised at various times the Americas, almost all of Africa and Oceania, and the majority of Asia.
Form-factor of creation Ethics
Global newcity implementation
Newcity pro dioch implementation
Economics Jurisprudence
The empiric creation geneology ;geneology from the ‘tradition of orthodox creation archeology ‘united world; ‘enterprise architecture {block-chain}; anthropology hierarchy of civilization . Universe binary biological geometric capacity; Allocated between 7 continent capacity of micro- universe “Jurisprudence”.creation lifeform selfsustainance profiles .
Caligraphic buisness
Multi-dimensional image confirmation
Virtual reality (VR) enables data visualization in an immersive and engaging manner, and it can be used for creating ways to explore scientific data{human lifestyle}. Here, we use VR for visualization of 3D histology data, creating a novel interface for digital pathology. Our contribution includes 3D modeling of a whole organ and embedded objects of interest, fusing the models with associated quantitative features and full resolution serial component section patches, and implementing the virtual reality application. Our VR application is multi-scale in nature, covering two object levels representing different ranges of detail, namely paradism of scale and ‘integrated scale reproducibility, on consumption and population related democracy ‘policy’s of natural and intuitive laws of productivity organ level and sub-organ level. In addition, the application includes several data layers, including the measured histology image layer and multiple representations of quantitative features computed from the histology. In this interactive VR application, the user can set visualization properties, select different samples and features, and interact with various objects. In this work, we used whole mouse prostates (organ level) with prostate cancer tumors (sub-organ objects of interest) as example cases, and included quantitative histological features relevant for tumor biology in the VR model. Due to automated processing of the histology data, our application can be easily adopted to visualize other forces organs and pathologies systems from various lunar creation origins. Our application enables a novel way for exploration of high-resolution, multidimensional data for biomedical research purposes, and can also be used in teaching and researcher training.
Whole canonical world {man,philanthropy,emancipation}
Creation Intuitive, ‘multi-dimensional, centre to all adaptive orientation; creations organs-organisms; demonstration for productive dynamic doctorate productivity, ‘correlative to creation, ‘production environment; sources’ of life equilibrium; natural balance. Intended impetus, subsistence reparainchen of man ‘selfsustainance horizon.
Residually orientate curricular-regiemen of order/providence.
Field of life endeavours psycological
Psuedo-science; global world; binary ‘block-chain construction and psycology for 5g manifestation of creation selfsustainance; ‘united creation; interactive compose/composite component ‘framework and form-factor in reparainchen for 5g canonical ‘virtual-reality’.
Analytics, geography, theology
United living forms, by a mystic source incorporates all lifecycles re-productive manuscript scenarios from anthropological survival-exsistence logic.
Bio binary lifesystem field of life endeavours; allocate demographic statistical for ’productivity eco balance transformation from geographic biography; ordinance business methodology .
Theology platform ; capturing images of bio-mech, host programming; of future developedment stages ect. pre-ordainedment; of life from manuscript scenarios from ‘human survival/exsistence ‘demographic scenario’s ‘ essentials/nessesity’s, ‘biography of ‘global selfsustainance framework; gametheory,cosmology,culinary-arts; community expansion ‘trending ‘evolution of anthropology; business, proffesional ‘multi-dimensional orthodox creation tradition; virtues of creation science; fortify our “host” from multi-dimensional adaptation science, ‘harvesting/selfsustainance; mechanology ‘horizon engineering’ compliance to intuitive consciousness reflexes of “plotter; ecliptic geneology; of alignment to productive programming; of “quality” ‘from history to the present .
Truth to matter
business, proffesional ‘multi-dimensional orthodox creation tradition; virtues of creation science; fortify our “host” from multi-dimensional; adaptation of science, ‘harvesting/selfsustainance; mechanology ‘horizon engineering’ ‘compliance to intuitive consciousness; reflexes of “plotter; ecliptic geneology’ of alignment to creation productive programming; of “quality” ‘from history to the present
Componentry processes; from recruiting, new Instrumental polynomer properties for creation transformation; innovative revolution; ‘enterprise architecture’ celestial Jurisprudence guidance-direction for neurol enterprise programming of the ‘multi-dimensional Channels by the collective frequencies from intuitive creation ‘enterprise collective: ‘accountable actions; accountable conduct,testament to unicorn from framework and form-factor of creation to co-rrelate ‘enterprise archeives, with human ideology ‘empiric civilization .
God Creation
The character creation earth atmosphere; geographic genes of creation lifeform 5g horizon terminator; creation ’laws of geographic endeavours bio-mech purpose forensic/ballistics, linguistic block-chain constants of anthropology 5g geographic endeavours of “life”. “JurisprudenceMeaning and purpose of life.
Earth entity reflects on man
Civilization infrastructure
Geographic emancipation, ‘Mechanology of unified networks
Learning the alighnment in all aspects of mans natural adaptation potencial for sucessful connectivity to world information
applications platform of life binary tenants and link of where the ‘Alfa tennents of industry holyland dominion standard positions and situations of compliance to tenent enterprise ‘honor of nation complexity to bring people to vision the standings of the creation world creative design architecture, map of cognitive conciousness and vision standards with focused balanced forager of world method and strategic ‘assesments survival competent dependency of binary/orthodox tenent ,focus and concentration are challenged ‘that traditional culture ideology dosn’t imply with the
function in binary society to rise to this paradism in evolution/biological is where the life triangulation contributes to the alighnment with the tradition revelation of wisdom and quality’s of balanced intellectual impetus ‘world dual image practices and exercises of life strategic tradjectory methodology, ‘ a lost ethical dimension of world creations ecological life sytems mitigated into the profficient path of life ‘direction and guidance to the essential adaptive human coresponsive sector learning, genomic triangular survival/exsistence father, son, holy spirit {ethos,pathos,logos of expressiveness in the teachings and lineage they represent the productivity as the whole in response to their instrument of stewardship circumstances and positions ect. with the the complexity constant of world reasources of life
Hypothesis support
a.I reality
Soliste zeinith
They are the world social aphredesiac of man ; fraternity , brotherhood , congregation , and organizational architecture {hierarchy} mechanology of organization; anthropology, cultural principals, life vocations. cononical social mechanology of man enterprise architecture
“the imparting cognitive human self sustainance initiative, “implementation aligned with monad architecture for the interchange of thoughts”, opinions, or information by speech, writing, or signs.” It is important to consider that communication is not just verbal in form. communication is more affected by body language, attitude, and tone, in the new testament training orthodox practices condolning the spoken words to carry the crucial content, their meaning can be influenced by the style of delivery, which includes the way future envisioned speakers stand, speak, and look at a person. Enabling However, critical information is often transmitted via handwritten notes,
Introduction to Anthropology concept
A subsistence diochamy reflecting the collective manuscripts from cultural lineages all in one authoritive conclusion to the mystical emancipation of survival. Evolution facts evidence tuteledge, refferences, epic of focus adventis collected through the dissedent family prodigy comprised by holy techniques of life selfsustainance{culture arts}.Demographic urban ergronomic methodology's of creations 'human anthropic manuscripts, tuteledge of environment ontology /vertical sucession 'to lifestyle, celestial discipline, anatomic path of life, pedogogi, engineering , stewarsdship and pop 'gospel holy spirit’.
Adventis stewardship entrepreneur
Vitruvius /Da Architectura
Arrival of creation vision of ,man determine future from intuitive consciousness ‘to give birth to “Anthropology” domaine of creation man “Newcity”. Vitruvius’ Making.doing,crafting ‘Da Architectura Scope ,scale of architecture. ‘The birth of art’-betterment, best intrests, Architecture of art’. Covenant of man interacts mechanology-life ‘linguistic {essentials-nessesity’s of man. Triangulation of post architecture revelations/theory of design ‘template theory. Anthropic networks ‘creation connection to decorated design of collective creation paradox. Justicce intelligence.
enterprise architecture
Birth of celestial files
Astrological Covenant representing authentic naturalized immunized hieroglyphic path of life. adaptive solarplexus of anatomic ,core ,stock build on fundamental ecological meridians of fundemental growth and developedment, demographic data ‘{balance of all realms}. growth connectivity to the lineages and potencial of organic lifeform; ‘best intrests, ‘balanced ecology’ creation tradjectory, skilset methodology; skillset advanced ecological all around subsistence initiatives for compassion to resource, harvest ,forage, alignment entitlements for exercises and practices of world brands and trends Old oak tree means of to perform jobs of different levels or task competence demographic statistics of democracy Co-ordinates to ‘newcity’ salvation of man.Celestial {redsky call to action} anthropic biodiversity revelation compliance to ‘empiracle’ tennents ‘of anthropic network in life endeavors of world vocations. Polynomer folklore organic Invention mechanology -compliance formulated growth & developedment methodology’s from research in creation prophecy’s{collective archeives} allocates prodigy of understanding {lineage of balance} in field of life endeavors.Conscious sense Breathe techniques, eye focus orientation co-ordinates of hand productive biomechanic work of man, ‘morphological existence of man’s innovative anatomic efficiency/profficiency of adaptive techniques of major muscle groups from the skillset methodology of ergonomic infrastructure curricular regime, ‘trades and traits of survival/exsistence from hands genomic cononical skillset ‘gift of a foot protection, persona of service, stand in creation biodiversity in culture ettiquette of man, law of world from celestial geneome ordinance of celestial adaptive genomic {collective trajectory} human existential consciousness, pod births philosiphical upbringings, sect topology’s ‘corporate industry’s enterprise carer, compliance to virtual truth enterprise unicorn orientation, ‘simpleness, of ‘geneomic ‘group ‘institution {family,nature} scholar Health plan benefits option of philosiphic mechanology allocated throughout the sect topology of newcity infrastrucure and 2ndary backup channels to in field of life endeavors.
Subsistence Covenant
Knowledge wisdom anology
Prophecy of forager harvesting
Marketing intuitive consciousness co-ordinates to promisedland /celestrial logos
Financial fundamental-foundations ‘subsistence cellular molten core of ecological subsistence, indegenious revelation of subsistence {capital} skillset /methodoloy {cosmic} social molten core indegenious revelations of creation algorithms,productive ,ecological processes functions harvest capital from life elemental constructs of ‘ground zero’, ‘gravity, radiation from productive ‘occipital’ psuedoscience-apfredesiac, subsistence lifecycle, to interact ‘productive capacity of ‘human’ naturalization to perform work ect.Via,neurol-reflex, muscular skeleton to compile biographic lifesystem subsistence manifest; ‘egronomic infrastructure ‘prophecy of creation liturgic prosperity, ‘innovative tommorrow,’ reflecting on productive bio mechanology,ergronomic infrastructure, agriculture, technology of science ,artifacts {industry} in field of endeavors, ‘strata, fire ,tools, building composite reasources. As in the celestial Diciplines in the field of ‘human life endeavors’, ‘apocalyptic diversity of lifeforms binary inheritance of adaptive methodology{revelations} ; naturalization of creation geneomic statutory equalibrium conciousness re. Millenia Censuses, domaine over world from man’s compliance to ecological stewardship‘covenant ‘enterprise-Architecture’. {Money sequence of value /life sequence of value.}
Rituals of the sevenday adventis and cosmological society
They are the world social aphredesiac of man ; fraternity , brotherhood , congregation , and organizational architecture {hierarchy} mechanology of organization; anthropology, cultural principals, life vocations. cononical social mechanology of man enterprise architecture.
“the imparting cognitive human self sustainance initiative, “implimentation monad architecture for the interchange of thoughts”, opinions, or information by speech, writing, or signs.” It is important to the componentry of architecture framework , ‘for restored-renewed creation mechanology ‘man’ pseudoscience apfredesiac..
Ergronomic instruments of quram
Cononical proportions stimulus
Vertical horizon statutory
Celestial cosmology
Orionsbelt-Southrncross ,soliste ,equinox chronological ‘planning’ ‘inheritance of earth life endeavors ,collective ‘logos’ revolution for preservation conservation ,concensuses P.T inclusion ,ready state , ‘call to action’. ‘ettiquette creed ‘procedures of community indebted guidance in destiny toward the covenant of the ‘new age’ father and son holyspirit ( countenance). Returns the design component authentic subsistence nessesity and ecological essentials, for restoration tradjectory of chronological purpose, meaning, cause, ‘to alignment of life vocation ‘subsistence.(Alfa-omega). Global universe ‘revolution’ of ‘genesis/ Babylon, “New testament/Nebuchadnezzar’
marketing intuitive conciousness
Agriculture prophecy of environment foundations of transcendental liturgy \par
Civilization theory of construction /man integration "Arknet Engineering" The re-establishment of creation intuitive design, 'construction planning manuscript implimentation 'to guide and align intuitive ecological developedments from community innovation initiatives essentials/nessesity's
Reasources of land being the creation mystic subsistence science of mans wisdom in world linguistic knowledge of industry enterprises applications binded to chronological neurturing of the life vocations to enlightened skillset methodology of environmental brands, trades of man and services of the covenant yield of creation productivity/ longivity.
A mechanism to explain /re-interpret the subconcious parrallel relative that evolves with unified creation.
Subsistence man
Since the world is on a direct tradjectory of the
fundamental foundation of geographic longtitude the chemistry for methodologic productivity of the occipital poles forces and matter of earths where the generic adaptation with all things intended generic/hereditary methodology for creation lifeform ‘bio mechanology, of the entitlement that surpass lifeline geneology doctorine of tradjectory priveledge of the inclusion to rectify the beauty of the creation statutory race and creed. Being fed from the will to survive/exsist through tuteledge to the exposure of the lifes directed purpose means ie. Commodite from construct of systematic occipital jurisprudence ecosystem . For the common good of work, work of the nature, mystic direction and magnitude share role in guidance and direction subsistence articulate of information ‘intelligence’ game’ or ‘emotion folk’ but emotional belonging to the exsistencial understanding of systems interaction of empire and capital, ‘exhibition of its millenia history manuscript productive developedment .through ecological system compliance. A consciousness of ethical practice and theory.The entitlement and priveledge of skills and trades . To build on this architectural design.
Demographics ‘prolitariat stewardship of the last decendants ‘to creations collective industry operatives, organizing copywright information of creations exsistence/survival collectiive ideology “world topology”,’ a translation of undisclosed standards’exercises and practices that were mended to yield intuitive virtual-reality of creation to synchronization with engineering variable/factor of earth trajectory to god creation lineage survival protocol
Arknet communications
Collective survival mechanology
New evolution Plannar
We can implement the complex, multi- dimensional stratedgys of this Enterprise architecture to laminate enterprise r&d, Infrastructure to solve creation, ethics stratedgy, and most proficient alignment of A.I capable global horizon realitys, laminate varification of truths to define explicint’, ‘commercial, ‘occipital horizon; ‘industrial, commercial,domestic, and define empplatform stratedgic control of the statutory (iso) policys of 5G network satellite horizon to enlightened conveyors of literary creation horizon of lifes legendary, extensive compatible network operatores as are reporter, analyst, journalists, of christian enterprise intel/informations on socialethic (occipital) networks employing virtual reality through statutory unicorn extensive to all endeavor for offering or receptive services of the law in kingdom. Company.
Anthropology concept
empiric stockpile/capital
For reasource of the economic life system of earths life endeavors and social ethic affairs for life divine providence earth air water fire . The geographic antropology relative to the social ethic ideology through work productive performance of human man an essential clergic dicipline of guidance followed through the social life structure of the form to achieve of the antropologic gospel world economics.
The study and observations of the worlds vocation systems giving explicint sequencial generic information
implicating the probable outcome for circumstanes defined by the hereditary artifacts of life creations life system and environment variables information of life divine-virtues
The economist is an antology of an ethical lifestyle of mans civilized human world economic dependancy these dependancy's reveal of the true ethical denomination of the hereditary human ancestors,'impliing on the vocations of ife (civilization) . divine-virtues of creations and of the life conciousness essential/nessesitys endearment/dependancy of ‘world creation,. survival/exsistence.
Genesis of africa ,innnovation of lifestyle ,proffesion, advocate, vocation
Socialcultural ethic of the construct profficient life ideology as the captions chronicles of man ,the revelations of legend of man and profficient social economic prodigy
Genesis of africa ,innnovation of lifestyle ,proffesion, advocate, vocation
Socialcultural ethic of the construct profficient life ideology as the captions chronicles of man ,the revelations of legend of man and profficient social economic prodigy
Prolitariat: bergoisie, blue collar, Chase Manhatten/Rockerfeller. Architectural blueprint rough copy , scratch, ‘implied upon variable factors, only concieved by man, as are ‘interpretation’ of the creation via ‘architectural schematic; of our life creator. Man,world,animal.
The new world topology storyboard of creations creative cultural manifest of the creative arts observed and execute in their' sublime social ethic , fundemental principal of world essentials and nessesity as house , musoleum , palace ; activist writer publisher of industry standard adaptive human code of rights ettiquette to represent fundemental principal developedments relative to of man institutions censuses human reasources
Applicatìn of creations creative arts :
Biographic anthropology of new world Industrialism Commercial, Domestic -Agriculture-Engineering-Economic capitalism-creative arts inventor. Stewardship alighnment for life linguistic destiny ‘the world ontological alighnment ‘the destiny of the world global information systems social media ‘branch anthropology’ the alighnment of civilizations methodology,’the sequencial-generic tool of (anthropological dicipline) report ‘natural life system force for mitigated new world testament of Stewardship and world censuses .
Anthropic co-op/marketing
Proffesional diochamy
Products liturgic hieroglyphs of economic revolution ,War psuedoscience-apfredesiac Old testament, from websites ‘designconstant’ encourages interaction observation to the liturgic messages evolving from the applied sciences of global liturgic ‘dissedence’ as it makes sense of incorporation with the cononical logistics of quantified creation prophecy {5 gospel}in field of Muhammed teachings to apprentis of the empathy of sharing and compassion ‘encourages to adapt the cognitive skills,trades/traits of the ‘body of the whole’ synchronizing the layered atmospheric hierarchy, of generic/inheritance, to conduct the life equilibrium’ to infrastructure answers of the intuitive consciousness, for scholar reaction’ to mathematic leadership of consciousness, natural intuition 'Enterprise apocalypse disciple ‘Covenant Call to action’ archaic censuses,natural equalibrium creation voluntary services ,contribution/mechanology of services ‘adventis lifepath ‘the quram. Enterprise field of life endeavors ‘vocations of life. Abiding life inheritance to compliant social science opportunity’s etiquette honoring life circular ecological sacred geometric inclusion belonging identity ‘career/employment ‘call to action’.
Proffesional diochamy
Covenant; of ‘emancipation skills mentor, ‘in the the reserve skills stockpile; of ‘creation monogamy reaserve; competent skills training, of cultural infrastructure, the atmospheric guidance tradjectory of process development growth/vertical horizon bio mechanical; anthopological purposes manuscript’, ‘to liturgical environment governance, of interaction with all things; in the life endeavors of creation to find sacred liturgy of life ‘the ‘mechanology of creations; ‘geological architecture, poses ethical methodology reflecting on the ballistic/forensic environment space character profile of biology in all life forms. A reflecting constitution of the anatomic i.p statutory sources and resources varying growth trajectory characteristics input-output ideology cause-effect .
Diochamy of designconstant
Architecture technology created through analysis and observation to a possible conclusion of lifes paradox’ of world cononical tradjectory from as far back in history to new innovative breakthroughs of creation vision of probability, all reflecting man’s order/orientation over all dominion and domaine of creation enterprise architecture.
Design created through the pseudoscience apfredesiac to locate and understand the future in verified orientation for the manuscripts in diochamy of options
Elder, ‘scholar dissidence, of ‘wisdoms evolving through the creation, ‘channels of covenant; Alfa, beta, gamma, delta: humanbeing and collective life decendance of man world God . Information allocated from the ‘mortal armeggedon’ of human leadership/ collaboration, for man as species or ‘supreme humanbeing in footsteps of ‘best interest’ in mans ‘self sustainance of subsistence survival “diochamy”. as in the bible. Where the protocol of real things define the true mechanology of living and mastery; to record and send to mankind the likeminded logical ‘innovative capability; Provisions from sources/ and reasources of ‘world holy’ instruction/dissidence, ‘which could have acquired, ‘probable cause, of intellectual meaning, ‘diochamy of creations binary productive ( radioactive architecture} of cononical creation.
Co-ordinates and orientation for human collective translation of ‘guided’ theosiphic initiative. horizontal-covenant ‘manifestations of the earth unveiling to perfection in it’s vision of millenia. Information/intel for horizontal statutory, productive practices-exercises of evolution prophetic monad conditioning,alliance of preservation courage to endure ‘diversity’s variable elite illicint ‘occipital’ compliance to {fermone} natural intuitive “lifepath” gravity-atmosphere-productivity ‘authentically a diochamy of collective horizon channel pseudoscience-apfredesiac, ‘road to glory’ man’s domaine over all life-lifeform performed in great humility to respond to call of creation inclusion . Inspiration of psycological warfare.
A deducted Global circular world, ‘by the Liturgic manuscripts ‘‘occipital’ Unified order ‘of all livingthings’, ‘Brotherhood of man’ collective tradition of human equilibrium, Uniting world dissidence of ‘life unified call to action, ‘employs; ‘social ethic, ‘structural linguistic parables; ‘harnessed from ‘occipital’ ‘methodical forces’ of ‘life vocations, labour of love contribution of diversity, wisdom /impetus tradjectory collective ”new millena” Individual exsistencial creation natural intuitive ‘conciousnes i.q-.eq relative-parrallel creation ‘cognitive’ statutory composite creation quantification, from inspired mechanology of formulated ‘multi dimensional’ collective subsitence base antiquity’s of values,,property’s,quality’s ergronomic mechanology.
Design constant ‘enterprise services’
Anth hier
Security defined by intitive consciousness of cognitive ‘anthropological constant, integration of life ergronomic via implementation of analysis observation, of life diversity experience ,engineering via ‘ergonomic tuteledge construct for infrastructure statutory standards ethos,pathos,logos
Diochamy ‘the emancipation of ontology’s
An apocalypse, will the democracy rise to complete fulfill of the goals, for the requiem of censuses statistics to evolve into new ‘creation diochamy’ policy for ‘collective enterprise’ technology update; ‘architecture ‘diochamy’, From revelations, ‘Emancipations of the human/geographic Ontology ‘ are aligned a ‘combination of ‘creative arts, ‘construction architecture initiatives which are the instruments of our initiative to align identify and measure antiquity values quotient of quality’s our remainding collective integration from antiquity’s of folklore rituals and pratices in the form of industry skillset methods and practices which employ the balanced forces millenia ‘blockchain’ initiatives from single source community ‘s can connect to potencially capable selfsustainance ‘sector of corporate topology ’ which generated all natural goals of emmissions ‘prodigy of the horizon and interactive life integration from accountable creation conciousness. ‘anthropology connect community’ of high stakes production tradjectory calculated data sacrifice .
Job start
connected to world instrumentation design, state of Architectural engineering; ‘instrumentation template of the domesticated, ‘linguistic subsistence rituals’, of ‘subsistence anthropology that trend of family 'call to action' to honor the 2d acoustic precepitation of endeavor to ‘logic; ‘success, diversity, knowledge, wisdom; ‘endeavors of ‘ergronomic, ‘survival mechanology; use of {data} that decrypted liturgic unveiling innovative transcendental methodical to mathematical alignment to direct patterns of life system reasource and 5 g antiquity of demographic capable visions {ritual} purpose meaning cause manuscripts .. to bring authentic creation chronicles to guiding light for creation innovations technology trend/brands- implimenting technology, from discovery of it's ‘noble cause and effect’ on ‘creative innovation platform; from monad to networks 'Quram' ‘product market; arriving as gift from ‘life, ‘newly created, evolving on the ‘engineering of diversity{nucleotide}, innovations and technology to share to the industry and market of enterprise architecture success statistics, resolve of data information/intel domestic,commercial, industrial stock trade pop demonstration of profficiency ordinance {transcendental mathematics} ect.
A subsistence diochamy reflecting the collective manuscripts from cultural lineages all in one authoritive conclusion to the mystical emancipation of survival. Evolution facts evidence tuteledge, refferences, epic of focus adventis collected through the dissedent family prodigy comprised by holy techniques of life selfsustainance{culture arts}.Demographic urban ergronomic methodology's of creations 'human anthropic manuscripts tuteledge of environment ontology /vertical sucession 'to lifestyle celestial dicipline anatomic path of lfe pedogog engineering stewarsdship and pop 'gospel holy spirit denomination’.
Orionsbelt-Southrncross ,soliste ,equinox chronological ‘planning’ ‘inheritance of earth life endeavors adventis ,collective ‘logos’ revolution for preservation conservation ,concensuses P.T inclusion ,ready state , ‘call to action’. ‘ettiquette creed ‘procedures of community indebted guidance in destiny toward the covenant of the father and son holyspirit ( countenance). Returns the design component authentic subsistence Infrastructure, nessesity and ecological, for restoration tradjectory chronological purpose, meaning, cause, ‘alignment of life vocation ‘subsistence.(Alfa-omega). Global universe ‘revolution’ of ‘genesis/ Babylon, “New testament/Nebuchadnezzar’
As the earth orbits the sun over the year, the sun appears to move on the celestial sphere against the background of the fixed stars. (Another illusion: it's the earth and the observer moving around the sun as data steward to sundial ‘collecting artifacts of sun, ‘ergronomic, cosmic anthropological ‘socialethic, rather than the sun changing its position.) The curving path the sun seems to follow is called the ecliptic, which passes through a series of twelve constellations called the Zodiac. Efficiency-proficiency ‘conservation-preservation. Short of the ‘authentic creation’ political governance stratedgic intuitive consciousness stratedgy of nature, litugic ,emotional, intellectual, apostolic 12 diciples. Chronicles ,politics to control ‘365 diochamy of man, apostle paul held back essential freedom constitution that were conceived in order to mortally perform enterprise diochamy of king by will to believers and prosperity of infinite and eternal life, ‘to all bearing life unto his majesty law of civilization ethics.
As the earth orbits the sun over the year, the sun appears to move on the celestial sphere against the background of the fixed stars. (Another illusion: it's the earth and the observer moving around the sun as data steward to sundial ‘collecting artifacts, ‘ergronomic, cosmic anthropological ‘socialethic, rather than the sun changing its position.) The curving path the sun seems to follow is called the ecliptic, which passes through a series of twelve constellations called the Zodiac. Efficiency-proficiency ‘conservation-preservation. Short of the ‘authentic creation’ political governance stratedgic intuitive consciousness stratedgy of nature, litugic ,emotional, intellectual, enterprise Chronicles ,politics to control ‘365 diochamy of man, apostle paul held back essential freedom constitution {Quram} that were conceived in order to mortally perform enterprise diochamy of king by will to believers and prosperity of infinite and eternal life, ‘to all bearing life unto his majesty law of civilization ethics.
Of reasource intellectual mechanology
Transition of graphic; ‘world dual image architectural design, reflects upon the afredesiac of creation innovative , ‘algorythm of statutory protocols and social ethic anthropology. Afredesiac platform for identification of the human mechanology implementation; ‘schematic for world fundemental logic of life ‘tuteledge’ inspiration principal of primary intuitive,natural intuition of’creation, ethical provisions, intellectual-property, natural ,pure ,and holy world epistomology adaptive belonging-identity of the soul to life source, trust and honor to life salvation of earths enlightenedment ' survival and exsistence, 'diversity, exercises-practices, co-ordinated collective archeive of natural inherited and man made innovative compliance to world technology ,'Data/ censuses , factors ecological /variables catastrophic , enable the data factor for exsistence to ‘geographical world standards, 'manifest, ‘world orientation of life, ‘flourishment fullfillment, ‘intersecting,‘the hierogliphic genes, to the world stewardship, and ‘life vocations; ‘social ethic methodology; principal, of unified design; world structure to follow latest dominion of the practice/ vocations, ‘social cultural benifit of human ideology, to be in compliance with earths mystic tradition, of the calendar manifest metabolic hunting ,fishing , agriculture ,domestic culinary trades/traits, with all “intellectual property” of the generically and hereditary world inheritance; ‘probable constance anology; lifepath ideology patent unified generic line with afredesiac of biological world creation.
Proffesionals personelle of highstakes output , acheiving scorers on the grid intuitive expansion of social media and capital. A centralization of everything going on. Geography, Ontology, Anthropology and the mentor/dicipleship inheritance of transcendental-exsistencial-vocational wisdom are the foundation of creative forces established by man "his own world." from the willing congregation of society innovation directed and guided by the compliances, policy’s, democratic. Than we know Proffesionals adapting to covert trusted groups to try to get the information on elite infrastructure to carer/professional personelle 'diochamy of co-ordinate' where we can evaluate the reasources of crisis regulation for the enterprise ergronomics mechanology of machinery , proceedures protocol to enterprise forces proceedural regulations to justify intuitive enterprise contractual compliance with 'enterprise logistic ;'economic 'democratic methodology, 5G covenant evolution Anthropological concept' enterprise 'law of nature design 'horizontal foundation for vertical fututre Architecture ideology
Anthropologic hierarchy
subsistence monuments reflecting dedicated subsistence ordinance
Diochamy of society/Proffesional
Anthropic Creation transformation
Transition of graphic world dual image architectural design, ‘reflects upon the afredesiac of creation innovative prodigy, algorythm of statutory constants and social ethnic anthropology. Afredesiac platform for identification of the human mechanology ‘implimentation schematic for world fundemental logic of life ‘tuteledge’ inspiration of celestial principal , intuition of ethical provisions, intellectual-property, natural ,pure ,and holy world adaptive belonging-identity of the soul to life source, trust and honor to life salvation of earths enlightenedment ' survival and exsistence, 'diversity, exercises-practices co-ordinated collective archeive of natural inherited and man made innovative compliance of world technology ,'Data/ censuses , factors , ’ecological /variables catastrophic , enable the data factor for exsistence to connect, transforming geographical ‘binary 5g world standards to 'manifest world orientation of life flourishment fullfillment intersecting the hirogliphic genes to the world decadence of stewardship and life vocations social ethic methodological principal of unified desighn world structure to follow latest dominion of the practice/ vocation social cultural benifit of human ideology
to be in compliance with earths ‘mystic tradition’ of the calendar/curricular manifest; metabolic; hunting ,fishing , agriculture ,domestic culinary trades/traits, all intellectual property of the generically and hereditary world inheritance probable constants, revise lifepath ideology patent ‘monad package to reconaiasance with landing on unified generic lineage with the intrinsic governance of biological world creation.
Reasources of dual image {five gospels} world prodigy generates the life standards of ui-ux ‘sequencial world implimentation parables; in innovative guidance with the destiny /dynasty of hirogliphic intelligence -pedogogi-avatar-socialethics-stewardship-vocations of life-testament via gods will. 'manifestation of anthropology-intuitive conciousness to stewardhip of life vo