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Sockthing edited this page Nov 27, 2021 · 9 revisions

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Item ID 31xxx
Stackable Yes (64)
Harvest Tool Axe


Bamboo can be found in your local jungle. You need to use an axe to chop down bamboo. To cultivate bamboo further use shears on the bamboo root to get a Bamboo shoot. This won't break the root, but you won't be able to harvest the root again. This will also sterilize this bamboo plant, which means it will remain at it's height and won't grow higher.

Plant a Bamboo shoot to grow a new bamboo plant. While the shoot is growing it has a chance to either grow or spread shoots to nearby blocks (similar to mushrooms). Also in this growing phase you can harvest these shoots with shears to get a Bamboo shoot. Punching or using an axe removes them.

Bamboo can grow to a max height between 8 and 16.

Bamboo Growth Stages
Bamboo Growth Stages


Bamboo can be used as fuel for your campfire or oven. You can also use them instead of sticks to make tools and weapons or maybe you fancy a bamboo torch? These only last half as long as crude torches, but at least you get two.

Infinitely burning tiki torches are crafted with Nether coal and two bamboo vertically.


Crafting grid and desc here


Textures used are from Minecraft 1.17

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