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Grass, Dirt & Loose Dirt

Grass, Dirt & Loose Dirt
Block Grass Dirt Loose Dirt
Block ID 26xx 26xx 26xx
Stackable Yes (64)
Harvest Tool Shovel

Grass Texture pictured above as seen in Plains. Other biomes may vary the color based on the biome's grass color

Dirt and it's respective blocks have a new propety: Nutrition. There are 4 different Stages, from full to nearly empty.

The Dirt and Grass you find all around are full of Nutrition.

If Grass has a low Nutrition Level it will try to regain some during the Night.


Farmland Dry
Fertilizer None Bonemeal Dung
Block ID 26xx 26xx 26xx
Farmland Wet
Fertilizer None Bonemeal Dung
Block ID 26xx 26xx 26xx
Harvest Tool Shovel

In order to get farmland hoe your Grass or Dirt Block like usually. The Farmland will inherit the Nutrition Stage of the Dirt or Grass block hoed.

Every time a plant grows fully the farmland goes down one Nutrition Level. Each Level will decrease the plant growth.Tthe lower the level, the lower the Growth Chance. You can still apply bone meal to boost the growth (See table below for exact numbers).

When the farmland reaches Level 0 plant growth will be very slow. It is recommended to let your farmland be empty and allow weeds to take over the farmland and let the grass spread to regain Nutrition over time.


Nutrition Base Growth Multiplier Bonemeal Growth Multiplier
100% 1.0 2.0
75% 0.75 1.5
50% 0.5 1.0
25% 0.25 0.5

You can apply Fertilizers (like Dung or Bonemeal) to Farmland at any Nutrition Level either by right clicking or dropping the Fertilizer on the Farmland.

Bonemealed Farmland will double the growth rate.

Dunged Farmland will prevent the farmland to lose Nutrition as the plant used the dung. Fertilized Farmland cannot have dung applied to it.

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