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Carrier jumped event
Triggered when you are docked at a fleet carrier as it completes a jump.
Where values are indexed (the compartments on a ship for example), the index will be represented by '<index>'. For VoiceAttack, a variable with the root name of the indexed array shall identify the total number of entries in the array. For example, if compartments 1 and 2 are available then the value of the corresponding 'compartments' variable will be 2.
When using this event in the Speech responder the information about this event is available under the event
object. The available variables are as follows:
{event.bodyId} - The numeric ID of the body nearest body to the carrier, if any
{event.bodyname} - The nearest body to the carrier, if any
{event.bodytype} - The type of the body nearest to the carrier, if any
{event.carriername} - The name of the carrier
{event.conflicts} - A list of conflict objects describing any conflicts between factions in the system, if any
{event.contestingpowers} - (Only when pledged) The localized names of powerplay powers contesting control of the star system, if any
{event.ContestingPowers} - (Only when pledged) Powerplay powers contesting control of the star system, if any, as objects
{event.economy} - The economy of the system into which the carrier has jumped, if any
{event.economy2} - The secondary economy of the system into which the carrier has jumped, if any
{event.factions} - A list of faction objects describing the factions in the system, if any
{event.factions[<index>].allegiance} - The localized allegiance of the faction, if known
{event.factions[<index>].Allegiance} - The allegiance of the faction, if known, as an object
{event.factions[<index>].government} - The localized government of the faction, if known
{event.factions[<index>].Government} - The government of the faction, if known, as an object
{event.factions[<index>].myreputation} - Your reputation with the faction, out of 100%
{event.factions[<index>].name} - The name of the faction
{event.factions[<index>].presences} - A list of FactionPresence objects. Unless called from the FactionDetails() function, only details from the current system will be included here
{event.factions[<index>].presences[<index>].ActiveStates} - (For recently visited systems only) A list of FactionState objects
{event.factions[<index>].presences[<index>].FactionState} - The faction's current dominant state in this system, as an object
{event.factions[<index>].presences[<index>].happiness} - (For recently visited systems only) The current localized happiness level of the faction within the system
{event.factions[<index>].presences[<index>].Happiness} - (For recently visited systems only) The current happiness level of the faction within the system, as an object
{event.factions[<index>].presences[<index>].influence} - The faction's influence level within the system, as a percentage
{event.factions[<index>].presences[<index>].PendingStates} - (For recently visited systems only) A list of pending FactionState objects and trend values
{event.factions[<index>].presences[<index>].RecoveringStates} - (For recently visited systems only) A list of recent prior FactionState objects and trend values
{event.factions[<index>].presences[<index>].squadronhomesystem} - (For recently visited systems only) True if the faction is the pilot's current squadron faction
{event.factions[<index>].presences[<index>].state} - The faction's current (localized) dominant state in this system
{event.factions[<index>].presences[<index>].systemAddress} - The unique 64 bit system address where this faction has a presence
{event.factions[<index>].presences[<index>].systemName} - The system name where this faction hasa presence
{event.factions[<index>].squadronfaction} - True if the faction is the pilot's current squadron faction
{event.population} - The population of the system into which the carrier has jumped, if any
{event.power} - (Only when pledged) The localized powerplay power controlling the star system, if any. If the star system is
, this will be empty -
{event.Power} - (Only when pledged) The powerplay power controlling the star system, if any, as an object. If the star system is
, this will be empty -
{event.powerstate} - (Only when pledged) The state of powerplay efforts within the star system
{event.PowerState} - (Only when pledged) The state of powerplay efforts within the star system, as an object
{event.security} - The security of the system into which the carrier has jumped, if any
{event.shortname} - The short name of the nearest body, if any
{event.systemAddress} - The numeric system address of the system into which the carrier has jumped
{event.systemallegiance} - The allegiance of the system into which the carrier has jumped, if any
{event.systemfaction} - The faction controlling the system into which the carrier has jumped, if any
{event.systemgovernment} - The government of the system into which the carrier has jumped, if any
{event.systemname} - The name of the system into which the carrier has jumped
{event.systemstate} - The state of the faction controlling the system into which the carrier has jumped, if any
{event.ThargoidWar} - Thargoid war data, when applicable
{event.ThargoidWar.CurrentState} - The current phase of the Thargoid war, as a localizable object.
{event.ThargoidWar.FailureState} - The next phase of the Thargoid war, if success is not achieved, as a localizable object.
{event.ThargoidWar.progress} - Percent progress in achieving a success state in the current phase of the Thargoid war. Progress can decrease if success is not reached before the weekly 'tick'.
{event.ThargoidWar.remainingDays} - The number of remaining days in the current phase of the Thargoid war.
{event.ThargoidWar.remainingPorts} - The number of ports which have not yet fallen into Thargoid control.
{event.ThargoidWar.succeeded} - True if commanders have achieved a success state in the current phase of the Thargoid war.
{event.ThargoidWar.SuccessState} - The next phase of the Thargoid war, if success is achieved, as a localizable object.
{event.x} - The X co-ordinate of the system into which the carrier has jumped
{event.y} - The Y co-ordinate of the system into which the carrier has jumped
{event.z} - The Z co-ordinate of the system into which the carrier has jumped
To respond to this event in VoiceAttack, create a command entitled ((EDDI carrier jumped)). VoiceAttack variables will be generated to allow you to access the event information.
The following VoiceAttack variables are available for this event:
{DEC:EDDI carrier jumped body id} - The numeric ID of the body nearest body to the carrier, if any
{TXT:EDDI carrier jumped bodyname} - The nearest body to the carrier, if any
{TXT:EDDI carrier jumped bodytype} - The type of the body nearest to the carrier, if any
{TXT:EDDI carrier jumped carriername} - The name of the carrier
{INT:EDDI carrier jumped conflicts} - A list of conflict objects describing any conflicts between factions in the system, if any
{INT:EDDI carrier jumped conflicts <index> conflictdays}
{TXT:EDDI carrier jumped conflicts <index> faction1}
{INT:EDDI carrier jumped conflicts <index> faction1dayswon}
{TXT:EDDI carrier jumped conflicts <index> faction2}
{INT:EDDI carrier jumped conflicts <index> faction2dayswon}
{INT:EDDI carrier jumped conflicts <index> margin}
{TXT:EDDI carrier jumped conflicts <index> stake}
{TXT:EDDI carrier jumped conflicts <index> state}
{TXT:EDDI carrier jumped conflicts <index> status}
{INT:EDDI carrier jumped contesting powers} - (Only when pledged) Powerplay powers contesting control of the star system, if any, as objects
{TXT:EDDI carrier jumped contesting powers <index> invariant name}
{TXT:EDDI carrier jumped contesting powers <index> name}
{INT:EDDI carrier jumped contestingpowers} - (Only when pledged) The localized names of powerplay powers contesting control of the star system, if any
{TXT:EDDI carrier jumped contestingpowers <index>}
{TXT:EDDI carrier jumped economy} - The economy of the system into which the carrier has jumped, if any
{TXT:EDDI carrier jumped economy2} - The secondary economy of the system into which the carrier has jumped, if any
{INT:EDDI carrier jumped factions} - A list of faction objects describing the factions in the system, if any
{TXT:EDDI carrier jumped factions <index> allegiance} - The localized allegiance of the faction, if known
{TXT:EDDI carrier jumped factions <index> allegiance invariant name}
{TXT:EDDI carrier jumped factions <index> allegiance name}
{TXT:EDDI carrier jumped factions <index> government} - The localized government of the faction, if known
{TXT:EDDI carrier jumped factions <index> government invariant name}
{TXT:EDDI carrier jumped factions <index> government name}
{DEC:EDDI carrier jumped factions <index> myreputation} - Your reputation with the faction, out of 100%
{TXT:EDDI carrier jumped factions <index> name} - The name of the faction
{INT:EDDI carrier jumped factions <index> presences} - A list of FactionPresence objects. Unless called from the FactionDetails() function, only details from the current system will be included here
{INT:EDDI carrier jumped factions <index> presences <index> active states} - (For recently visited systems only) A list of FactionState objects
{TXT:EDDI carrier jumped factions <index> presences <index> active states <index> invariant name}
{TXT:EDDI carrier jumped factions <index> presences <index> active states <index> name}
{TXT:EDDI carrier jumped factions <index> presences <index> faction state invariant name}
{TXT:EDDI carrier jumped factions <index> presences <index> faction state name}
{TXT:EDDI carrier jumped factions <index> presences <index> happiness} - (For recently visited systems only) The current localized happiness level of the faction within the system
{TXT:EDDI carrier jumped factions <index> presences <index> happiness invariant name}
{TXT:EDDI carrier jumped factions <index> presences <index> happiness name}
{DEC:EDDI carrier jumped factions <index> presences <index> influence} - The faction's influence level within the system, as a percentage
{INT:EDDI carrier jumped factions <index> presences <index> pending states} - (For recently visited systems only) A list of pending FactionState objects and trend values
{TXT:EDDI carrier jumped factions <index> presences <index> pending states <index> faction state invariant name}
{TXT:EDDI carrier jumped factions <index> presences <index> pending states <index> faction state name}
{INT:EDDI carrier jumped factions <index> presences <index> pending states <index> trend}
{INT:EDDI carrier jumped factions <index> presences <index> recovering states} - (For recently visited systems only) A list of recent prior FactionState objects and trend values
{TXT:EDDI carrier jumped factions <index> presences <index> recovering states <index> faction state invariant name}
{TXT:EDDI carrier jumped factions <index> presences <index> recovering states <index> faction state name}
{INT:EDDI carrier jumped factions <index> presences <index> recovering states <index> trend}
{BOOL:EDDI carrier jumped factions <index> presences <index> squadronhomesystem} - (For recently visited systems only) True if the faction is the pilot's current squadron faction
{TXT:EDDI carrier jumped factions <index> presences <index> state} - The faction's current (localized) dominant state in this system
{DEC:EDDI carrier jumped factions <index> presences <index> system address} - The unique 64 bit system address where this faction has a presence
{TXT:EDDI carrier jumped factions <index> presences <index> system name} - The system name where this faction hasa presence
{BOOL:EDDI carrier jumped factions <index> squadronfaction} - True if the faction is the pilot's current squadron faction
{DEC:EDDI carrier jumped population} - The population of the system into which the carrier has jumped, if any
{TXT:EDDI carrier jumped power} - (Only when pledged) The localized powerplay power controlling the star system, if any. If the star system is
, this will be empty -
{TXT:EDDI carrier jumped power invariant name}
{TXT:EDDI carrier jumped power name}
{TXT:EDDI carrier jumped power state invariant name}
{TXT:EDDI carrier jumped power state name}
{TXT:EDDI carrier jumped powerstate} - (Only when pledged) The state of powerplay efforts within the star system
{TXT:EDDI carrier jumped security} - The security of the system into which the carrier has jumped, if any
{TXT:EDDI carrier jumped shortname} - The short name of the nearest body, if any
{DEC:EDDI carrier jumped system address} - The numeric system address of the system into which the carrier has jumped
{TXT:EDDI carrier jumped systemallegiance} - The allegiance of the system into which the carrier has jumped, if any
{TXT:EDDI carrier jumped systemfaction} - The faction controlling the system into which the carrier has jumped, if any
{TXT:EDDI carrier jumped systemgovernment} - The government of the system into which the carrier has jumped, if any
{TXT:EDDI carrier jumped systemname} - The name of the system into which the carrier has jumped
{TXT:EDDI carrier jumped systemstate} - The state of the faction controlling the system into which the carrier has jumped, if any
{TXT:EDDI carrier jumped thargoid war current state invariant name}
{TXT:EDDI carrier jumped thargoid war current state name}
{TXT:EDDI carrier jumped thargoid war failure state invariant name}
{TXT:EDDI carrier jumped thargoid war failure state name}
{DEC:EDDI carrier jumped thargoid war progress} - Percent progress in achieving a success state in the current phase of the Thargoid war. Progress can decrease if success is not reached before the weekly 'tick'.
{INT:EDDI carrier jumped thargoid war remaining days} - The number of remaining days in the current phase of the Thargoid war.
{INT:EDDI carrier jumped thargoid war remaining ports} - The number of ports which have not yet fallen into Thargoid control.
{BOOL:EDDI carrier jumped thargoid war succeeded} - True if commanders have achieved a success state in the current phase of the Thargoid war.
{TXT:EDDI carrier jumped thargoid war success state invariant name}
{TXT:EDDI carrier jumped thargoid war success state name}
{DEC:EDDI carrier jumped x} - The X co-ordinate of the system into which the carrier has jumped
{DEC:EDDI carrier jumped y} - The Y co-ordinate of the system into which the carrier has jumped
{DEC:EDDI carrier jumped z} - The Z co-ordinate of the system into which the carrier has jumped
For more details on VoiceAttack integration, see https://github.com/EDCD/EDDI/wiki/VoiceAttack-Integration.