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Minecraft Bingo 5.0 - Release Candidate 1

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@NeunEinser NeunEinser released this 10 Jul 11:10
· 414 commits to master since this release

This is the first and hopefully only release candidate. If no major issues are found, this will be the version released as full 5.0 release.
If there is anything you think is behaving weirdly or unexpectedly, even if it has been like that for a while, please do report it to me. The bug tracker can be found here: You can also just send my a message on Discord or Twitter (Twitter DMs are open) or any other channel.

Extensive testing in both multiplayer and single player would be appreciated.

Download and installation

This map is made for Minecraft Version 1.16.5. No other version will work
Spigot and Paper are not supported. I recommend FabricMC with Lithium and Phosphor for the best performance. Vanilla works as well.


  1. Find the file called in assets down below and download it.
  2. Extract/unzip it to your Minecraft saves directory.
  3. When you start Minecraft, you should now find the Bingo map right at the top of your worlds. Just open the map now. You do not need anything else.


  1. Find the file called in assets down below and download it.
  2. Extract/unzip it in the same directory as your server.jar file is located.
  3. Find the file called from the assets section below and download it. You can also view it here.
  4. If you already have a customized file, make sure to copy all the settings present in the downloaded file over. Otherwise, just copy the file in the same directory as your server.jar, replacing it if it is already present.
  5. Just start your server now like you usually would.


  • Below the Bingo spawn point there is now a dirt block pillar instead of only a single dirt block, in case the spawnpoint is not suitable otherwise
  • Optimization: Reduced network traffic within the Bingo Lobby. (#130)
  • Bug Fixes

Lobby Optimization

Signs are frequently replaced with air and then with the sign again. This is mostly done to work around MC-162441 and prevent players from seeing translation keys on signs caused by the resourcepack loading late.

In previous versions, this was done every game tick for all signs. This caused a lot of network traffic on servers, since the data of all signs was send to all clients. This caused bad ping for some servers in the lobby specifically.

In this version, this has been reduced to only once per second and only for signs close to players.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed You can spawn inside a ravine or a lava/water lake (#89)
  • Made sure all players are properly on ground before initializing the countdown sequence
  • Fixed Switching to spectator mode before game start may cause the spawn point to be set in the air (#127)
  • Fixed The pre-gen bar keeps showing when generating a new card ( #126)
  • Fixed When spawning in, the player receives damage (#132)
  • Fixed When rejoining, the coordinate display uses global coordinates until the component is updated again (#131)


NegativeSpaceFont by AmberWat:
Original idea and 1.11 implementation by Lorgon111:

Code Contributors

@NeunEinser - Main / Lead developer


German translation by @NeunEinser and @gbegerow
Polish translation by @Kri5t0fK