Fetchr 5.1 Pre-Release 2
The second pre-release is out with some minor tweaks and bug fixes. Enjoy!
- Revised some item categories and added minor new items
- Updated Credits
- During the skybox phase, all entities are now invulnerable and items cannot be picked up
- Fireworks properly spread and explode again
- Bugfixes
Item Changes
- Added Tuff as an alternative to deepslate items
- Added big dripleaf as an alternative to other lush cave items
- Added dried kelp
- Stonecutter and dried kelp block are now no longer mutually exclusive
- Stonecutter is now mutually exclusive with other "basic iron" items (Acacia Hanging Sign, Raw Iron Block, Iron Block, Cauldron)
- Added new kelp category with dried kelp and dried kelp block
- Piston and sticky piston are no longer mutually exclusive with redstone block and repeater
- Renamed "Common Burried Treasure Loot" to "Shipwreck Loot"
- Blue trimmed leather boots now have a custom tooltip in the category chests saying "Any Armor Trim" instead of "Shaper Armor Trim"
- Removed "Used Tools" section
- Added "Special Thanks" section (including toolmakers)
- Moved Alpha testers to the front
- Moved translators to the back
- Removed credits for AmberW's negative space font as it is no longer used
- Fixed game info missing that granite can still generate in copper ore veins
- Fixed page missing in pregen book
- Fixed lockout mode claiming victory early in certain edge cases when multiple teams have the same amount of items
- Fixed Deepslate category missing a translation (#201)
- Fixed entities right at the spawn block suffocating at the game start (#202)
- Fixed items being possible to be picked up before the game starts (and then being cleared) (#203)
- Fixed reloading the world while in the skybox making you unable to use the "Leave Game" sign (#200)
- Fixed Fireworks no longer having an explosion effect (#187)
- Fixed Fireworks no longer being spread around the player (#188)
- Fixed capitalization of "Blue Trimmed Leather Boots"