Here's a list of all the jargon that we use in our coding standards.
If our coding standard says one thing, and this Glossary says something else, please assume that the coding standard is wrong, and file a bug report.
Table of Contents:
- Base Class
- Branded Type
- Caller
- Command/Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS)
- Data Bag
- Data Guarantee
- Data Guard
- Default Value
- Defensive Programming
- Dependency Injection
- Dependency
- Docblock
- End-User
- Entity
- Exported Item
- Extension
- Flavoured Type
- Function Prefix
- Function Signature
- Hard-Coded
- Identity
- Identity Function
- Identity Type
- Immutability
- Inherited Method
- Instantiable Type
- Mandatory Dependency
- No-Op
- Nominal Typing
- Optional Input / Optional Parameter / Default Parameter
- Overridden Method
- Plain Object
- Primitive Type
- Protocol
- Refined Type
- Rest Parameter / Variadic Parameter
- Reusability
- Side Effects
- Smart Constructor
- Structural Typing
- Type Alias
- Type Casting
- Type Guarantee
- Type Guard
- Type Inference
- Type Predicate
- User-Supplied Functional Options
- User-Supplied Input
- User-Supplied Options
- User-Supplied Optional Dependencies
- Value
- Value Object