An implementation of DancingPRMstar. Current version requires a lot of effort to refine the overall performance / readability also might have lots of bugs. Please enjoy it as an underdeveoped implementation.
How to run Installation tips:
- OMPL(Open Motion Planning Library,, tested on 1.1.0)
- V-REP(, tested on 3.2.2 EDU)
- It is based on Lazy PRM*(Lazy Collision Checking in Asymptotically-Optimal Motion Planning, Kris Hauser, 2015) with my own implemenetation of DSPT(Fully dynamic algorithms for maintaining shortest paths trees, D. Frigioni, Journal of Algoritms, 2000).
- Trajectory optimizer is not provided in this version. Please refer to the corresponding source code for the implementation tip. You can use uBLAS or Eigen library for linear algebra computation; this version is Eigen-friendly though.
- Routines for experiment and debug might remain incomplete/unused.
- Copy "DancingPRMstar.cpp" and "DancingPRMstar.h" into $(OMPL_PATH)/src/ompl/geometric/planners/prm/
Successful compilation would generate a library file(e.g., libompl.*). Copy it into /usr/local/lib so that V-REP can load the ompl library file successfully.
Replace v_repExtOMPL directory in V-REP directory($(VREP_PATH)/programming/v_repExtOMPL) with downloaded v_repExtOMPL.
Compile v_repExtOMPL and copy libv.repExtOMPL.* into V-REP directory(
Run V-REP and check the console ouptut to make sure that all the library files are successfully loaded.
If you have any problem with installation or following the above steps, feel free to mail me or leave a comment.