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Sort DHCP Reservations by IP

igrm edited this page Dec 26, 2013 · 7 revisions

The GUI page has no such ability, so I am using the command below. It needs to be run on the router and the output will be a sorted (by IP) list of all DHCP reservations.

nvram get dhcp_staticlist | sed 's/</\n/g' | grep ":" | awk -F">" '{ print $2">"$1">"$3; }' | \
sort -t . -k 1,1n -k 2,2n -k 3,3n -k 4,4n | awk -F">" '{ print $2">"$1">"$3; }' | \
sed 's/^/</g' | tr -d '\n' | sed 's/^/nvram set dhcp_staticlist="/' | sed 's/$/"\n/' | \
tee /tmp/

The output is as below, i.e. a ready-to-run command to re-set the list.

nvram set dhcp_staticlist="<XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX>>name1<YY:YY:YY:YY:YY:YY>>name2<ZZ:ZZ:ZZ:ZZ:ZZ:ZZ>>name3"

To apply the change and if you are satisfied with the result, run the commands below

sh /tmp/
nvram commit
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